The Week Ahead - Term 2, Week 3
Monday 3 May to Friday 7 May 2021
From the Head of College
This week has seen the whole College swing into action. The highlights have undoubtedly been the Year 5 Camp, the major musical production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream and the visit of the newly appointed Head of College, Mr Anton Prinsloo – all in a shortened four-day week! Thank you everyone for your support and efforts and my prayer is that the whole College community takes time to relax over the coming long weekend.
The next week sees a ‘relative’ return to normal. The final two days will see the Stephen Street Campus Track and Field Carnival take place followed by the Junior College Track and Field Carnival on the main oval at Stephen Street. These are always wonderful community events and I encourage parents and extended family to attend in support of the competitors.
A reminder that we are still under COVID-19 requirements. The key consideration relates to ensuring that if any signs and symptoms appear, then testing and isolation until results are received is critical. The personal hygiene steps that we are used to now are all still very relevant as we seek to keep our College community healthy and safe.
Kind regards
Mr Adrian Wiles
Head of College
From the College Pastor
Community News
NAPLAN Information
NAPLAN tests will be conducted in 2021. All students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 are expected to participate in NAPLAN tests. Concordia Lutheran College will be conducting NAPLAN texts through Online testing.
All students will participate in an online practice test on the morning of 26 March. The NAPLAN formal testing period commences from Monday 10 May until Friday 21 May.
NAPLAN assesses literacy and numeracy skills that students have already learnt through the school curriculum. Concordia teachers will ensure that students are familiar with the test formats and will provide appropriate support and guidance.
NAPLAN tests are constructed to give students an opportunity to demonstrate skills they have learnt. NAPLAN tests give you information on how your child is progressing against national standards.
Adjustments can be provided for students with disability to enable them to access the tests on an equivalent basis to students without disability.
Parents or guardians may withdraw their child from the tests to address issues such as religious beliefs and philosophical objections to testing. It is recommended that withdrawal be considered in consultation with your child's classroom teacher at Hume Street Campus and Warwick Street Campus or the Year Level and Pastoral Coordinator at Stephen Street Campus. Formal notification must be received by the College prior to testing.
More information about NAPLAN will be provided as we get closer to the testing days.
Click here for further information about NAPLAN 2021.
Ms Wendy Bowen
Director of Learning and Innovation
Project Based Learning at Concordia
Junior College
JC P-2 Modified Track & Field Carnival
On Friday 14 May we will be holding our Prep to Year 2 Modified Track and Field Carnival at our Warwick Street Campus. Please click on the attached letter for more information.
JC Inter-house Track and Field Carnival Meal Deal
Attached below is the JC Inter-house Track and Field Carnival Meal Deal Flyer. Please note that only the Year 2 students that are 8yrs old (born 2013) will be able to order the meal deal. All other year 2 students along with Prep and Year 1 students are not able to order this meal deal as they will be returning back to their Campus.
All orders need to be placed via My Student Account by 3pm Tuesday 4 May.
JC Inter-House Track & Field Carnival News
Throughout last term our students have participated in PE classes and preparing for this year’s Junior College Track and Field carnival which is to be held in Week 3, Term 2. Last Friday afternoon our students ran in the pre-carnival 800m event which was a great afternoon of competition between all houses with many students running some great times.
Arabella Knopke broke the girls 10 years record in her race. The 2021 Discus events have been completed also, these events set the tone for a big day of competition at our Junior College Carnival.
See the link below for a copy of the Junior College Track and Field Program:
JC Track And Field Carnival Program 2021
Our Zone Cross Country team have been training before and after school, with many taking advantage of the sessions at Kearneys Spring Reserve to familiarise and prepare themselves for this event.
The Central Zone Cross Country Team consists of Arabella Knopke, Atoor Jok, Skye Henning, Emma Walkington, Marcus Dealtry, Sebastian Millett, Sam Dignon, Josh Dolley, Willoughby Allard, Chloe Bertram, Chase Robertson, Ben Watson, Zoe Pietsch, Lily Pietsch, Annabelle Millett, Ava Hopper, Cooper Finlayson, Austin Knopke, Ethan Gorham, Oliver Foley and Bruce Omanga.
Good luck to all that are competing in these upcoming events.
Outside School Hours Care
Hume Street Campus
From the Director
PJ Day - Wednesday 5 May
During Term 1, Isaac Maden spoke with the Year 4 students about some work that he does with and for Gateway House. This is a group that provide short term housing for youth in need. Isaac’s talk really touched the hearts of the Year 4 students and they decided as a group to support this project.
They have written to businesses getting both cash and product donations. The Year 4 students will be hosting a PJ Day on Wednesday 5 May with the gold coin donations going to buy back packs with individual toilets and something comforting for the youth receiving care at the Gateway House.
Under 8’s Day
We are looking forward to hosting the Under 8’s this year. If you are a parent and would like to attend, please pre-register here.
Under 8's Day Parent Registration Form
Mother’s Day Events
We are hosting 2 events this year.
- Our P&F are having a Mother’s Day stall on Wednesday 5 May and Thursday 6 May. If you submitted a request for your child to participate in this, please bring in the money for the gifts. If you are unsure if you have sent it in please check with Carolyn Lynch in the Office.
- Pampering morning – Imagine 45 minutes of being made to feel special. Come join us Thursday 6 May 7.45am-8.30am and be pampered by your child. Registering is required and available here.
Click here to view HSC's Events for Term 2, Week 3.
Mrs Juanetta Priest
Director of Campus
Tuckshop Orders
At HSC, Tuckshop is held on a Thursday. All orders are to be completed online at My Student Account by 3pm each Wednesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Thursday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 8.
There will be NO TUCKSHOP on the following dates
Week 3 – Thursday 6 May
Week 4 – Thursday 13 May
Aussie Hoops Program

