The Week Ahead - Term 3, Week 5
Monday 12 August to Friday 16 August 2019
From the Head of College
As parents, we have all worried about the education of our children as they prepare for their future. In this day and age, education goes beyond the ‘academic’ and into the realms of preparing young people to be ‘healthy’ in a myriad of areas that include social, physical, mental and emotional health. In this so-called modern and affluent age, it begs questions around what is really important in the life of a student at Concordia? How can we possibly meet all needs that are often played out beyond the classroom walls?
I offer up the notion that schools alone are not the answer, and that they are unable to meet every need for every student, despite the messages that are rolled out by schools of every persuasion. What does research tell us about this matter? Positive partnerships between schools and parents or guardians are becoming even more important in a world that is often beset by interruptions that instantly change a way of life. Historically, this need to build a positive relationship was built on a person-to-person basis by attendance at a ‘Parents and Friends’ meeting, or perhaps at a parent information evening or through parent-teacher interviews. Now days, much of this interaction is electronic and the connection is through portals, email or real time reporting such as ‘Seesaw’. I believe that we are in a transition period; a time where parents have an opportunity to be engaged in person, or to read or interact via the various electronic platforms that are available. Where the future lies is an unknown for me, however I do hope that the personal relationship between the school personnel and parent does not totally disappear. The human connection is one key attribute that sets schools apart from many other institutions that are currently under scrutiny.
As I continue to reflect on our strategic direction and the challenges that are laid out in that ‘living document’ i.e. the Concordia Lutheran College Strategic Plan, I am constantly reminded of questions about what is and will be important to our students? Moreover, how can we communicate this to all within our community?
Kindest regards
Mr Adrian Wiles
Head of College
From the College Pastor
Community News
SSC P&F Cookie Dough Fundraiser
Stephen Street Campus P&F is holding a Billy G’s Gourmet Cookie Dough drive this term. Funds raised will be used to purchase umbrellas for the Student Council’s Quad improvement project.
There are ten delicious flavours including their NEW Strawberry Cheesecake and NESTLE® SMARTIES® cookie dough. There’s even a cheese flavoured Doggie Dough for your special furry family members! The delicious cookie dough is only available through fundraising and is not sold in stores, so stock up.
Order your cookie dough online on or before 26 August. The current scheduled pick-up date for orders is 16 September.
Click here to place your order. You will need to create an account and then select Concordia under organisations, and away you go!
Eisteddfod Results
Congratulations to all of our hard working young performers that earned prizes at the 2019 Toowoomba Eisteddfod. Please find below the list of prize recipients.
Highly commended Rachel Peake
2nd Rachel Peake
SECTION: 419 Secondary INSTRUMENTAL (unaccompanied) TRIO/QUARTET
1st Concordia Lutheran College Saxophone Quartet
SECTION: 351 Year 11 and 12 SAXOPHONE SOLO
2nd Rachel Peake
SECTION: 346 Year 11 and 12 CLARINET SOLO
1st Sophie Kristensen
1st Concordia Lutheran College Saxophone Quartet
Winners of the Harold Swan Memorial Trophy awarded by the adjudicator for the most outstanding performance in Section 430 (Open Instrumental Ensemble), Section 431 (Open Small Instrumental Ensemble) and Section 432 (Open Stage Band).
2nd Concordia Lutheran College Saxophone Quartet
1st Concordia Lutheran College
2nd Concordia Lutheran College Saxophone Quartet
SECTION: 342 Years 9 and 10 FLUTE SOLO
HC Amina Apan
SECTION: 376 Year 11 and 12 OTHER BRASS SOLO
2nd Samuel Healy
1st Samuel Healy
HC Sarah Peake
SECTION: 347 Year 9 and 10 CLARINET SOLO
HC Kacey Litchfield
3rd Amina Apan & Melissa Gillbard
SECTION: 415 Secondary WOODWIND (unaccompanied) TRIO/QUARTET
1st Concordia Lutheran College Saxophone Quartet
3rd Concordia Lutheran College Flutes
1st Rachel Peake & Sophie Kristensen
Upcoming Event

Term Dates for 2020
Click here to view the Term Dates for 2020.
Bible Scene Art Competition

