The Week Ahead - Term 3, Week 5
Monday 8 August to Friday 12 August 2022
From the Head of College
Dear Parents and Caregivers
This past week we had the wonderful opportunity to host a group of Japanese students. These students experienced Boarding life as well as what it is to be a learner at both the Secondary and Junior College. I need to acknowledge the wonderful warmth, care and hospitality displayed by the boarding students and staff towards our visitors.
Thank you too, to those students who were great buddies at school during the visit. Thank you to our Marketing and Enrolments staff for the planning and preparation which has gone into making this opportunity available for both the Concordia and visiting Japanese students.

The Year 8 students need to be congratulated on how well they have carried themselves and supported one another at their four-day camp this week. For many of these students, Year 5 would have been the last time that they attended a school camp due to the impact of COVID on these outdoor events.
Staying with them overnight, enjoying delicious meals and then being part of an activity with the students yesterday morning [mountain biking], reminded me again of the many benefits for our students which come with the outdoor education program offered by Concordia, a strength acknowledged in the recently published MMG Survey results.
Thank you to Mrs Roz Cook, the Year 8 Year Level Coordinator, for the planning and organising which went into making this possible. Thank you to the many staff members who either stayed overnight or spent a day attending to support the students. Well done Year 8 students and sleep well tonight!
Congratulations to those Instrumental students who participated in the Eisteddfod this past week. I felt so proud on Monday night seeing these young musicians representing Concordia with such confidence. Thank you to Ms Christina Marangelli and those staff who attended to support her. Thank you, parents and caregivers, for your ongoing encouragement and support of your student in this area of our Arts Program. What talented students we have at Concordia!
Next weekend, Concordia will host its first Arts in Focus event. We look forward to seeing, hearing and celebrating with our Dance, Drama, Music, Choral and Visual Arts students from the Junior, Middle and Senior College areas of the school. Please join in the fun and celebrations at the Armitage Theatre [Empire Theatre complex] for an afternoon and evening of free entertainment. Make sure you book your space to see the performances by clicking here. See you there!
As I reflect on the many wonderful compliments paid about our students by our Japanese visitors, one phrase which stood out for me was “everyone is just so nice!” Many English language experts will tell us that the word “nice” isn’t a very strong adjective, but sometimes the word “nice” just summarises an event or person perfectly – this was a very fitting compliment about our students.
Being nice really matters. Children who have good social and emotional skills in primary school are more likely to have better relationships and outcomes later in life. In a research project by Pennsylvania and Duke Universities, teachers rated how all their students performed in categories like how well they resolved conflicts with peers, how well they listened to others, how much they helped others and how well they shared and co-operated with others.
The research then tracked these children for two decades. They recorded positive and negative milestones such as whether they graduated from high school, obtained a tertiary qualification, got a criminal record or had substance abuse problems.
The result: children who had scored high in social and emotional skills in the first years of school were found to have better outcomes as young adults than children who scored lower.
This study shows the clear link between good social and emotional skills and success later in life and these skills can be seen very early on. As children get older, there’s less emphasis on social and emotional skills. Parents and teachers may think children are just the way they are and they’ll sort it out as they grow. Unfortunately, that doesn’t always happen. Having our children focus their time and energy on reading and maths, playing a musical instrument or excelling on the sports field are important, but it is also vital to pay attention to building skills like sharing, having empathy for others, cooperating and being kind and nice. These skills will affect how they fare in life.
The key message is that parents, teachers and mentors can make a difference and influence the social and emotional skills that help lead to a fulfilling life and it is a good idea to start as early as possible.
Have a safe weekend and enjoy the warmer weather which has reminded us that Spring is just around the corner.
Yours in Christ
Mr Anton Prinsloo
Head of College
Quote of the Week: “Unexpected Kindness is the most powerful, least costly and most underrated agent of human change.” [Bob Kerrey]
From the College Pastor
Community News
Concert Bands at Eisteddfod
The Junior College and Middle/Senior College Concert Bands performed at the Toowoomba Eisteddfod on Monday. This is a very important event where students get to hear other ensembles, gain feedback and witness the huge sense of community at this competition between ensembles and conductors.
The Junior College performed very well and it was so exciting to do this on the Empire Theatre Main Stage! The Senior Concert Band received a Highly Commended in their section and received many compliments on their performance throughout the evening.
Interested in Playing Touch?
Please click here for the sign on details with All Stars Junior Touch, for the 2022/23 season.
Arts in Focus - Grab your seats NOW!