Warwick Street Campus
From the Director
Stepping outside the classroom and getting on a bus to go to school camp can often come with mixed emotions. As we farewelled our Year 5 students as they headed off to Tallebudgera this week, many different emotions were evident. Some were a little anxious, others were bursting with excitement and some weren’t too sure how to feel!
School camps are an important part of the curriculum and give students opportunities to learn new skills, develop independence and expand their friendships. Students and teachers seeing each other in a different environment enables them to further build on their relationships which in turn enhances student learning. As the bus pulls into HSC this afternoon I’m sure there will be some tired faces but also many stories to tell - from students and teachers!
Week 3 sees us begin our Athletics season with our first major event being our Junior College Interhouse Athletics Carnival on Friday 7 May at SSC. This will be followed by our very first Prep to Year 2 Carnival which will be held the following Friday 14 May at WSC. We wish all students well as they compete in these events.
A special reminder to all of our Mums for our Move it and Muffins with Mum event next Thursday 6 May. Come in your favourite active wear and enjoy some time “moving it” with your children, followed by a warm savoury muffin and a cup of tea or coffee. I look forward to seeing you there!
Click here to view WSC's Events for Week 3.
Blessings for the week ahead.
Mrs Jackie Minnikin
Director of Campus
Mother’s Day Celebration - Thursday 6 May

Please click on the link to register your attendance
WSC 'Move It' & Muffins with Mum Registration
Mother’s Day Stall – Thursday 6 May
Our Mothers’ Day Stall will be held on Thursday 6 May. This year there will be both $5.00 and $10.00 gifts available to purchase.
Gifts - Your child/ren may like to purchase a present for Mums, Nannies, Grandmas or any other special motherly role models. Money will need to be brought to school on Thursday 6 May. Please place the money in an envelope marked with:
- Child’s name
- Amount in envelope
- Number of gifts to be purchased
Word on the Street
Word on the Street is that Mrs Smith was the best body boarder on Year 5 Camp!

