The Week Ahead - Term 3, Week 4
Monday 3 August to Friday 7 August 2020
From the Head of College
The Concordia Lutheran College Council continues to strategically plan the future for the College beyond the 75th Anniversary next year. I thank Council Chair, Mr Kyal Osborne, and Councillors for their work and support as we continue to plan and grow.
In the coming months, there are two exciting developments that Council will lead on behalf of our community. Firstly, the Future Committee had begun its work in the early part of the year and now will resume working, remotely in the first instance, in the coming weeks. This is a project in conjunction with Lutheran Education Queensland and it will build on the ‘2020 Strategic Plan’ launched last year. The aim is to develop complementary masterplans and business plans that will take our College into the next decade. Exciting times!
The second initiative is the launch of a 2020 Annual Giving campaign through the newly formed Concordia Lutheran College Future Foundation. Tax deductible gifts to a limited number of small but crucial projects will be sought and the launch is planned for later in this term. Thank you to the Foundation Directors and College staff for the ‘behind the scenes’ work required to have the Future Foundation approved by a number of official agencies. Watch this space for details of the launch.
Thanks must also go to members of the Parents and Friends Association and Executive members. As previously announced, there are several parent driven projects underway. I know that some ‘virtual’ meetings are being held with Directors of Campus – strange times – but the good news is that the projects are now starting to come to fruition. Check out the new shade sails over the seating at the Hume Street Campus playing fields!
Finally, we are working closely with the Lutheran Church of Australia Qld District and Bishop Paul Smith to issue a ‘call’ and prayerful invitation to a Pastor of the Lutheran Church to fill the role as Concordia Lutheran College Pastor. There is still some way to go, but we are looking forward to (finally) having this important position filled for the benefit of our College community.
Kind regards and every blessing.
Mr Adrian Wiles
Head of College
From the College Pastor
Community News
College Policies
The College has a number of public policies that are available for viewing through our website. These policies and procedures include statements about Privacy, Grievance Handling, Child-Protection, Anti-Discrimination and Respectful Relationships. Click here to access these policies.
For further information about any public policies and procedures of the College please contact either the Head of College or Directors of Campus.
Project Based Learning at Concordia
Junior College
Prepping for Prep
With approximately six months until Prep commences for our 2021 students, we are holding a series of events to help prepare them for their transition to Prep. The first of these events, Prepping for Prep, will take place on our Junior College campuses over the next two Fridays. This is a session where our incoming Preppies will meet with key staff and participate in a series of fun and educational activities. We look forward to beginning this transition process and meeting the newest members of our Concordia community.
Outside School Hours Care
Hume Street Campus
From the Director
Dr Seuss Flavour in Chapel
Have you ever stopped to think that the messages that we hear in Dr Seuss’ books are very often linked to our lessons from the Bible? We are looking at some of the Dr Seuss books this term and these links. We are also having fun looking at some of the fun facts of Dr Seuss.
Fun Facts
- He wasn't really a Doctor
- He wrote "Green Eggs And Ham" on a dare that he couldn’t write a book using 50 different words or less
- He produced cartoons for the Army during WWII
- "The Grinch" movie was a flop at first
- He kept a closet full of wacky hats. Whenever he was stumped writing, he’d put on a suitable hat to help the words flow
- He has written over 60 books
- He has written for both children and adults
Stories we have looked at so far…
- Sneetches - As the Bible teaches, we, like the sneetches, each have value and are loved by God. We have each been created by Him; we are fearfully and wonderfully made! "I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well.“ Psalm 139:14 The Star Bellied Sneetches thought they were better than the Non-Star Bellied Sneetches. Sometimes, we develop the same attitudes as the Sneetches - either we think we are better than others or we think we're not as good as someone else. God thinks we are each special and encourages us to treat each other with equal compassion and fairness.
- Yertle the Turtle – Yertle was king on the pond and insisted that all the turtles in the land stand on top of each other so that he could be lifted high to see all of his lands. Yertle had no regard for the other turtles. Eventually, Mack a turtle on the bottom of the stack made it clear that this was not okay, burped and caused the stack to fall. Yertle was then only king of the mud. Jesus encourages us “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” John 15:12 and “Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” Matthew 23:12
Grandstand Sunshade
Thank you to Dr John McVeigh and HSC’s P&F for our fabulous new sunshade over the Grandstand. This is both a great functional asset as well as adding House spirit to our events.