This new event is a showcase of The Arts highest achieving curriculum performances from the year to date as well as a showcase of the various Dance, Instrumental and Vocal Ensembles we have across the College campuses. It is our way of celebrating and congratulating the great work that students are doing every term in the classroom and activities in The Arts and allowing the College community to enjoy the work of these talented performers. Artworks from across all three campuses will be on display in the Church Theatre for family and friends to enjoy.
Arts in Focus performances are a free, general admission, non-allocated seating event. Please be aware that due to the seating capacity of the Armitage Centre, there are a limited number of tickets available for each session.
2.30pm to 5pm
Junior College performances and SSC Bands and Choirs, Armitage Centre
4.30pm to 6pm
Food, coffee and drinks available for purchase outside next to the Church Theatre and the Armitage Centre Bar
Art on Legs - 5pm to 5.45pm
SSC Drama Club, next to the Church Theatre
6pm to 8pm
SSC Curriculum performances and Dance Teams, Armitage Centre
12pm to 6pm
Concordia Lutheran College Art Exhibition
Artworks from Junior, Middle and Senior College, Church Theatre
Use the button below to book your tickets! Bookings close 5pm Friday 12 August. Please contact your Campus Reception if you have any questions.
Arts in Focus Saturday 13 August - Book your ticketsStrategic Plan Review Day

