The Week Ahead - Term 2, Week 8

Monday 3 June - Friday 7 June

From the Head of College

From the College Pastor

Walk my Way Ukraine

Walk my Way - Ukraine

Concordia College regularly supports the work of Australian Lutheran World Service, who support poor communities and those impacted by emergencies in many countries, working with partners from across the world, including Lutheran World Service.

During the last couple of years we have supported a WalkMyWay event with donations going to provide for schooling in refugee camps and poor areas. This year ALWS is asking for support for children affected by the war in Ukraine, where may people had to flee their homes, and where many schools have been destroyed. Our support will be joined with support given by over 800 people who walked in Brisbane earlier this month and many others to make a difference for these children.

Our Concordia event will be on Friday June 14 (last day of school) after lunch and will include walks by all students on all three campuses.

Students are encouraged to commit to certain number of circuits around the ovals or the cross-country course, reflecting the fact that many children had to flee their homes and elicit donations to support their walk. We will not be collecting money at the school but ask that you make donations directly through the website, which will also provide you with a receipt.

There is a competition between houses again. Please support your child by making donations directly through the links below (each house has a separate link, which can also be accessed through the main website).

Thank you for your support of your children and the children of Ukraine.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Pastor Thomas.

Community News

Concordia Sport Hoodies & Indigenous Polo - Shop Reopened!

It's been great to see how much our community loves the Concordia Sport Hoodies and Indigenous polo shirts. 

Due to popular demand, we have reopened the online shop to order these items for a limited time. This is the last opportunity this year to purchase these items. The Concordia Shop at Tribal will be open from 3-14 June. Please note that orders will not be accepted after this date. 

Approximate delivery would be mid-late August.

Click the button below to order your items by Friday 14 June:

Please note that the link will only be active once the shop opens on June 3.

Register Your Business on our Directory

Concordia Lutheran College has established a directory of family businesses within the Concordia community, providing them with a chance to promote their companies within our College community. We encourage you to utilise this resource and support each other in business endeavours within the local area.

Click on the button below to register.

Register Your Business on our Directory

Concordia Lutheran College has established a directory of family businesses within the Concordia community, providing them with a chance to promote their companies within our College community. We encourage you to utilise this resource and support each other in business endeavours within the local area.

Click on the button below to register.

Project Based Learning at Concordia

Junior College

JC Parent/Teacher Interviews - Open for Bookings

Parent/Teacher Interviews are open for bookings and close on Friday 7 June at 8am!

We will be holding our Parent/Teacher Interviews during Week 9. There will be interviews conducted before and after school from Monday 10 June until Friday 14 June. All bookings will be made through Parent Lounge.

If you are unsure as to how to book your Parent/Teacher Interview, please click here to view the video tutorial.

Click here for instructions on how to access your Parent Lounge account.

JC Semester 1 Report Cards

At the end of Term 2, parents will receive their child’s Semester 1 report card. This report card provides information about how your child is achieving using the Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards. It is important to make you aware of some changes that we have made to the Concordia Lutheran College end of Semester Report Card.

Teachers will now provide students with an Overall Mark for each key learning area which is based on the achievement standard for that learning area. A Subject Element Mark for Mathematics and English will also be included to provide more detail on how your child has achieved in specific elements within the subject. It is important to keep in mind that not all Subject Elements are weighted equally in Prep to Yr 6. For this reason, the Semester Overall Mark does not represent an average of the Subject Elements, but an on-balance judgement reflecting the relevant weightings.

You may also note that we have taken out the Subject Outlines for each Subject Area. These Subject Outlines can be found in the Term Overviews sent at the beginning of each term.

JC PJ and Milo Day

JC Sing Out - JC Years 5 & 6

Just a reminder that all Junior College Year 5 and 6 students will be participating in the Sing Out choral festival at the Empire Theatre on Wednesday 5 June. Please accept this event in Parent Lounge if you have not done so yet.

Audience tickets for the evening concert are now on sale and can be accessed via the following link

Adults $20.00, Children under 15 years $12.00. Concordia Lutheran College Year 5 and 6 students are free and will sit with the College throughout the concert.

If you have any further questions, please email

JC Year 3-6 Ball Games - Friday 7 June

The Junior College Years 3-6 Ball Games will be held on Friday 7 June at each Campus from 1.30pm-3pm.

School Officers Day - Wednesday 12 June

Wednesday 12 June, is the day we get to say thank you to our amazing support staff. This includes our Learning Assistants, Administrators, and Cleaners. We would not be able to achieve our best without these people. We would love to invite you to also say thank you to someone who works in your child’s space. A simple card with a beautiful message will go a long way to let our staff know they are valued.