Mrs Juanetta Priest
Director of Campus
AFL Sporting Schools Program
Detailed information regarding this after school activity has been emailed to all Years 1 to 4 parents.
To submit your child/children's interest in participating, go to Parent Lounge > Tours & Excursions. Permission is due next Monday 3 August 2020. (Please note, there is a maximum of 30 participants and older students will be given preference).
Warwick Street Campus
From the Director
“Team work makes the dream work”. As I took the opportunity to wander around the Campus and into classrooms this week, team work is what I saw an abundance of.
A team of teachers who are dedicated to the learning of their students and who are continuously striving to do what is best for them each and every day. A team of support staff who are flexible and unshakable no matter what is happening around them. A team of students who are blessed to learn and play together at Warwick Street Campus each day. If ever there was a year where we needed to support each other as a team, 2020 is that year!
This term we are focusing our Chapel services around the Fruits of the Spirit – Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self Control. The students are learning the importance of showing these fruits to others around them. As we introduced these fruits, we discussed the fact that you can’t “fake” the fruits, you can’t “make” the fruits but you can grow them. The same goes for team work. You can’t fake it, you can’t make it, you have to grow it.
Although our calendar of events has changed considerably, this term is shaping up to be a busy one. We look forward to all members of the WSC community cheering the team on as we navigate our way through the second half of 2020.
Mrs Jackie Minnikin
Director of Campus
Word on the Street
Word on the street is that WSC is soon going to have some new friends to add to our community – and not the human kind! Can you guess what these friends will be?
Basketball Sporting Schools Program
Detailed information regarding this after school activity has been email to all Years 2-6 parents.
To submit your child/children’s interest in participating, go to Parent Lounge > Tours & Excursions. Permission is due next Monday 3 August 2020. (Note, there is a maximum of 25 participants and older students will be given preference).
Stephen Street Campus
Subject Changes - Year 11 Students
With the Year 11 academic year rapidly finishing in the next few weeks, it is now time to plan for Year 12, 2021. If any student is thinking about or wishes to make any subject changes this MUST be completed BEFORE the commencement of Term 4.
Year 11 students will commence Unit 3 in Term 4, 2020. That is the commencement of their Year 12 course of study. After the commencement of Year 12, QCAA directs that students are not allowed to make any further subject changes. Unit 3 and Unit 4 are seen as a whole, not separate units of work which occurs for Year 11 with Unit 1 and Unit 2. Serious consequences occur to a student's ATAR rank and QCE certificate if changes are made during a student’s Year 12 year.
If a student is wishing to make any subject changes then this needs to occur very soon. Please contact me if you require any further information.
Ms Wendy Bowen
Director of Learning and Innovation
Term 3 Tutoring

From the Careers Department

As we commence Semester 2, the time has arrived for our Year 12 cohort to make solid decisions regarding their career pathway after graduation. Students have made an indication of their intentions for 2021 and Mrs Jo-Ann Tessmer and I have started providing information and reminding students of deadlines to ensure they are able to successfully transition to post-school life.
Last week, Jack Lee from TAFE spoke to the Year 12 cohort about pathways through vocational education. TAFE offers free Certificate III qualifications for school leavers and provides pathways into university with real-life experience.
This week, USQ spoke to the cohort regarding scholarship opportunities and their early entry program. I also spoke with the Year 12s to provide information and advice regarding the QTAC application process which opens next Tuesday 4 August.
Before the end of Term 3, students will have the opportunity to speak with a variety of employment services regarding apprenticeships, traineeships and full time employment. Students will be required to have a resume and cover letter prepared.
There will also be a session for all Year 12 students later in the year to discuss government support that they may access, how to register to vote, how to obtain a tax file number and Medicare card and other life skills.
The Year 12 students may commence their QTAC application from next Tuesday 4 August. A QTAC presentation explaining the process and requirements is featured below. If any student would like assistance with completing their QTAC application, scholarship preparation, or any other assistance in this important transition, please feel free to make an appointment with Mrs Tessmer or myself at your convenience.
Mrs Leah Bowes
Senior College Careers Advisor
Concordia Strings Program News