WSC Trivia Night

One of the highlights on the Warwick Street Campus calendar each year is the P&F Trivia Night. Each year we have seen this event grow in numbers as our community comes together for a night of fun, laughter and friendly competition. I encourage everyone in our community to come along to enjoy the fun. Family and friends from outside our community are also most welcome to attend.
This year, we are delighted to be holding the annual Trivia Night on Friday 23 August, with Lee Faulkner from MMM Radio as our host for the evening. To ensure we continue to provide a wonderful event, we need some assistance from our community. If you are able to assist with organising the night, being a sponsor, donating prizes or even putting a table of guests together to support the event, we would be very grateful for your assistance. I understand that everyone is busy, but if you could give some of your time, even in a small way, it would be appreciated.
If you would like more information about the Trivia Night and what you can do to support the event, please contact me or Mrs Bronwyn Loughlin, our P&F Chairperson for further details. Bron’s email address is
Tickets are on sale now!
The WSC staff are already studying up for the occasion and we look forward to seeing you there!
Mrs Jackie Minnikin
Director of Campus
Project Based Learning at Concordia
Junior College
Year 1 Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary Excursion
Last Friday our Year 1 students visited the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary. Below are some of the students comments about the excursion.
“At Lone Pine I saw a baby joey. It was cute and I saw baby chickens.” Zara
“On Friday we went to Lone Pine. I saw a Tasmanian devil. The best part was patting the kangaroo.” Eira
“We went to Lone Pine on the bus. We saw koalas, kangaroos and much more. They were so cute that I wanted to buy them.” Ari
“We went to Lone Pine on the bus. I saw a kangaroo and I saw a rainbow lorikeet at Lone Pine. The best part was feeding the kangaroos.” Josie
“When we went to Lone Pine we saw a snake. It was the most venomous snake in the world. And we saw a platypus.” Zephyr
JC WSC Year 5 & HSC Year 5/6 Brisbane Space Excursion
The WSC Year 5 and the HSC Year 5/6 class Brisbane Space Excursion will take place on Tuesday 3 September 2019. All parents have been emailed the relevant information regarding this trip. If you have not received this email, please contact your child’s teacher. All permission forms are due back by Monday 26 August 2019.
JC Year 2 ‘The Twits’ Empire Theatre Excursion
The Junior College Year 2 ‘The Twits’ Excursion will take place Thursday 5 September 2019. All Year 2 parents have been emailed the relevant information regarding this trip. If you have not received this email, please contact your child’s teacher. We require the permission form to be submitted by Thursday 15 August 2019.
JC Year 6 Canberra Trip
The Junior College Year 6 Canberra Trip will take place from Monday 16 to Friday 20 September 2019. All Year 6 parents have been emailed the relevant information regarding this trip. If you have not received this email, please contact your child’s teacher. We require the permission form to be submitted by Monday 12 August 2019.
JC Year 3 Camp
The Junior College Year 3 camp will take place on Thursday 12 and Friday 13 September 2019. All Year 3 parents have been emailed the relevant information regarding this trip. If you have not received this email, please contact your child’s teacher. We require the permission form to be submitted by Tuesday 13 August 2019.
Year 3 Koojarewon Youth Camp Open Afternoon
An invitation is extended to our Year 3 families to attend an open afternoon at Koojarewon Youth Camp on Monday 19 August from 3.30pm to 5pm. This is an opportunity for parents and children to visit the campsite in readiness for the Year 3 Camp to be held later in Term 3. Koojarewon Youth Camp is located at 26 Borghardt Road, Highfields.
Every Family – Triple P Parenting Programs
See the flyers below for further information about upcoming Triple P Parenting Programs.
Outside School Hours Care
Hume Street Campus
Book Week Dress Up Parade – Tuesday 20 August
The theme for Book Week 2019 is ‘Reading is my Secret Power’. Reading does indeed give us secret powers: the power to walk in the shoes of others through their stories; the power to escape into other worlds; the power to improve vocabulary and imagination…the list goes on.
This year we are asking the students to dress up as their ‘Secret Power’ for Book Week on Tuesday 20 August.
So the students can showcase their costumes and their Secret Power, we will be having a Book Week Dress Up Parade at 8.30am in the Shed. All are welcome to come and enjoy the parade! This will then be followed by sharing our favourite stories with our buddies – so please remind your child to bring along their favourite book.
We look forward to seeing all the Secret Powers that arrive for Book Week Day!
You Have Been Spotted Sporting the Concordia Spirit?
Here is your chance to get a free coffee voucher from Wayne’s Encouraging Cup. Just be spotted in our car park sporting the Concordia car sticker and you could be the week’s winner. If you have been spotted, please see Carolyn or Delmae in Reception and they will give you a free voucher. If you need a sticker, let Reception know and they will get one to you. HTL800 - you are this week's winner!
Parent Help for Grandparents' Day
We would love your help on Grandparents' Day to either provide a plate of food for morning tea and/or help set up and serve. Each year level is being asked to bring a certain type of food to share.
- Prep – Fruit Platter
- Year 1 – Hot Food (mini pies, quiches, sausage rolls etc)
- Year 2 – Biscuits
- Year 3/4H – Cakes/Cupcakes, Muffins
- Year 3/4W – Slices
- Year 5/6 – Sandwiches
For more information and to indicate your availability please submit your indication through the fillable form. To avoid huge wastage and in consideration of our earth’s sustainability, we are happy to wash up dishes to return to you, however, please ensure that your name in on them please.
Festival of Learning and Grandparents' Day
Students and Staff are excited to present two separate events on Thuesday 5 September and Friday 6 September, our Festival of Learning and then Grandparents' Day.
Festival of Learning