The Concordia Lutheran College community is warmly invited to attend a special workshop to review the current Strategic Plan and discuss the redevelopment of the plan towards 2026.
The workshop will take place in the Concordia Function Centre at Stephen Street Campus from 8.30am to 12.30pm on Saturday 20 August 2022. Morning tea will be provided to all participants.
We encourage all members of our community who are interested in developing the strategic intent of the College to attend this workshop and participate in the discussions around our vision, direction and objectives. The current strategic plan is available by clicking here.
Members of the College Leadership team will be on hand to lead sessions and participate in discussions.
If you would like to be a part of this important day, please click here to register your attendance.
Project Based Learning at Concordia
Junior College
From the Junior College Directors
I have three of the best jobs in the world… a mum to my two beautiful girls, a grandma (Amma) to my two gorgeous grandchildren and a teacher in education!
How blessed are we in Australia to get Long Service Leave! I recently took LSL and went to England to spend time with one of my daughters and her family including my two grandchildren. I had a fabulous time of playing, painting, cooking, and doing all the things a regular Grandma gets to do. My Grandma bucket was replenished. We were fortunate enough then, for them to accompany me back to Australia where we prolonged our time together with extended family in Australia. More painting, cooking, beach visits, etc etc.
I am so thankful to have amazing work colleagues and knew HSC wouldn’t miss a beat. A special thanks goes to Mrs Jackie Minnikin and Mrs Rowena Weier for the support they gave our campus during my leave. I would also like to thank each and every person who has warmly welcomed me back this week. The response from the students was very heart warming. While I was devastated to put my daughter and grandchildren on the plane to go home, I am excited to get back to work. I look forward to catching up and saying hello to those whom I haven’t seen yet. Now… on with the rest of our busy Term 3!
At Concordia, we are committed to transitioning our students between year levels so we can instill confidence in them as they enter their new learning environments. This week we welcomed our 2023 Preps to our Junior College campuses for our Prepping for Prep sessions. This is the first event for the newest members of our community, as we transition them from Kindy into Prep. These were very exciting day for our new Preps, and very anxious days for some of their parents. We look forward to seeing these students again throughout the rest of this year as they get to know their new school environment.
With transitioning being such an important part of Concordia, our Year 6 students will be taking their learning to Stephen Street Campus for the next two Mondays. The students will get to experience what a day looks like at high school and will be participating in some lessons with our SSC staff as well as having the opportunity to attend an Assembly. We look forward to hearing about their time.
We do understand that mornings are a busy time for all families and many parents need to get to work each day. We are noticing that a number of our Junior College students are arriving at school before 8am. Please be mindful that supervision for students only commences at 8am. Our HSC OSHC operates Before School Care, so please contact this service if you need assistance before school.
Blessings for the week ahead.
Click here to view HSC's Events for Term 3, Week 5.
Click here to view WSC's Events for Term 3, Week 5.
Mrs Juanetta Priest - Director of Campus (Hume Street)
Mrs Jackie Minnikin - Director of Campus (Warwick Street)
Music News
A reminder to check SeeSaw for the update on what the students did in their lessons each week and the practice goals set. This enables the students who are away to catch up or work to meet the goals of the others students without falling behind.
It also enables you to check-in and ask, “Hey, could you play me that song?” and leaves the students wondering how you know all the amazing information of what is going on in their music classes!
Remember, if you have any questions or need extra support, please contact
JC Library News
Book Week 2022 is approaching rapidly and it is very exciting looking at all of the amazing CBCA Notable and Shortlisted books we have purchased for the Junior College libraries.
We will be celebrating Book Week in the week beginning Monday 22 August. The Book Week Parade will be held on Wednesday 24 August. I am really looking forward to seeing the students all dressed up in their costumes on that day.
Pyjama Storytime is a fabulous event that our younger students enjoy participating in. It will be held on Tuesday 23 August at WSC and Thursday 25 August at HSC. In the weeks leading up to Book Week, I am sharing some of the CBCA Notable and Shortlisted books with the classes as they come for their weekly library time.
This week, I have shared The Inheritance by Armin Greder with Years 5 and 6 at each campus. This book has been shortlisted in The Picture Book of the year category. The Inheritance tells of the greed of those who hold economic power, and reminds us that silence and inaction amount to complicity. With minimal text, this powerful story is told primarily through Armin Greder's distinctive illustrations that challenge the reader to question the status quo and fight for the future.
Recently we received a copy of Swoosh, Glide and Rule Number 5 from the eSafety Commissioner. I have been sharing this book with the students in Prep to Year 2. This book is a picture book that deals with the topic of the wonderful world of digital technology and teaches children what to do when something goes wrong.
It is recommended as a resource to use for under 8 year olds. This is the link to the fantastic Swoosh and Glide resources including an online version of the book, games and a downloadable Story Puzzles Activity Book. These are available for free use for educators and families - Swoosh, Glide and Rule Number 5 | eSafety Commissioner
I am looking forward to seeing many young students and their cuddly teddy bears join me for Pyjama Storytime in their cosy pyjamas and the magnificent costumes on parade during our wonderful celebration of CBCA Book Week 2022.
Mrs Karen Maben
Junior College Library Coordinator
JC Year 6 Cairns Trip
On Monday 5 September to Friday 9 September our JC Year 6 students will be attending the exciting Cairns Trip. Please find attached Parent Information letter including the Itinerary and packing list.
All students are to be dropped at Hume Street Campus by 6am for a 6.45am departure.
- Parents are requested to go to Parent Lounge to submit your permission by Wednesday 17 August 2022:
- Login to Parent Lounge >
- click on Events & Payments >
- click on JC 2022 Year 6 Cairns Trip >
- Accept >
- Save
*Please click on the Jotform link below to fill in that you give permission for staff to administer Panadol to your child if needed.*
Link: Year 6 Cairns Trip Permission to Administer Panadol
After submitting your permission, please check and ensure your Parent Lounge portal is up-to-date regarding your child’s Emergency Contact Info, Medical Conditions and Food Allergies/Dietary Requirements.
Should you any further queries regarding the Cairns Trip, please contact your child’s teacher
JC Year 1 Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary Excursion - 12 August
On Friday 12 August, the JC Year 1 students will be attending an excursion to the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary (LPKS).
- Students are required to be dropped at the Hume Street Campus by 7.15am for a 7.30am departure.
- Students will return to their campus for a normal school pick up.
Parent Permission
Parents are requested to go to Parent Lounge to submit your permission by Friday 5 August.
* Login to Parent Lounge >
* Click on Events and Payments >
* Click on - JC 2022 Year 1 Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary Excursion >
* Accept >
* Save
Important Note: Please check and ensure your child's medical and emergency contact details are up to date.
If you have any questions regarding this excursion, please contact your child's teacher.
JC Year 3 Koojarewon Camp
On Thursday 18 August, our JC Year 3 students will be attending their first camp at the Koojarewon Youth Camp. Please find attached a Parent Information letter including the program and packing list.
- All students are to be dropped at Hume Street Campus by 8.30am. Children will be supervised by a teacher from 8am.
- Students will depart Koojarewon Youth Camp at 1.30pm and returning to Hume Street Campus for pick up by parents from approx. 2.15pm.
- Parking for both drop off and pick up is on the sports oval.
Permissions Required
Parents are requested to go to Parent Lounge to submit your permission for the Camp:
• Login to Parent Lounge >
• click on Events & Payments >
• click on Event > JC Year 3 Koojarewon Camp
• Accept >
• Save
After submitting your permission, please check and ensure your Parent Lounge portal is up-to-date regarding your child’s Emergency Contact Info, Medical Conditions and Food Allergies/Dietary Requirements.
Should you any further queries regarding this camp, please contact your child’s teacher.
CLC Central Zone 9-12yrs Track & Field Carnival
The Central Zone 9-12yrs Track & Field Carnival is on Wednesday 10 August 2022 at the O'Quinn Street Oval, Harristown.
Activity Information
- Parents are required to drop their child off at the Carnival by 8am. Please see the CLC Staff member on arrival.
- Parents may take their child home from the Carnival, however, you must collect students from the CLC Staff member and have them marked off.
- Students will be transported back to their campus for a regular pick up or OSHC at around 2.40pm by College bus or walking.
- Students must remain in the College's designated area at all times when they are not being called for marshalling or competing.
- There will be a canteen available this year, although students are advised to bring their own snacks or lunch for the day along with a full water bottle.
- Parents of our Year 5 students are required to drop their child at the Emu Gully Camp after the Carnival or they have finished their events.
- Emu Gully Adventure Camp - 142 Twidales Road, Helidon Spa QLD 4344 (Phone 07 4697 6631).
Congratulations Arabella and Emma!
Well done to Arabella Knopke and Emma Walkington who received the pennant for the 11 years girls age group at the QCIS Carnival this week.
A pennant is awarded to athletes in each age group who accumulate the most points. Arabella and Emma both did every single event together. This is a back up win for them as they did the same last year.
A remarkable achievement for the girls - well done!!
Outside School Hours Care
Hume Street Campus
HSC Tuckshop Orders
At HSC, Tuckshop is held on a Thursday. All orders are to be completed online at My Student Account by 3pm each Wednesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Thursday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 9.
HSC Kindy to Year 2 PJ Storytime

