The Week Ahead - Term 1, Week 9
Monday 18 March - Friday 22 March
From the Head of College
From the College Pastor
Community News
Engage Youth - Treasure Hunt
Meetings happen every fortnight.
State Honours Ensemble Program Darling Downs 2024
Concordia had a number of students represent the College admirably with their talents in the Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University State Honours Ensemble Program Darling Downs 2024, Friday 8 – Sunday 10 March.
This program is an educational program for music students that helps extend and encourage their pursuit of musical excellence. Students need to be nominated by their school to apply before they are then selected from a list of criteria. Congratulations to the following students who should be very proud of their commitment, achievements and attitude throughout the program:
Alisah Bellette - Vocal Alto
Kaylee Cowan - Violin
Isaac Maden - Vocal Alto
Eliane Thien - Flute
Autumn Leaves - Soloist Concert
Autumn Leaves - Soloist Concert will be on Wednesday 20 March at 5.30 in the Chapel at SSC. Everyone is welcome to attend and enjoy the music!
Thursday 28 March - Office Closure Times
Please note that our offices will close at 3.30pm on Thursday, March 28 for the Easter Holidays.
CLC Cross Country Inter-House Carnival - Wednesday 27 March
On Wednesday 27 March, we will be holding the CLC Cross Country Inter-House Carnival. For more information about the event, please see the attached Program.
Walk My Way - Brisbane
For the last couple of years our Concordia community has supported ALWS (Australian Lutheran World Service), who are extremely efficient in supporting people in need across the world, especially those forgotten by the media, through a Walk My Way event in Semester 2.
This year ALWS have organised a big event in Brisbane on Saturday 11 May in support of children and families in Ukraine. It would be great if we as a community could support this – either by individuals travelling down and participating or/and we as a community possibly getting a busload of people and going down together. Here is a video about the event:

More information is available at:
If you could please connect with me and let me know if you or your child is interested in being part of this over the next couple of weeks, that would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Attention 2025 Year 7s
Enrolment interviews for our 2025 Year 7 cohort have commenced. If you have a younger child not at one of our Junior Campuses wishing to join our College, please contact our College Registrar, Mrs Jolene Healy.
As a reminder, as a current family, you do not need to pay the Application Fee again.
Mrs Healy will guide you through the enrolment process and answer any questions you may have.
Please call: Mrs Healy on 4688 2788 or email:
Project Based Learning at Concordia
Junior College
JC InitiaLit, MiniLit and MacqLit Programs
Our Initialit, MiniLit and MacqLit Reading Programs are structured evidence- based approaches to the teaching of reading. Structured literacy involves a combination of phonemic awareness, decoding and explicit teacher-led instruction. The attached ABC news article provides some strategies on how parents can support their children in the early years of reading which aligns with our teaching of reading at Concordia.
JC Year 6 Open Day Invitation for Meet and Greet Student Volunteers
We would like to invite our Year 6 students to be a part of our upcoming Open Day on Saturday 23 March, between 9.00am - 12.30pm.
As the Year 6 students will be meeting and greeting the wider community and families coming in to view our College, they will be required to wear their College Formal Uniform.
If your child is able to assist us, could you please indicate this via the jotform below. We know that weekends are busy times with sport and family events so any time they are able to spare would be appreciated.
Thank you for your assistance.
JC Year 6 Open Day Invitation for Meet and Greet Student Volunteers
CLC OSHC - Before School Care
JC Year 5 Leadership Day - Thursday 21 March
On Thursday 21 March, our JC Year 5 students will be attending a Leadership Day at Koojarewon Youth Camp.
Event details:
- Program activities will be led by Koojarewon Youth Camp staff at the Koojarewon Youth Camp.
Students are required to:
- wear their sports uniform and College hat;
- bring a small bag with morning tea and lunch, water bottle, rain jacket, insect repellent and sunscreen.
If you haven't already done so, please head to Parent Lounge to provide your permission.