We invite you to join us on Thursday 5 September from 5pm to 7.30pm.
Come join us in the Junior Playground for something to eat. The food vans will be available serving Hot Chips, Chicken Chips, Dagwood Dogs and Drinks or you may bring your own picnic food. The classrooms will be open for students to showcase their terms learning.
There will be plenty of time to visit your child/s classroom/s and then check out the learning of other classes as well. We are looking forward to a very exciting night.
Grandparents' Day

The following day Friday 6 September is Grandparents' Day. The anticipated program for this event will be:
- 8.40am - 9.45am - Grandparents to visit classrooms (a bell will ring at 9.45am to finish up in the classrooms and start moving up to the hall)
- 9.55am - Student Concert in the Hall
- 10.45am - Morning Tea under the trees
HSC’s Family Baby Board
Just for a bit of fun, we are building Concordia’s Hume Street Family Baby Board. In the walkway, we have a board where we will collect photos of ourselves as a baby or toddler and then have fun guessing who everyone is. If you have a photo of your child/ren, please send it in. We can photocopy it to save getting the photo ruined or email it to and we will print it out.
Walk My Way
HSC campus began Thursday the 8 August Walking on Sunshine’. As this song was played through the walkway, our students joined a huge conga line weaving their way in and out of classrooms to collect every student and member staff. We then arranged ourselves into the number 26! Why this number? Each $26 raised helps a refugee child go to school for a whole year. Our free dress day raised $343.10. This means that our campus has assisted thirteen students. Lead by our Year 6 students, the children worked in multi-age groups writing on Concordia hearts to express how they have a grateful heart.
Kindy to Year 2 Pyjama Storytime

Rookies2Reds Program

HSC Tuckshop Orders
All orders are to be completed online at My Student Account by 3pm each Wednesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Thursday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order.
HSC Week 5 Events
Click here to view HSC's Events for Week 5.
Forms to Complete - HSC
Form Name | Due Date |
JC 2019 Year 6 Canberra Trip Permission & Emerg. Cont./Dietary/Medical Form | Monday 12 August |
JC 2019 Year 3 Camp | Tuesday 13 August |
JC 2019 Year 2 "The Twits" Empire Theatre Excursion - Permission | Thursday 15 August |
HSC Father's Day Breakfast | Friday 23 August |
WSC Year 5 & HSC Year 5/6 Brisbane Space Excursion | Monday 26 August |
HSC Grandparents' Day Invitation 2019 | Friday 30 August |
HSC Parent Help for Grandparents Day 2019 | Friday 30 August |
Warwick Street Campus
Book Week Dress Up Parade – Wednesday 21 August
The theme for Book Week 2019 is ‘Reading is my Secret Power’. Reading does indeed give us secret powers: the power to walk in the shoes of others through their stories; the power to escape into other worlds; the power to improve vocabulary and imagination…the list goes on.
This year we are asking the students to dress up as their ‘Secret Power’ for Book Week on Wednesday 21 August.
So the students can showcase their costumes and their Secret Power, we will be having a Book Week Dress Up Parade at 8.30am in the Shed. All are welcome to come and enjoy the parade! This will then be followed by sharing our favourite stories with our buddies – so please remind your child to bring along their favourite book.
We look forward to seeing all the Secret Powers that arrive for Book Week Day!
After School Pick Up
This week we have been stressing the importance of safety to the students during after school pick up. We have noticed that quite a few students who have siblings at SSC are waiting on South Street to be collected by their parents. This is not an area that is supervised by teachers after school. Supervision after school is in the Drive Through and teachers are on duty until 3.30pm each day.
If students are being picked up on the South Street side of WSC, they have been informed that they are to sit on the grass inside the fence and wait for their parents. If this continues to be a safety issue, we will ask that all students be collected from the Drive Through.
We appreciate your assistance.
Kindy to Year 1 Pyjama Storytime

