The Week Ahead - Term 2, Week 9
Monday 13 June to Friday 17 June 2022
From the Head of College
Dear Parents and Caregivers
Thank you for your support in keeping your student at home while a wave of influenza seems to be making its way through the College and other schools in town. Hopefully, the upcoming term break will serve as a circuit breaker for this current wave of winter lurgies being spread around. Given this theme of keeping warm and staying well, I’d like to, this week, take a look at the cognitive or other barriers that might be preventing our children from seeing the good sense of you, their parents.
Take your jacket or jumper! It’s a battle in many households – parents wanting their children to wrap up warmly against the cold weather and children not wanting to. What is the psychology behind these daily battles? Tina Grotzer, a cognitive scientist and a teacher with a background in developmental psychology, developed a series of lessons exploring the purpose of insulation and the concepts of heat and temperature.
Could our battles be solved with a lesson in thermodynamics? There is some value in helping children understand how jackets and jumpers work. “Put your jacket on, it will keep you warm,” will be more powerful if we say, “the coat will keep your warmth inside.” The jacket or jumper is actually holding something that is yours – your heat energy. But an appeal to our children’s budding science identity won’t solve these daily battles because various social-emotional issues around agency, autonomy and executive function come into play as well.
Agency is one of the most powerful cognitive motivators for children. They learn and grow when they see and feel the consequences of their own actions. Inevitably, our children test that power, separating from their parents and building their decision-making capacity. Younger children’s sensory-processing motors are running on high and the feel of a jacket with its bulkiness and constriction is often unwelcome and they’ll discard or go without it. Ultimately, they probably don’t need a coat as much as we think they do.
As they get older, it all becomes about the peers – ‘nobody else is wearing a jacket or jumper.’ Those are the voices that they care about and those are the voices which our teenagers are hearing. At this point, we come second! As parents, we know that letting go is always difficult and sometimes painful. If we can frame the jacket/jumper battles as a sign that our children are starting to make their own claim on the world, that they are asserting their identity as well as building their confidence and self-worth – and we are helping them on this journey – then maybe the battles can come to an end.
As parents we have to take the long view, even if in the moment it can be hard. PS: Sounds good, just take your jacket or jumper! [Acknowledgement: Usable Knowledge, HGSE]
Facilities Update
The ongoing maintenance, upgrade and refurbishment of the infrastructure remains a priority for the College. This has included the cleaning and line marking of our outdoor courts, the upgrade of all the basketball facilities at the Stephen Street Campus gym and the refurbishment of the College’s Lecture Theatre. The latter facility will be officially opened in Term 3 and we look forward to hosting you for various parent meetings and information sessions in the future.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish every family a safe weekend and a great start to the final week of Term 2.
Yours in Christ.
Mr Anton Prinsloo
Head of College
Quote: “That’s what children are for—that their parents may not be bored.” [Ivan Turgenev]
From the College Pastor
This coming weekend the Queensland District of the Lutheran Church of Australia meets for its annual synod.
Synod means coming together – and so this year delegates from each congregation and various agencies of the church, including schools, meet at Highfields to receive reports from the District Church Board and various agencies, elect members for the DCB and other governing bodies and set the direction for the future.

This year some important decisions about the future governance structure of our District and its agencies are being made as the church responds to the changing world around it. These decisions are made in order to continue to facilitate the preaching and living of Gospel among the citizens of our district and country.
It is always a great experience to come together with fellow Lutheran believers from across our vast state, worshipping, celebrating and working together in the cause of the gospel of Christ. It provides encouragement for those coming from far flung places and small congregations – reminding us that we are all part of something much larger and it urges those who are going from strength to strength that they are also part of something beyond themselves and have responsibilities to encourage and walk with those in weaker positions. St Paul wrote in his letter to the Corinthians how the strong and weak are to look out for one another on several occasions, and in connection with a collection of support for the poverty stricken church in Jerusalem he notes:
14 At the present time your plenty will supply what they need, so that in turn their plenty will supply what you need. The goal is equality, 15 as it is written: “The one who gathered much did not have too much, and the one who gathered little did not have too little.”
Synod is an important concept for us – walking together in worship of Christ and in service of our world. We here at Concordia are part of that and we seek to live that here also, walking with one another, supporting those who are struggling, and standing together in unity as we remember and celebrate God’s love that carries all of us.
As we come to the final teaching week of the term, I pray that our Lord might strengthen you and encourage you to see the bigger picture, the larger community that you are part of – both to give and receive support in. God bless.
