The Week Ahead - Term 4, Week 2
Monday 12 October to Friday 16 October 2020
From the Head of College
Welcome back to the start of the final term in 2020. I pray that you have enjoyed a relaxing break and that the final term of this school year will be enjoyable and full of wonderful moments.
Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) proposal at Warwick Street Campus
The College, in consultation with Queensland Lutheran Early Childhood Services (QLECS), has begun looking at the possibility of establishing a before and after school program for Junior College students at the Warwick Street Campus.
We recognise that many parents currently arrange for their children to be cared for at other centres or in other programs during these times outside of school hours, and that parents or guardians prefer to use a service that is close to WSC for convenience.
As a first and critical step, a short survey will be issued to parents from Warwick Street Campus and to incoming WSC families for 2021. This will determine whether the registration process will progress in readiness for a 2021 start.
Please note that we are not considering offering a Vacation Care program at Warwick Street Campus in the near future. I will keep the community posted as we determine any further actions.
Valedictory Week
Next week will see the community celebrate the final formal week for the Year 12 Class of 2020. The ‘Recognition and Valedictory Evening’ (Monday 12 October) will be held under restricted conditions in the Empire Theatre and this will replace the SSC Awards and Presentation Evening and the Year 12 Valedictory Service normally scheduled during this week. This event will be recorded and will then be made available for all interested members of our community.
The traditional ‘Arrivals and Valedictory Dinner’ (Thursday 15 October) will also be held under restricted conditions, with family and household clusters being able to be present on the College grounds. The arrivals will be live streamed through the Concordia Lutheran College Facebook site.
There are several other internal activities planned for this coming week and I thank all who have been involved for their willingness to support this very special group of young people.
Our Year 12 students will then head into SWOTVAC before commencing their external assessments over a three-week period beginning on Monday 26 October. We look forward to getting this stage of the new QCE underway and I wish all our students, parents and teachers the best for the weeks ahead.
General points
Importantly, we will farewell our Year 9 students as they embark on their one-month journey to Googa Outdoor Education Centre. They will be farewelled on Tuesday morning and we wish them well for what is often a life-changing experience.
As many parents and students are already aware, the Director of Stephen Street Campus, Mr Jason Smith has fractured his leg in a pushbike accident. I would ask that as a community we continue to keep Jason in our prayers over the coming days and weeks.
The normal lines of communication through to Mr Smith’s office are open to parents, and any follow up actions will be directed to my office through Mrs Karen Watson in SSC Student Reception.
Kind regards and every blessing
Mr Adrian Wiles
Head of College
From the College Pastor
Community News
AFL Premiership Cup Toowoomba Visit

Don’t miss your chance to be a part of history, as the Toyota AFL Grand Final Cup Tour visits Toowoomba on Friday 16 October! Come along in your footy colours and be a part of something special as footy fever takes over Queensland.
You never know, a Queensland team may be lifting the Cup up high come 24 October!
- When: Friday 16 October 2020
- Time: 8am to 10am
- Location: Cobb + Co Museum, 27 Lindsay Street, Toowoomba, QLD 4350 Australia
Donate Unused Sports Gear
My name is Caitlin Wiggins and I would like to introduce you to a charity I am establishing.
Our region has many diverse groups of different social and economic backgrounds and they can find it difficult to integrate and progress within our community. Sport has always been a wonderful way for people to become involved, meet new people and make lifetime friendships however equipment can be costly and out of reach for many.
The purpose of this charity is to provide newly arrived immigrants and disadvantaged youth with sporting equipment to assist their integration and involvement into the sporting community of Toowoomba.
How can you help?
We are looking for donations of sporting gear or equipment that you have out grown or do not use anymore ie football boots, sporting balls, cricket gear, running shoes etc. New equipment or Voucher donations would also be welcomed.
Where to drop off?
Each campus will have drop off points and these are listed in the flyer below.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact your Director of Campus or myself. I am at HSC in Year 6. Your support will be appreciated.

HSC P&F Mango Fundraiser
The Hume Street Campus P&F Committee is running the annual Mango Fundraiser. Please see below for more information and order form.