JC Recognition of Achievement Assembly - Monday 10 June

At Concordia we recognise the importance of acknowledging and celebrating the outstanding effort and achievement of our students.  

At the end of the Semester 1, we will celebrate our students at a special Recognition of Achievement Assembly which will be held at each campus on Monday 10 June

Hume Street Campus will hold their Assembly at 8.30am.
Warwick Street Campus will hold their Assembly at 2pm.  

Parents are welcome to come along and help celebrate our students.

School Officers Day - Wednesday 12 June

Wednesday 12 June, is the day we get to say thank you to our amazing support staff. This includes our Learning Assistants, Administrators, and Cleaners. We would not be able to achieve our best without these people. We would love to invite you to also say thank you to someone who works in your child’s space. A simple card with a beautiful message will go a long way to let our staff know they are valued.

JC Recognition of Achievement Assembly - Monday 10 June

At Concordia we recognise the importance of acknowledging and celebrating the outstanding effort and achievement of our students.  

At the end of the Semester 1, we will celebrate our students at a special Recognition of Achievement Assembly which will be held at each campus on Monday 10 June

Hume Street Campus will hold their Assembly at 8.30am.
Warwick Street Campus will hold their Assembly at 2pm.  

Parents are welcome to come along and help celebrate our students.

JC Semester 1 Report Cards

At the end of Term 2, parents will receive their child’s Semester 1 report card. This report card provides information about how your child is achieving using the Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards. It is important to make you aware of some changes that we have made to the Concordia Lutheran College end of Semester Report Card.

Teachers will now provide students with an Overall Mark for each key learning area which is based on the achievement standard for that learning area. A Subject Element Mark for Mathematics and English will also be included to provide more detail on how your child has achieved in specific elements within the subject. It is important to keep in mind that not all Subject Elements are weighted equally in Prep to Yr 6. For this reason, the Semester Overall Mark does not represent an average of the Subject Elements, but an on-balance judgement reflecting the relevant weightings.

You may also note that we have taken out the Subject Outlines for each Subject Area. These Subject Outlines can be found in the Term Overviews sent at the beginning of each term.

Outside School Hours Care

Hume Street Campus

HSC Weekly Events

Please click here to view HSC's Events for Term 2 2024, Week 8.

HSC Lost Property Items

We've had some items handed in to Reception over the last few weeks that we suspect belong to our wider community members, rather than our students.  If you have lost something, please pop into Reception and see if we have your lost treasure.

HSC Cans 4 Cash Collection - Student Council Sustainability Project

Cans 4 Cash

HSC Year 1 Fire Education Visit

On Monday 10 June, our Year 1 students have their first Fire Education visit.  Fire Fighters will visit the classroom and cover various topics with the children including safe and unsafe fires, knowing your own address and phone number, what to do in the event of a fire in your home (Stop, Drop and Roll, Get Down Low and Go, Go, Go), emergency meeting points, fire alarms and how to ring 000.

HSC Weekly Events

Please click here to view HSC's Events for Term 2 2024, Week 9.

HSC Year 3 Mini Golf Presentations - Wednesday 12 June

This semester, the HSC Year 3 students have been very busy learning about Australian states and territories and their iconic landmarks. We have been constructing an 8-hole mini golf course for our Geography based PBL unit, with the driving question of ‘What makes Australia great?’

Warwick Street Campus

WSC Weekly Events

Please click here  to view WSC's Events for Term 2, Week 8.

WSC Weekly Events

Please click here to view WSC's Events for Term 2, Week 9.

WSC Year 1 Fire Education Visit

On Monday 10 June at 9am, our Year 1 students have their first Fire Education visit.  Fire Fighters will visit the classroom and cover various topics with the children including safe and unsafe fires, knowing your own address and phone number, what to do in the event of a fire in your home (Stop, Drop and Roll, Get Down Low and Go, Go, Go), emergency meeting points, fire alarms and how to ring 000.

Stephen Street Campus

Year 7 Science Fair!

Tuesday 11 June

Parents are welcome to view from 5:30pm – 6:30pm.

Students will be expected to attend.

It will be open all of 11 June for the rest of the school to view during school hours.

Our science fair is about Earth Science – How the Position of the Earth, Moon and Sun affect Earth phenomena, i.e. eclipses, seasons, tied, etc.

Please see the flyer attached.

Sport News

Sports News – Term 2, Week 7

Sport News

Sports News – Term 2, Week 8


Welcome from the Leadership Team