JC Prep Five, Fun and Fabulous - Tuesday 19 March
On Tuesday 19 March the students from HSC will catch the bus over to WSC for a morning of fun activities celebrating the superstar little humans that they are.
Parents are welcome to attend this fun morning. For more details about this event, please refer to the email sent on behalf of Leanne Auricht and Natalie Blackwell.
JC Wacky Wednesday
It all began one crazy
day when things were not just as they should be!! A shoe on the wall and chairs
with only three legs – How Bizarre!!

Year 1 students will be dressing up and participating in a Wacky Wednesday fun day. Students are invited to come dressed in all things wacky. It could be as simple as odd socks and shoes, funny things on your head, wearing your shirts backwards or soccer outfit mixed with a tutu. These are just a few examples!!!
HSC and WSC will be holding their special days on two different days in Week 9:
HSC Wacky Wednesday – Wednesday 20 March 2024
WSC Wacky Wednesday – Thursday 21 March 2024
JC Prep World Oral Health Day - Wednesday 20 March
Our Prep students will be coming together at HSC on Wednesday 20 March to celebrate World Oral Health Day.
We are fortunate enough to have one of our college parents, who is a dentist, coming in to give the Preppies a presentation about how they can keep their teeth and gums healthy.
JC Open Day Activities for Students Booking Form 2024
We would like to invite you to support your College and its future growth and prosperity, by helping to promote and be a part of our upcoming Open Day on Saturday 23 March, between 9.00am to 12.30pm.
If your child/ren are able to participate on the day by taking part in one or more of the set activities, could you please indicate your preferences here. Feel free to choose more than one time slot. It is a great opportunity for students to try out some of the fun programs that our College has to offer. There are limited numbers for some of the activities.
Children will be required to wear College Sports Uniform and bring a water bottle.
We will contact you if any changes need to be made to your selection.
Thank you for your assistance.
Outside School Hours Care
Hume Street Campus
HSC Harmony Day
At Concordia Lutheran College we are blessed to have many families from many cultures. We will be celebrating these different cultures with a special Harmony Day shared lunch. Please see the details below…
Please deliver to the tuck shop. We will have ovens etc. that can keep some foods warm if needed.
All parents are invited to join us for this lovely celebration. Please be mindful of our 'no nuts' and 'no egg' policy.
HSC Year 4 Cycle Safety - Thursday 14 and 21 March
Each year the Year 4 students attend a Cycle Safety Program with the PCYC at Groom Park. Please find below the details of the program.
Time and Dates:
Thursday 14 March (completed) and Thursday 21 March - 9am to 1.30pm
Students are required to:
• wear their sports uniform and College hat.
• bring a packed lunch, water bottle and sunscreen (please do not order tuck shop on these two weeks).
• bring along a bike helmet if you have one. Bikes will be provided by PCYC.
HSC Weekly Events
Please click here to view HSC's Events for Term 1 2024, Week 9.
Warwick Street Campus
WSC Weekly Events
Please click here to view WSC's Events for Term 1, Week 9 2024.
WSC Harmony Day
At Concordia Lutheran College we are blessed to have many families from many cultures. We will be celebrating these different cultures with a special Harmony Day shared lunch. Please see the details below…
Please deliver to the Shed. We will have ovens etc. that can keep some foods warm if needed.
All parents are invited to join us for this lovely celebration. Please be mindful of our 'no nuts' policy.
WSC Campus Photos – Monday 18 March

WSC Campus Photos – Monday 18 March
Our campus photos are scheduled for Monday 18 March. Please ensure your child/ren are in the correct uniform. Students in Prep will wear their sports uniform. All students from Years 1 to 6 are required to wear their formal uniform.
Family Photos
To enable parents to purchase a family photo of all or some of their children who attend Concordia Lutheran College, photos of siblings will be taken in the Warwick Street Campus Shed between 8am and 8.15am on photo day.
It will be the parents’ responsibility to get their SSC children to WSC for the family photo and then take them to SSC ready for school before 8.30am. If you would like family photos done, please collect a family photo envelope from Reception prior to photo day.