Warwick Street Campus
WSC Tuckshop Orders
At WSC, Tuckshop is held on a Wednesday. All orders are to be completed online at My Student Account by 3pm each Tuesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Wednesday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 9.
WSC Kindy to Year 2 PJ Storytime

Congratulations Ralph!
Congratulations Ralph Beadle for being awarded the Primary Male Eisteddfod Bursary!
Ralph, in Year 6 at WSC, also received a first place medal for Primary Male Year 6 Humorous Poem; a second place medal for Primary Solo Mime; and received fabulous feedback and positive comments for his performance in the Primary Prose section.
Well done, Ralph. We are super proud of your efforts and achievements!
Stephen Street Campus
From the Director of Campus
It was a great privilege to join with other Lutheran educators from around the country this week as part of the Sydney Contemporary Learning tour group. Contemporary Learning tours are a fantastic Lutheran Education Australia initiative that allows schools to visit and learn from other schools embarking on an innovation journey.
There is an acceptance within Lutheran education, that in order to prepare students for a rapidly changing world, we must engage them in authentic and deep learning experiences that will allow them to be resilient and adapt to these changes, built on a strong Christian foundation of service and grace. We look forward to our continuing journey with our community to shape this future and provide our young people with the best possible head-start in life.
Year 8 Camp
Congratulations to our Year 8 cohort, who by all reports have represented themselves and the College exceptionally well this week while at Camp Laurence, Lake Moogerah. I am sure that upon return today the students will be tired, but at the same time, feel a sense of accomplishment and connection from the activities and personal endeavours they have been challenged with this week. Thanks again to all our staff who have spent time away from their families this week to assist with the camp program.