Watch the Year 12 Formal Arrivals on Facebook
Every year, many members of the College community come to Stephen Street Campus to watch our Year 12 students make their entrance in their Valedictory Dinner formal wear.
This year only registered guests can attend this event so we will be sharing their big moments with you via livestream on Facebook.
If you visit our Facebook page, you can see the planned livestream and click the link saying you're interested to attend this livesteamed event. You will receive a notification when the stream goes live on the day.
The recording will be available to watch afterwards if you are unable to watch it live.
Mrs Bianca Coleborn
Director of Marketing & Enrolments
Project Based Learning at Concordia
Junior College
Junior College Christmas for the Bush

Each year, our Junior College participates in the Christmas for the Bush service project, in order to assist our rural neighbours and make their Christmas a little brighter.
“Christmas for the Bush” is an annual event run by Care Outreach, delivering groceries and Christmas gifts to struggling families in rural and remote regions. So many farming families continue to battle in the grip of the current drought. Loss of income, isolation and depression are some of the issues these families continue to experience.
Care Outreach works to bring encouragement, support and hope to rural families in need. Their volunteers aim to visit about 2000 families in the coming months, delivering vouchers, food hampers, Christmas gifts and toiletries, and providing hands-on help with farm duties.
We will partner with Care Outreach in supporting their "Christmas For The Bush" campaign again this year. We will launch our appeal in Term 4, Week 1. We ask that you consider adding a few extra items to your shopping trolley to help support this important project.
There are a number of ways that your family can help:
- Donations of tinned and other non-perishable food, along with items to help make a special family Christmas.
- Donations of new toys and gifts.
- Toiletry items such as toothbrushes, deodorant, moisturiser and shampoo.
- Monetary donations, fuel and gift cards.
Donation baskets will be placed outside of classrooms from the beginning of next term.
Care Outreach staff and volunteers are excited to have our support again this year. Bill and Melissa Close (Founders) are looking forward to visiting us next term for our special chapel service. More details will follow regarding this service.
Thank you for considering this worthwhile project. The need this year is as great as ever.
Mrs Angela Norley and Mrs Lee-Anne Millett
Outside School Hours Care
Hume Street Campus
Pre Kindy Hours Change
We are excited to announce our Pre Kindy program hours will increase in 2021. The new hours of operation for Pre Kindy will be 8.30am to 3pm.
From the Director
Welcome to Term 4
We have had a great start to the term. Year 2’s have ‘flown’ to Bali, Year 3 and 4’s are about to redesign a zoo enclosure for their chosen animal, Year 1’s have begun learning to sign (using AUSLAN) the Blessing Song, just to name a few of the learning opportunities for this term. We would also like to welcome the Robertson’s to our HSC community. Ash is in Prep and Chase is in Year 4. It is lovely to continually be welcoming new people to our ‘HSC family’.
Our topic for Chapel this term will be looking at the concept of Service. Click on the following to see our story and songs from Chapel today that introduced this topic. We have two excellent projects happening this term within our whole college that will assist us to learn about how we can be the hands and feet of Jesus, Christmas for the Bush and the Sporting Equipment Collection. Please see both of these opportunities explained in this week’s The Week Ahead.
Term 4 Events
We are being able to continue our plans with many of our Term 4 events. We will be in contact as soon as details are confirmed for each of these. As you can imagine, Govt’s CoVid regulations are an ever changing process to work through. With the student’s health and safety first and foremost, we will aim to keep things as regular as we can. We are hoping to be able to include parents in some of our end of year events as well. Keep watching this space for more updates.
- Please remember that our drive way is two lanes. Please line up in the right lane to drop off and pick up your children. Some days, the kindy families are having trouble getting through due to people lining up in the middle of the road.
- The afternoon bell goes at 3.05pm for a 3.10pm finish to school. A great time to collect your children is between 3.15pm-3.25pm, as the line is far less at those times.
Mrs Juanetta Priest Director of Campus
Mrs Juanetta Priest
Director of Campus
No Tuckshop this Week
Please note: There is no Tuckshop this week. It will recommence Week 3 this term.
HSC Year 3 to Year 6 Swimming Lessons
On Monday 12 October, the Year 3 to Year 6 students will commence their swimming lessons for Term 4 at the Concordia Aquatic Centre. Each of these classes will participate in lessons over weeks 2 and 3 of Term 4.
Please note: NO Parents can attend swimming lessons due to COVID-19 restrictions.
Please ensure that students have the following items:
- Swimming togs
- Goggles
- House swimming cap
- Towel
- Dressing Gown or similar to wear on the bus
- Thongs
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher.
To avoid any lost items, please clearly label all of your child's items including their shoes, underwear and uniform.