WSC Parent Connect - Win a Car Park Fundraiser
WSC Student Council Japan Earthquake Fundraiser
Bring a plush toy for a gold coin donation.
Proceeds go to the 2024 Japan Earthquake Disaster Relief Fund to help raise money for the people of Noto in Japan as they recover from a huge earthquake that struck earlier this year.
Drop Off & Pick Up Changes for Week 9
Next week commencing Monday 18 March the concrete outside the WSC Resource Centre is being painted. When dropping students in the Drive Through area in the mornings, students will be asked to walk around the back of the Resource Centre and then onto the top oval to get to their classrooms. This area will be barricaded and there will be no access throughout the course of the week.
If you are walking your students into school from the Drive Through area, please use the crossing at the top of the Drive Through and walk through the front entrance on Warwick Street.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Stephen Street Campus
Strive to be Kind Day
Next Thursday, Stephen Street Campus will be partaking in a new way to not only raise awareness about domestic violence but to take part in an activity.
We will be holding our own Strive to be Kind Day, on Thursday the 21st of March, we ask that you wear a piece of denim and hang one of the coloured sunflowers in the yellow heart on the wall opposite the sports notice boards.
We are supporting the Allison Baden-Clay Foundation which was created in memory of a lady who was a victim of domestic violence in Brisbane. As a family, they have created a foundation to not only raise awareness, but they are building it to be able to take action to stop domestic violence. As a college, we will be doing our part next Thursday and we ask for everyone to do their part by wearing denim or partaking in the heart creation.
Sport News
Sports News – Term 1, Week 8
Volleyball Round 7
Junior Girls: Won 2-1
Intermediate Girls (Year 9): Loss 1-2
Intermediate Girls (Year 10): Won 2-1
Senior Girls: Loss 23-25
Cricket Round 4 vs Scots
Junior Boys: Defeated
Senior Boys: Won
Basketball Round 5
7/8 Boys vs Highfields SHS - Won 25-11
9/10 Boys vs Highfields SHS - Loss 69-31
9/10 Girls vs Pittsworth SHS - Loss 22-13
Open Boys vs Downlands College - Won 82-36
Open Girls - vs Downlands College - Loss 53-26
Please see emails from coaches for upcoming fixtures and other details.
Upcoming Sport Opportunities
There are numerous Darling Downs trials happening across a variety of sports. If you would like to trial for one of these or need more information, please keep an eye on the notices or send Mr. Biscoe an email at
Boarding News
Hi to all our Concordia boarding families.
Only 2 weeks left until it is home time for Easter and the holidays.
Last week, I emphasized the significance of studying outside of the classroom. I strongly encourage all students to manage their time wisely between their academic, extracurricular, and social activities. This will help them learn the importance of balancing their responsibilities and leisure activities. To support those who need it, we remind students to use the library where extra tutorials are available. Many students have already taken advantage of this opportunity and found it very helpful.
As I mentioned previously, learning to live away from home and taking care of oneself is the most vital life skill that students acquire while attending boarding school. This newfound independence will give them the confidence they need to overcome any challenges that they may encounter in life. Managing time, friendship groups, money, and dealing with homesickness are all skills that need to be learned. By learning how to budget and solve problems independently, students can build their confidence. I am confident that you will notice how much your daughter or son has grown during their first term of boarding.
This weekend, we will be going to Wet n Wild for a fun day out. All our tutors will be attending along with Andrew and myself. It is a great reward for all the hard work throughout the term.
This week, we had a couple of keen bakers in the kitchen who made a lovely Weetbix slice. The students enjoyed it very much.
Dungeons and Dragons is a popular pastime for a few of our students, Molly, Bella, and Emma.
Congratulations to Chelsea Prain for winning the Arts and Crafts award at the Tara Show.
All of our Year 10 students completed a week of work experience in and around Toowoomba last week, which went well.
Until next week, take care and look after each other.
Mrs Maureen Taurima and Mr Andrew Bull
Boarding Houseparents