Year 6 at SSC
Over the next two Mondays we welcome Year 6 students from Hume Street and Warwick Street Campuses as they undertake their learning at Stephen Street Campus. Accompanied by their regular Year 6 teacher, this will enable the students to experience aspects of life in secondary schooling, including access to specialist facilities, such as the Science labs. We take great pride in our transition program at Stephen Street Campus, acknowledging that there is natural anxiety for students as they prepare for high school. However, we have no doubt that students will come to see the welcoming and encouraging environment offered at Stephen Street Campus.
Year 11 Camp
Next up on our calendar of outdoor education adventures are our Year 11 students who will be participating in a Leadership Camp at Luther Heights Youth Camp from 15-17 August. It is incredible to think that we are at this time already, where our Year 11 students prepare to take the lead as our next group of Seniors. Like all of our camps, this opportunity will challenge students to work more closely with peers, while at the same time reflecting on their own personal leadership and influence capabilities. Thanks to Mrs Leah Bowes for her organisation of this milestone event.
Have a great week.
Yours in faith,
Mr Jamie Pukallus
Director of Campus
Futures Expo
Last Thursday evening, our Years 9 to 12 students were invited to attend our annual Futures Expo in the Function Centre.
The Expo is a great opportunity for students and parents to talk with representatives from a variety of providers about their career pathways. This year saw the largest turn out to date of parents and students taking the opportunity to come along and Mrs Leah Bowes and I were very impressed to see so many students talking to the exhibitors and asking questions about their pathway options. Some brave students even spoke one on one to the Griffith representative virtually via Teams.
Thank you to everyone who came and supported the Futures Expo and thank you to the following exhibitors who gave their time to meet with our College community:
- Defence Force Recruiting
- UniSQ (USQ)
- QFEC (Fire)
- Police Recruiting
- Golden West Apprenticeships
- Busy at Work
- Sarina Russo
- UQ Skills
- Griffith University (virtually)
- Aurora Training Institute
- UQ
- Southern Cross University
- Durack College
- Kehoe Myers
- McConachie Stedman
Mrs Jo Tessmer
Future Pathways Coordinator
Free Elevate Parent Webinar - Essay Writing
The Elevate Term 3 Webinar series is focusing exclusively on Essay Writing, and how parents can help their children become better essay writers at home.
The next webinar will be:
Wednesday 10 August, 6.30pm (AEST)
Topic: How to Help Your Child’s Essay Writing
Here's what Elevate will be covering:
✅ The importance of goal-setting in essay writing;
✅ How you can provide real-time support & feedback to speed up the process of improvement;
✅ How students can begin to self-assess their work so they can become independent writers;
Empire Theatre Youth Bursary recipient

Over the holidays, I had the wonderful experience of attending the 2022 Griffith Acting and Music Theatre winter workshop in Brisbane. This experience was granted to me when I received a youth bursary at the Empire Theatre in 2022. This workshop was such an incredible opportunity and enhanced my skills with fellow music theatre enthusiasts by my side.
Throughout these four days, we worked on musical theatre skills including breathing, articulation and how to present confidently on stage. We worked on acting skills that helped me to embody a character more fully. We participated in dance warm-ups to learning choreography. From this we learnt two musical theatre pieces and a song which were performed on the Thursday night for parents.
This was such a great experience and I highly recommend it to students who love music, acting and music theatre. You will make friends and take away life-long skills from working with professionals in the industry.
Georgette May
Year 11
Years 7 to 12 Disco
Please note, students are to register if attending the disco.

Boarding News
Hello to all our families near and far.
It's lovely to be reminded of the simple things in life as I watch kids of all ages and different cultures communicate. While they all have fancy phones with all the apps, one cannot replace the value of face-to-face communication.
I have had the pleasure to care for and oversee our lovely Japanese students during their stay at Concordia. I have, many times this week, smiled to myself about the way these kids have engaged with each other. A smile, a hello, a thank you, little chuckles, happy grins, welcoming gestures, warm thank yous. They all translate for me as the international language of happy teenagers.
Our Japanese students have thoroughly enjoyed their stay and our students have been fantastic hosts. We look forward to the next group in Term 4.

Our Year 8 students set off to camp earlier this week, very prepared and excited.
Years 9 and 10 boys played Basketball at Toowoomba Grammar School and came away as undefeated champions of Division 2!
Mock exams will start soon for Year 12 and Year 11. Another year is nearly over - my, how fast it has gone!
Hope you all enjoy our gallery this week.
Take care and stay safe when travelling.
Mrs Maureen Taurima
Girls' Houseparent