Rookies2Reds Program

WSC Tuckshop Orders
At WSC, tuckshop is held on a Wednesday. All orders are to be completed online at My Student Account by 3pm each Tuesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Wednesday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will start in Week 3 and finish in Week 9.
WSC Week 5 Events
Click here to view WSC's Events for Week 5.
Forms to Complete - WSC
Form Name | Due Date |
JC 2019 Year 6 Canberra Trip Permission & Emerg. Cont./Dietary/Medical Form | Monday 12 August |
JC 2019 Year 3 Camp | Tuesday 13 August |
JC 2019 Year 2 "The Twits" Empire Theatre Excursion - Permission | Thursday 15 August |
WSC Year 5 & HSC Year 5/6 Brisbane Space Excursion | Monday 26 August |
Stephen Street Campus
Years 7 and 8 Excursion was out of this World!
On Tuesday 6 August, Years 7 and 8 students spent the morning with our Chinese visitors on an excursion to the Japanese Gardens and University of Southern Queensland. The students were fortunate to attend a lecture about ‘Rocks from Space’ by Doctor Jonti Horner, an Astrophysicist who lectures at USQ and also works with NASA. It was an amazing opportunity for our students and visitors to listen as Doctor Jonti began his lecture by telling us that he became interested in Astronomy at the age of five when his parents accidentally recorded, ‘The Sky at Night’ at the end of a film they were taping for him to watch. As he grew up, Jonti became focused on objects in the Solar System which is what led him to completing a degree in Physics and Astronomy at the University of Durham.
When the students returned to school, I had the opportunity of asking the students for some feedback on the excursion. Below are some of their thought-provoking reflections.
Mrs Roslyn Cook
Middle College Coordinator
Today I had lots of fun at the University of Southern Queensland because the whole of Year 7 and 8 went for an excursion today to USQ. Firstly, when we got there, we went to the Japanese Gardens to eat our morning tea. After eating our morning tea, we went over to the Allison Dickson Lecture Theatre where Doctor Jonti Horner gave us a lecture on rocks in space. I really liked the lecture and what he had to say, so it was a very good day overall. - Koen Stangherlin
Today I learnt that I am just a small worthless dot in the solar system, and that there is much more to be discovered. Today, Year 7, Year 8 and the Chinese visitors attended a lecture at USQ (University of Southern Queensland) led by Doctor Jonti Horner. Doctor Jonti is an Astrophysicist and he taught us about the rocks in our Solar System. We learnt about the meteor that exploded at Chelyabinsk. Even though the meteor might have been around the size of the lecture room it could produce a massive shock wave that could ruin buildings and smash glass. Doctor Jonti also taught us about the recent meteor crashes over the years and how they impacted the world. We learnt about the different shapes and forms of meteors and that they weigh thousands of tonnes. I really enjoyed the lecture and think that it was a great opportunity for our learning. - Lily Osborne
Today, 6 August, our Years 7 and 8 class had an out of this world lecture on Astrophysics by Professor Jonathan Horner or Jonti for short at USQ. Jonti gave us a great understanding of how asteroids are formed and constantly being replaced. During his lecture ‘Rocks in Space,’ he told us how stars are made and how they then produce planets. He also talked about meteorites and craters on earth and on other planets. I learnt so much in such a short time like how they are planning to stop an asteroid from hitting the earth by either using a mirror to reflect the suns light and use it to slowly push the asteroid away over a period of months, or by picking up a boulder off the asteroid and using their gravitational pull to make it just miss Earth. These are just a few of the many things I learnt about at USQ. - Brady Cullinan
Today we went on an excursion to the University of Southern Queensland (USQ). First, we had our morning tea in the Japanese Gardens. After that, we attended a lecture by Astrophysicist Dr Jonti Horner. Throughout his presentation about rocks in space, I realised how small we really are here on Earth. Some of the information he shared was amazing and I couldn’t believe that someone could know that much about things flying around the solar system millions of kilometres away. Overall, I enjoyed our day out at USQ learning about rocks in space. - Charlie Pietsch
Today I went on a walk through space. The lecture at the USQ by Astrophysicist Doctor Jonti Horner was out of this world! We learned about many different things to do with space, asteroids and other objects that float around in the atmosphere. Some of the information was a bit over my head but I was able to follow most of what he was saying. I found it quite interesting and I enjoyed how Doctor Jonti was able to keep it intriguing by not talking about the same thing for too long. It was also amazing to watch the video of a meteorite entering the Earth’s atmosphere and then exploding. The aftershock of which was truly damaging. - Chrystina Byrnes.
Today at the USQ lecture we learnt about Astrophysicist Dr Jonti Horner. He taught us many interesting things about craters or how planets and stars explode and effect the solar system. It was very interesting even though I didn’t quite understand some of it. It’s also interesting how small and insignificant we are amongst space and the universe. - Januki Ranchagoda
Today we went on an excursion to USQ to attend a lecture about Astrophysics from Astrophysicist Doctor Jonti. I found it really interesting and helpful and it made me realize just how small we are. It also made me realize that an asteroid could very easily wipe us all out. Thanks to technology, we have a way to divert that asteroid to turn a hit into a miss. It was great to go and hear a professional talk to us about Astrophysics. - Jacob Colley
The NAIDOC Dinner on Monday night was a huge success with invited guests, students and staff attending. A huge thank you to the many staff who contributed, particularly to Mrs Tricia Priest and Mr Tyrone Lanagan and his kitchen team who gave us a beautiful setting with delicious food for our evening.
International Students University Experience Day
As usual, QUT International put together a fabulous interactive tour of their Gardens Point and Kelvin Grove campuses for our annual University Experience Day yesterday.
We were joined by past students who are now studying at QUT, Gregory Tants, Anthonia Boniepe and Douglas Wangua. The tour included presentations and tours of the Australian Centre for Robotic Vision, the Cube (where we played in one of the world's largest digital interactive learning and display spaces), the Medical labs (virtual anatomy dissection Anamotage table and a pipette activity), followed by complimentary lunch and a tour of the Health Clinics (Podiatry and Optometry) and Creative Industries precinct. Students returned home with an appreciation of the huge range of post-school options available, prizes, a make-your-own-lip balm kit and…exhaustion!
Thank you to Erika Reynolds (International Promotions Officer) and the various current QUT students and faculty staff who put together a great day for our students.
Ms Judy Burgis
International Student Coordinator
National Science Week - 10 to 18 August