This year has seen some
exceptional changes for Concordia’s music ensemble program including the
creation of our Middle College Strings Ensemble. The ensemble rehearses every
Tuesday afternoon and is capably lead by our Strings conductor and tutor, Mrs Georgina Meecham. Mrs Meecham joined the College in January this year after three years leading a Junior School music program in Hong Kong including classroom
music teaching and directing instrumental and vocal ensembles.
Mrs Meecham completed her undergraduate qualifications at the Queensland Conservatorium of Music, in both violin performance and pedagogy. After graduating she opened a private music studio for strings tuition in Brisbane and continued performing in local orchestras and smaller ensembles which performed and toured both locally and internationally. After living abroad for a number of years, she returned to Brisbane, completing her Graduate Diploma of Education in Secondary Music.
We are very pleased to have Mrs Meecham leading our strings program and look forward to seeing and hear more from our growing strings program in years to come.
Mr Paul Edwards
Coordinator of Instrumental Music
Lost Property
A Prayer
Clara Gratwick, Ministry Captain, shared the following prayer this week during her Devotion. This is a prayer Clara's grandmother always said and has passed onto her.
Jesus gentle shepherd hear me
Bless this little lamb tonight
Through the darkness be thou near me
Keep me safe till morning light
God bless
Youth Leaders Program - Toowoomba Region
Are you passionate about the Toowoomba community or just want to be more involved in youth activities? The Toowoomba Regional Council Youth Leaders Program is the perfect opportunity for the youth of Toowoomba aged 14-24 years to volunteer and help the community. The program allows its leaders to help with different projects throughout the year, go on camps and learn about the services available for young people.
I was selected to be a Youth Leader for 2020 and I've really enjoyed the experience and the opportunity to meet new people. I have a better understanding of all the issues that the youth face today and all services that are out there to help.
Applications for the 2021 Youth Leaders Program are open and close on 28 August. For more information about the program and application packs please click here.
Tyla Parker
Year 11
Sport Training for Term 3

Learning in Residence

Hello to another week – they go fast when you are having fun!
The boarders have once again had an excellent week – or at least an excellent week from where the staff stand! While there may be many activities we can’t do because of COVID-19 precautions, the one ‘activity’ we can do is study.
The Learning In Residence academic program took off like a rocket from Week 1 in Term 3. We have a boarding Residential Tutor (rotating roster) in the library for a couple of hours after school. While many of the boarders are relaxing or exercising after a big day of school, there are those boarders who do go to the library for that extra bit of academic guidance.
Then for evening study, after a hearty meal, the Junior boarders go to the library, where they are assisted with their work by a number of boarding Residential Tutors.
At the same time the Senior boarders can decide whether to go to the library to study or study in the dorms in their own rooms, where they too have a boarding Residential Tutor they call upon for general advice.
A new concept developed at a meeting of boarding staff, Mr Adrian Wiles (Head of College) and Mr Darren Pope (Learning Enrichment Coordinator), is the idea of Guru Sessions. These sessions are developed and implemented by our excellent Residential Tutors, to allow for a number of boarders doing the same subject to revise and learn together. An example may be the revision of Senior Maths concepts.
The efforts of the boarders in their study is so pleasing to witness!
Have a great week.
Mrs Maureen Taurima and Mr Ross McKeown