Pastor Thomas Böhmert
College Pastor
Youth Alpha

A group of 12 mostly Middle College students has started to gather over lunch on Mondays to travel through the video based Youth Alpha course, exploring the Christian faith together. This is led by Pastor Thomas and supported by our Faith Captains.
Community News
HSC Parent Connect Homestyle Bake Fundraiser - Delivery
All orders from the Homestyle Bake Fundraiser will be available for collection from Hume Street Campus at 11.30am Wednesday 15 June.
Project Based Learning at Concordia
Junior College
From the Assisting JC Director of Campuses
Part 2: A Day in the Life of Assisting Director of Campus
11.30am: It's time for the first of the Prep Enrolment Interviews for 2023. This is an excellent opportunity to meet our newest members of our College community. Mum and Dad come along and it is wonderful to see their excitement as this is the beginning of their schooling journey for their child/ren. The student completes activities to show how well they can count and write their name and then Mrs Michelle Price, our Registrar, takes them off for a tour through Prep. Our new Preppie-to-be skips off with a smile and a container of playdough, courtesy of the Director of Campus.
12pm: A teacher knocks on the door to discuss Maths resources and how we could implement them into our current program.
12.15pm: Mrs Libby Scouller, the Learning Enrichment Coordinator, asks for a moment to look over the notes of two students who are receiving some additional assistance.
12.25pm: Time for a walk around to check in with the students. This is another time of day where it is so rewarding to see children in their classrooms, debating and answering questions or involved in hands-on maths activities and small group work.
12.32pm: Back to those emails. Pastor Thomas is emailing his thoughts on the Chapel service at the end of the week and Mr Prinsloo is sending through emails of staffing updates and information from ISQ.
12.45pm: Sports Track and Field Debrief over at Stephen Street Campus. Oh dear… there will need to be a dash to get back so that we can complete entering Subject Outlines for the online report cards in order for teachers to access them.
The voices of Mrs Lynch and Mrs Paynter echo through the offices. 'Have you eaten?' Oh, that’s right! Food!
Also at the top of my mind is the allocation of times for Parent-Teacher Interviews. Staff need to be reminded to block out unavailable times and open times they are available to see parents.
2.30pm: It’s a race to open a Teams meeting with LEQ to discuss our After School Hours Service.
3pm: Time to get ready for an after school duty. I go down to the Prep and Year 1 rooms and help teachers by walking our youngest students out to Drive Thru. "A red water bottle missing! Let’s take a look through the eating area on our way."
The school once again buzzes with children, Grandmas, Pops, Aunties, Mums, Dads, siblings as everyone makes their way home.
3.30pm: Staff Meeting Day. The agenda includes ‘Kids in the News’, a student case management chat, preparations for our wine and cheese night, disco, wet weather plan debrief.
5.05pm: Time for teachers to move out. They have had a big day with their students and they still need to get ready and prepare for the following day.
5.15pm: I pop into our OSHC service to see how all our OSHC children are faring. They are busy beading and sewing material pouches. A Dad pleads with his little one to pack up and come home.
5.30pm: Time to make my way home before continuing later with emails and catch up on correspondence.
It has been another great day with each day being different from the one before.
The days are predictably unpredictable. It is busy and fast paced. Each day brings with it new challenges where you need to be able to accept change, listen to the needs of others, expect to be interrupted, make many decisions and be productive in a small amount of time.
It is thrilling and tiring but oh so rewarding. What an amazing opportunity to be able to spend time with all members of our school community and see things from a new perspective.
Click here to view WSC's Events for Term 2, Week 6.
Click here to view HSC's Events for Term 2, Week 6.
Wishing you a safe and relaxing weekend.
Mrs Rowena Weier
Assisting Director of Campuses
JC Year 5 Camp Parent Information and Permission
On Wednesday 10 August, Year 5 students will attend the Emu Gully Adventure Park. For information on the camp and the packing list please see below.
Parents are also requested to go to Parent Lounge to submit your permission for your child/ren to attend by Wednesday 13 July.
- Login to Parent Lounge >
- click on Events & Payments >
- click on JC Year 5 Camp 2022 >
- Accept >
- Save.
Important Note: Please check and ensure your Parent Lounge portal is up to date regarding your child's Emergency Contact Information, Medical Conditions and Food Allergies/Dietary Requirements.
JC Library News
As we are very near the end of another term, I would like to ask if you could kindly please assist your children in making sure they return all overdue library books and home readers. Students will be encouraged to borrow books to take home and read over the holidays. The cold winter holidays is a perfect opportunity to rug up and relax with a great book either shared for the younger students or alone for the independent readers.
