Uniform Shop
Online Store
Exciting News! Our online store is now up and running. Purchases can be made via MSA (My Student Account).
Please use this to replace items during the year and if sizes are known. This does not replace booking an appointment for the start of the year purchase of uniforms.
To access the My Student Account website click HERE.
For instructions on how to order via the My Student Account click HERE.
Please note that online orders are unavailable during school holidays.
Uniform Shop Hours
Uniform items are available only from the College Uniform Shop which operates on the following days during term-time:
- Monday 8am to 11.45am
- Wednesday 12pm to 3.45pm
- Friday 8am to 11.45am
Appointments must be made to secure a fitting time. Fittings take between 30 to 45 minutes.
To book an appointment online please click HERE
The Shop is located on Stephen Street Campus. All uniform items are available for purchase except for shoes and stockings.
Purchase Methods
- ONLINE STORE via MSA (My Student Account)
- Attend during opening hours
- Email orders to Uniform Shop: clcshop@concordia.qld.edu.au