Tuckshop Orders
At WSC, Tuckshop is held on a Wednesday. All orders are to be completed online at My Student Account by 3pm each Tuesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Wednesday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 8.
There will be NO TUCKSHOP on the following dates
Week 3 – Wednesday 5 May
Week 4 – Wednesday 12 May
Stephen Street Campus
From the Director of Campus
Last night, I had the absolute privilege of watching A Midsummer Night’s Dream. What an incredible production! To everyone involved, including our cast, crew, staff and amazing parents, thank you and congratulations!
It was a magical night where I was continually drawn back to the remarkable fact that this Shakespearean play, written in 1595, combined with the spunk of Concordia’s Arts community, was brought to life yet again. Amazing! I did check earlier today and there is a handful of seats left for tonight’s show. If you have nothing on, pick up a ticket, get dressed up and come and enjoy a night at the theatre.
A reminder that next Thursday, we have our Stephen Street Campus Track and Field Carnival. We are hoping for a perfect Toowoomba autumn’s day. We have a food truck and coffee van to sustain our athletes and spectators. Family and friends are welcome to come along to cheer on the athletes and enjoy the chance to catch up with each other.
Lastly, I’m off campus next week. I am heading up to Beef 2021 in Rockhampton, to fly the Concordian flag. If you have friends or family who are also heading to Beef Week, please let them know that we are in town and that we would love them to pop in for a chat.
Have a great weekend.
Mr Jason Smith
Director of Campus
Elevate 2021 Parent Webinar Series is back!
We’re excited to announce that parents of Concordia Lutheran College have exclusive access to Elevate Education’s Parent Webinar Series for Term 2, 2021. Elevate works with our students, delivering high impact workshops on study skills, motivation, wellbeing, and exam preparation. By tuning into their webinar series you will learn how to better support your children at home through reinforcing the skills they learn at school.
The webinars take place fortnightly across the term, beginning on Wednesday 5 May at 7pm. Registration is essential and is free for parents of Concordia Lutheran College.
You can register by clicking here.
The webinar is run live online from 7pm to 8pm where the presenter will share Elevate’s research findings and skills, and will conduct a live Q&A so you can ask them questions directly.

Should you have questions or would like to contact Elevate directly, their details are listed below.
Choir News
Introducing the Concordia Lutheran College Choral Program
As we move on from the excitement that was the 2021 Musical Production, 'A Midsummer's Night Dream', we would love you to consider your artistic endeavours for 2021 and beyond. After a term in waiting, we are excited to announce the Choral Program will be kicking off from Week 3 (Con Voce) and Week 4 (Choir).
Whether you have been in the program previously, new to the College or just newly interested in singing and performing, I would love to see you come along and give us a try.
If you would like to be a part of this year's journey, please fill out the form below and submit. You will find information rehearsal times and structure for both ensembles in the form.
2021 Choir and Con Voce Information Form
Once you have submitted the form, you will be added to our 'Teams' group where further communication will happen.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to see Mr Paul Edwards on campus or via email or Mr Roche-Kelly on
We are looking forward to working with you all very soon.
Mr Neil Roche-Kelly
Choral Director
Mr Paul Edwards
Coordinator of Music Performance
Track and Field Carnival - Thursday 6 May
The SSC Track and Field Carnival will be held on Thursday 6 May. Parents are welcome to attend but must check-in using the QR code provided on the day. Click here to view the program.
Term 2 Sport Training

Boarding News
Hello to all our Boarder Families!
Anzac Day
Anzac Day showed the dedication and respect that these students have for those who have defended and fallen for our country.
Both Boarder Captains, Jack Bolam and Carolyn Marschall along with Bradley Stiller and Stuart Larsen, attended the Anzac Parade in Toowoomba with Mr Cowper while Harry Allsop (Year7) played bagpipes and marched at Dalby. Great efforts!
The weeks are quickly passing and our boarders have again proven to be an extremely talented group of young individuals.
Weekend Activity
Year 7 girls, Kara Tapau and Daisy Combo-Gabb, cooked pancakes with the help of Chrissy Watson (supervising) and Bella Clark. Well done, girls. Daisy was quite the pancake flipper while Kara and Bella were handy with the whisk.
After brunch we headed off to Queens Park where we all enjoyed walking around and playing a bit of footy. Some just sat in the sun and relaxed. Great to get off campus.
McDonalds was the treat on the way home however some forgot their wallets so they were all shouted a large frozen drink and we had smiles all round. Burgers were on the menu for dinner, so no one missed out. Our new electric BBQ has been working overtime!
Jana Giblet commenced her Certificate II in Animal Studies at The University of Queensland at the Gatton Campus. I escorted Jana to Gatton campus for her first day and the staff where very supportive and welcoming. A beautiful setting to be to study in. Good luck, Jana with this course.
Selina Richards (Year 8) competed in a Weightlifting competition in Toowoomba completed a 43kg Snatch and a 52kg Clean and Jerk which gave her an overall 95kg for the day. Mum, Dad and siblings made the long trip to support their daughter. Well done, Selina.
Well done to Kaitlyn Zelinski and Chrissy Watson with their AFL – we will be following these girls closely over the coming weeks and months.
Students received their flu vaccinations with Mason Watson happy to smile while receiving his injection! Thanks to Nurse Libby and the staff from Platinum Health.
Blooper of the Week
A huge shout out to our lines men who marked out the track and field. :)

Please enjoy the photo gallery below.
Mrs Maureen Taurima
Girls Houseparent