During Term 3 in Week 7 (21 to 26 August), we will be celebrating Book Week. The theme for this year is Dreaming with eyes open… The Book Week Parade will be held on Wednesday 23 August. Students and Staff are all encouraged to dress up as a character from a book they have enjoyed. Once again we will be having Pyjama Storytime one evening of that week at each campus for Kindy to Year 2 students in the Resource Centre. This is a fun event for families to come with their children who are dressed all cosy in their pyjamas and share some stories and activities. Keep an eye out for more information on these exciting activities at the beginning of next term.

Thank you for another great term of together supporting and encouraging your children to be reading as much as they can and have an enjoyable break.
Mrs Karen Maben
Junior College Library Coordinator
JC Sports News
Congratulations to our Junior College Track and Field Age Champions.
Girls Age Group | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
8 Years Age Champion | Emma Hilkemeijer | Ava Manteufel | Lilly-May Budnick |
9 Years Age Champion | Grace Pitman | Tori Duffy | Rylee Bennett |
10 Years Age Champion | Emily Evans | Makenzie Morris | Annabelle Scouller |
11 Years Age Champion | Emma Walkington | Arabella Knopke | Atoor Jok |
12 Years Age Champion | Anya Vermeulen | Adelaide Siddans | Chloe Chettle |
Boys Age Group | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
8 Years Age Champion | Jordan Seddon | Mathew Windolf | Ben Lubbock |
9 Years Age Champion | Ryan Halton | Jake Stewart | Thomas Cameron |
10 Years Age Champion | William Spoelder | Thomas Wise | Isaac Seddon |
11 Years Age Champion | Charlie Lowis | Evi Purchase | Marcus Dealtry |
12 Years Age Champion | James Rice | Chase Robertson | Lachlan Rashleigh |
Mr Darrly Fry
Teacher / Junior College Sports Coordinator / Head Coach, Touch
JC Year 6 Cairns Trip - Parent Information Session
The Junior College Year 6 teachers will be holding an information session to answer any questions you may have about the Year 6 Cairns Trip. All parents and Year 6 students are most welcome and are encouraged to attend.
This Parent Information session will be held Tuesday 2 August (Week 4, Term 3) at 5.30pm-6.30pm in the Year 6 classroom, Warwick Street Campus.
Please click here to register your attendance.
Outside School Hours Care
Hume Street Campus
HSC Student Council - $1 Hot Chocolates

HSC Student Inter-House Soccer Competition
Calling all parents available on Tuesday 14 June at 10.45am to participate in the Students versus Staff/Parents soccer game. If you are able to play please contact Carolyn Lynch via email or phone 07 4688 2700 (opt 2) to put your name down.
The student team will be from the winning House.
HSC Tennis Coaching - Term 3
Tennis coaching will be held during Term 3. Click the relevant link below for further information:
HSC Tuckshop Orders
Please note: There is no tuckshop this week and also in Week 1 of Term 3. Tuckshop will start in Week 2.
Warwick Street Campus
WSC Tuckshop Orders
Please note: There is no tuckshop this week and also in Week 1 of Term 3. Tuckshop will start in Week 2.
WSC Tennis Coaching - Term 3
Tennis coaching will be held during Term 3. Click the relevant link below for further information:
Stephen Street Campus
From the Director of Campus
Well, winter has arrived well and truly this week! Despite the shivering, there is something magical about the sunshine glistening over the frosted grass first thing in the morning. As warned by the health authorities, both COVID and flu are presenting across the community, so we please take care during this time and stay in touch with the College if illness strikes your family and you need assistance.
Reconciliation Ceremony
On Monday, during Assembly, we started proceedings with a special ceremony in recognition of National Reconciliation Week. This was a very special occasion as our Indigenous Support Coordinator, Mr Wally McIntosh, shared his own personal story and thoughts on what truly makes for reconciliation.
You could have heard a pin drop as Wally gave us insight into his own experiences and the hope he has found in working with young Indigenous people. Wally acknowledged that it has taken him many years to build the courage to speak publicly about his own life, but in the spirit of the theme for this year – Be Brave, Make Change, he thought it was time to lead by example.
It is also a great testament to our students that they posses the maturity and respect to hear and reflect on this message. Thank you Wally for trusting our community and continuing to spread the message of unity within our College.
National School Officers Day – 8 June
This week we recognise our wonderful staff who fall under the School Officer classification. This includes a range of roles from Learning Assistants through to and including our Sports Coordinator, all of whom spend countless hours supporting the College to function and operate, with the central purpose of supporting and engaging our leaners. Thank you to our team for your energy, commitment and passion in delivering an environment where all students can thrive.