Concordia's Science Department is holding a number of events to celebrate National Science Week. So far, Years 7 and 8 students have been to an astronomy session and Year 11 Biology students attended a Disease Workshop conducted by USQ.
On Monday, Wednesday and Friday of this week, the Science Department will be creating food with science. Liquid Nitrogen Ice cream, Sherbet and Donuts will be created using scientific techniques for students to witness. As well, classes will be celebrating the week with special activities.
If you would like any other Science information at Concordia, feel free to contact me:
Mr Dennis Wolbers
HOD - Science
Sport News
Inter-House Swimming Carnival
This year's Inter-House Swimming Carnival is being held on Tuesday 17 September. More information will be available in the coming weeks.
The AAG Cup Challenge is on at St Mary's College over this coming weekend (10 and 11 August). Concordia's U19 Boys are playing at 1pm and 3pm on Saturday and 11am Sunday. Come along and support the team.
Matt Trevor travelled to Townsville over the holidays to represent Toowoomba in the Queensland Under 18 State Hockey Championships. Matt was the Goal Keeper for the team. Matt's team played teams from all over Queensland during the three day tournament, finishing in fourth place. Well done, Matt!
Congratulations to Bridie Lindenmayer, Lily Christensen and Jade Farrows on being selected in the Toowoomba Under 15 Girls Squads to compete at the U15 Girls Southern Cross competition on Sunday 11 August. Good luck, girls!
On Monday 6 August, Concordia competed at the Red Lions Cup at the Highfields Sports Precinct. The Boys team had a 1-0 win in their first game then went down 0-1 in their next two games. This is a great result considering one of the teams had scored 7 goals in their two previous matches. I extremely proud of all of the boys.
The Girls team had a 2-4 loss, then a 0-2 loss and ended the day on a high with a 1-1 draw. Each of their results improving on the last. Again, quite proud of all the girls!
Mr David Rentell
Soccer Coach
Student Council Fundraising Project

Street Library

Student Council Service Project
Please collect as many bread tags as you can. There are collection points located outside classroom B5 and in Reception.

Boarding News
We have had another happy week in boarding with the highlight being the NAIDOC Dinner. The courage and grace of the students facilitating the event was a delight to see. Normally, the boarding food is of a very high standard, but the food for the NAIDOC Dinner was of a standard you would expect from a first class restaurant. It was nice for all to see photos of some of the remote locations where many of the boarders live, when they are not at school. At the end of the evening was an artistic island dance from the girls.
Otherwise, it has been business as usual. There was a junior social at one of the local schools on Saturday night, boys and girls playing their respective sports, plenty of study, with times of relaxing and fun mixed in between all of these other activities.
It was also nice to have some of the parents who live in SE Queensland drop by to have a catch up with their children.
The term is flying past quickly. Have a great week!
Mr Ross McKeown
Boys' Houseparent