Warwick Street Campus
From the Director
Welcome back to Term 4! We hope you all enjoyed some precious time with your families over the last couple of weeks. Our WSC students have returned this week with many holiday stories to share and are refreshed and ready for the next eight weeks.
This term we will be continuing with the drop off and pick up procedures from Term 3. Please remember ALL students must remain in their cars in the mornings until our staff are present. Thank you again for your patience and support as we continue to follow these health guidelines.
The teachers have been busy over the last few weeks preparing some exciting learning activities for this term and we look forward to being able to share these with you. Please keep an eye out for notes and updates on Seesaw so you are aware what is happening in your child’s class this term. It’s going to be a big one and we are already one week down!
We are also excited to be able to hold some of our camps and excursions this term, and I was fortunate to be able to spend some time with our Year 5 class at Koojarewon today as they begin their Junior College leadership journey. This is the first time our Year 5 students have participated in a leadership day and it was encouraging to see these students work together as a team to problem solve in their activities. I look forward to working with our Year 5 students this term as they put in their nominations for leadership positions in the coming weeks – this is an exciting time!
Mrs Jackie Minnikin
Director of Campus
No Tuckshop this Week
Please note: There is no Tuckshop this week. It will recommence Week 3 this term.
Word on the Street
The word on the street is that there are many decorated rocks hidden in Rock City thanks to Annie Scouller in Year 2. This has created great excitement amongst the students as each new rock is found!

WSC Prep to Year 6 Swimming Lessons
On Tuesday 6 October, Prep to Year 6 students will commence their swimming lessons for Term 4 at the Concordia Aquatic Centre. Each of these classes will participate in lessons over the first 6 weeks of Term 4.
Please note: NO Parents can attend swimming lessons due to COVID-19 restrictions.
Please ensure that students have the following items:
- Swimming togs
- Goggles
- House swimming cap
- Towel
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher.
To avoid any lost items, please clearly label all of your child's items including their shoes, underwear and uniform.

Stephen Street Campus
Year 11 Change of Subject
With the Year 11 academic year finishing by the end of next Friday. If any student is still thinking making any subject changes this MUST be completed BEFORE the end of NEXT WEEK.
After the commencement of Year 12, QCAA directs that students are not allowed to make any further subject changes. Unit 3 and Unit 4 are seen as a whole, not separate units of work which occurs for Year 11 with Unit 1 and Unit 2. Serious consequences occur to a student's ATAR rank and QCE certificate if changes are made during a student’s Year 12 year.
If a student is wishing to make any subject changes then a parent MUST make an appointment to discus the proposed subject change with me BEFORE NEXT FRIDAY. Please contact me if you require any further information.
Ms Wendy Bowen
Director of Learning and Innovation
Elevate Free Parent Webinar
7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens
Through the student Weekly Wellbeing documents this term, students will explore the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens. These seven habits, written by author Sean Covey, attempts to provide "a compass to help teens and their parents navigate the problems they encounter daily."
Week 1 looked at being proactive - in life and school.
Week 2 looks at 'beginning with the end in mind', encouraging students to have a road map and a personal mission statement about the direction they would like to head in. This devotion is for parents and it supports the Week 2 habit.
Sport Update

Zimmie's AFL Draft Success
Congratulations to Zimmorlei Farquharson who was the Brisbane Lions' first pick in the AFLW Draft last night. She was the eighth pick in the entire draft - a MASSIVE achievement! On Wednesday, Zimmie signed her contract with the Brisbane Lions. Great work Zimmie - we are very proud of you and wish you every success with your AFL career.
Triathlon Darling Downs Trials
The Darling Downs Triathlon selection trials for the Darling Downs regional team to compete at 2021 State Championships will be conducted on Sunday 8 November at Oakey.
This event is being conducted by the Toowoomba Triathlon Club as part of the 2020/21 Triathlon Series.
Students who wish to be considered for selection in this DD team, please see Mrs Anderson at Student Reception.
Term 4 Training Times

Year 12 Formal Arrivals streamed live on Facebook
Every year, many members of the College community come to Stephen Street Campus to watch our Year 12 students make their entrance in their Valedictory Dinner formal wear.
This year only registered guests can attend this event so we will be sharing their big moments with you via livestream on Facebook.
If you visit our Facebook page, you can see the planned livestream and click the link saying you're interested to attend this livestreamed event. You will receive a notification when the stream goes live on the day.
The recording will be available to watch afterwards if you are unable to watch it live.
Mrs Bianca Coleborn
Director of Marketing & Enrolments
High Tea for 2020 Year 12 Boarders
At the end of Term 3, Houseparents Ms Maureen and Mr Ross headed out for High Tea with the Year 12 boarding students.
This was a moment in time for the Year 12 boarders to celebrate their last year at school – a year much different to previous years.
We donned our good gear (clothes), polished our shoes and headed out to a posh Toowoomba restaurant for a calm, well-mannered cup of tea... or as the case evolved, some coffee and soft drinks too.
It appears a stroke of luck we enjoyed being together at that time, as one of the boarders, Ray Chui, soon after received an early acceptance into a Brisbane university for his desired course, physically starting the course in Term 4, 2020. We miss Ray but are super excited that his dream came true from his hard work and we wish him the best!
We all enjoyed our High Tea immensely, including hearing all the students' great plans for the future.
Ms Maureen and Mr Ross