End of Semester / Unit Reporting
Currently teaching staff are busy finalising marking and overall grades for the end of semester/unit reporting. Parents and students can expect to receive reports for Years 11 and 12 by Monday 13 June, while Years 7-10 reports will be released by Monday 20 June. Following this parents will have the opportunity to make bookings for the next round of Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews, to be held on Monday 11 July. As always, we encourage you to contact your child’s teachers directly if you need any clarification about reporting information or assessment feedback.
Sporting events
It has been a busy week for sport at the College, with both girls and boys competing in AFL competitions, and girls participating in Vicki Wilson Netball. Despite having small numbers due to illness, our girls team finished second in the senior AFL division on Wednesday. We have a number of talented athletes leading the development of our teams; fostering an awareness that Concordia is fast becoming a force to be reckoned across a number of sports. Nominations are currently being called for our Touch teams to participate in the Swans competition in Term 3.
Have a great week.
Yours in faith,
Mr Jamie Pukallus
Director of Campus
Media Club Story: Concordia welcomes Ms Christina Marangelli
Concordia has welcomed Ms Christina Marangelli as our new Coordinator of Music Performance. Welcome Ms Marangelli!
Our Media Club has created this news story about Ms Marangelli's arrival. Together they workshopped story ideas, developed a script, interviewed Ms Marangelli, gathered footage, recorded the voice over and edited the story.
This was a true team effort and we look forward to seeing more of the Media Club's work sharing news about Concordia for our community. Great work to all involved!
Next week the Concordia Media Club will be taking an excursion to the Triple M and Hit FM radio studios to meet the hosts, take a tour of the studios and chat with the Content Director. Media Club members must advise me of their wish to attend by 4pm on Monday 13 June. Parents and guardians will be contacted for approval once the expressions of interest have been received.
The Media Club has worked well this term, creating an assortment of videos and learning how to create a television news story. We look forward to seeing more of their work in Term 3!
Mrs Bianca Coleborn
Director of Marketing & Enrolments
Boarding News
Hello once again to all our families.
There were many very excited students in the house on Wednesday night as the 80 minutes of Rugby League drew to an end. (I did find myself hoping silently to have the Blues put it over the line in the final seconds). What a fantastic game of football! Great entertainment. Great talent. A picture speaks a thousand words.
Check out our gallery this week. The boys dominated the seats in front of the TV and our three girls to the side. Thank you to Chrissy Watson for the great shots. Great win to all the Queenslander supporters.
Mr Andrew and Mr Wally, along with Miss Alexis, will be travelling to Brisbane on Saturday evening to watch the Bronco’s game. Our students are super excited.
Congratulations to Selina Richards for her great achievements last Saturday at the National Weightlifting Comp. Selina is a self-motivated and extremely focused elite sportswoman in this field. Selina maintains her grades and trains four times a week and in her spare time manages to play Volleyball and AFL.
The girls played AFL on Wednesday at Captain Cook Recreational Reserve. They were so cold when they came home there was no time for catching up. Straight to the showers. The cold weather has really settled in this week with temps dropping to 1 degree overnight.
Our boys will be playing AFL tomorrow again at Captain Cook Recreational Reserve. Big shout out to Mr Darryl Allen for his support to our boarders with last minute mouth guards and shorts.
Thank you to Kerri and Max for their participation with Sunday’s church service. Max, as a first timer, did a great job with his reading. Kerri continues to be a regular and presents with grace and confidence. Pastor Nathan acknowledged our students for their participation.
As many of you will be aware, we have had three cases of COVID in the girls' boarding house and students have been in our Isolation unit. Where possible, parents will collect their children and they will recover at home. However, if a student normally has to fly home, they will remain in boarding. Nurse Libby checks in on the students three to four times a day and Miss Maureen is in-dorm during the day. COVID cleans are done regularly and the isolation area is out of bounds to the remainder of our students. We are following all Queensland Health regulations relating to COVID-19 in Residential College and student accommodation.
Holidays are just around the corner and I would like to remind you all that the dorms will be hired out during the holidays and we request that our students take home all their belonging as our storage area is limited. For those who travel by plane, we have an allocated space for them to store their personal possessions.
We welcomed Jacob, a new Tutor, this afternoon to boys dorm. Please feel free to have a chat with Jacob on travel day.
Until next week, stay warm and travel safely.
Mrs Maureen Taurima
Girls' Houseparent