The Week Ahead - Term 4, Week 3
Monday 16 October - Friday 20 October
From the Head of College
Who can believe it’s the end of Week 2 of our last term of 2023? This week has seen us continue to celebrate and acknowledge our Year 12 cohort as they finished their final full week of school today before they commence preparing for their final exams. We wish them well as they continue on their journey next year whether it be to further studies or to join the workforce. For those parents who will be finishing with us at Concordia this year along with their Year 12 student, we thank you for giving us the opportunity to be a part of your child’s education.
One of our most special traditions at the end of Year 12 is the writing of Merci letters to the many staff who have assisted these students throughout their years at Concordia. I know from experience that receiving one of these letters is a very special moment. Even though our staff have been acknowledged by our graduating class this week, I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank all staff at Concordia who have assisted not only our Year 12 class but all students throughout their schooling. We are fortunate to have a dedicated team across the entire College who work tirelessly to support the students in our care.
Yesterday, Pastor Thomas and I had the opportunity to visit our Year 9 students at Googa, and we can report that all students are safe and well! The boys had just returned from their three-day survival camp out, and the girls were spending the last day on theirs. It was wonderful to drive around the property and visit each of the girls’ camps. They were relaxed and happy and were keen to share a few stories about their nights under the stars.
The boys were also quite chuffed at their newly acquired skills of washing using an old wringer machine!This group have participated exceptionally well in all challenges that have been put forward to them over the last two weeks and are looking forward to the last two weeks of their outdoor adventure. Parents, I hope you have received a long-awaited letter (or two) from your child to hear about the many activities that they have been participating in.
Next week we will welcome over 100 students who are commencing at Concordia in 2024 for our Orientation Day. It will be a big day for many students, in particular our new Prep and Year 7 students. We look forward to spending some time with these students and meeting their families.
I wish you all a wonderful weekend and blessings for the week ahead.
Mrs Jackie Minnikin
Acting Head of College
From the College Pastor
Community News
Orientation Day
Here comes the Sun - Soloist Concert
Here comes the Sun - Soloist Concert will be on Thursday 9 November at 5.30 in the Chapel at SSC.
Music Opportunity
Nominations for the State Honours Ensemble Program – Darling Downs (March 8-10, 2024) are due to Ms Marangelli by October 18.
This is an educational program for music students that helps extend and encourage their pursuit of musical excellence. It brings together many young people from all over the State to share their passion for making music and is provided by the Qld Conservatorium of Music.
Anyone in Years 6-12 who are at an AMEB (or equivalent) level of 4-7 can be nominated. Choral students would have a mid to high level of experience.
Please email if you would like to be nominated to represent the school or if you are interested in future opportunities such as this. The cost to participate, if successful is $290.
Year 3 Buddies Poem - Christmas for the Bush
Our Year 3 buddies wrote us a special poem about Christmas For The Bush. It’s so good, we would love to share it with you. Please click on expand article below!
HSC OSHC Sausage Sizzle and Bake Sale - 14 October

HSC Parent Connect Mango Fundraiser - closing 16 October
The Hume Street Campus Parent Connect is running the annual Mango Fundraiser. Please see below for more information and Parent Connect Mango Order Form

JC Skateboard Deck Art Exhibition

Project Based Learning at Concordia
Junior College
JC Weekly STEM Challenge
Week 3’s Stem Challenge is the I Scream for Ice Cream Challenge: “Design an ice cream that looks yummy to eat. Happy designing!”

JC Prep - Year 2 Aquatic Fun Day - Cancelled Event
Please note … We have needed to cancel this event. We apologise for any inconvenience this causes and thank those who were planning to attend.
JC Christmas for the Bush and Chapel Service
Care Outreach has been supporting Outback families for over 25 years. Many rural and remote families are in their 10th year of drought. These families need us more than ever this Christmas.
In Term 4, the Junior College will be again supporting Care Outreach with their Christmas for the Bush appeal. You can help by donating...
- Non-perishable food and Christmas treats
- Toys and family gifts
- Toiletries
- Pre-paid visa cards
Donation baskets will be placed in every classroom. 100% goes to our farmers! For other specific needs, please visit Care Outreach and click on the 'Christmas for the Bush' tab.
Christmas for the Bush will conclude with a Junior College Chapel Service lead by our Year 1 students in the SSC Chapel on Friday 27 October at 9.30am. Everyone is invited to come along.
JC Dress as a Farmer Day - 25 October

JC Year 2 Amaroo Environmental Education Centre Excursion - 1 November
We are very excited to let you know that on Wednesday 1 November, we will be going to the Amaroo Environmental Education Centre for our 2023 excursion. The program ‘What’s the Bush About’ supports the Biological Science Unit for this term. Teachers in Charge attending will be Sally Weir and Emma Stewart.
Travel Arrangements
Warwick Street Campus Students
Students will depart from WSC at 8.30am and will return to WSC at approx. 3.30pm. Please arrive by 8.20am.
Hume Street Campus Students
Students will depart from HSC at 8.45am and will return to HSC at approx. 3.15pm.
Dress Code
Students will be required to wear the College Sports Uniform and College Hat.
What to Bring
Students are required to bring their Morning Tea, Lunch and Water Bottle, which should be kept in a small backpack that they are able to carry for the day.
Parent Helpers
We are looking for Parents who are available to attend the excursion to help with supervising a small group of students for the day. If you are interested in helping please contact Carolyn Lynch via An email has been sent out about this.
Parental Permission
Parents are requested to go to Parent Lounge to submit your permission by Monday 23 October 2023:
- Login to Parent Lounge >
- click on Events & Payments >
- click on JC Year 2 Amaroo Environmental Education Centre Excursion >
- Accept >
- Save
IMPORTANT NOTE: After submitting your permission, please check and ensure your Parent Lounge portal is up-to-date regarding your child’s Emergency Contact Info, Medical Conditions.
JC Stepping Up Day - Monday 16 October
Monday 16 October is our CLC Orientation Day. We will welcome our 2024 Preps for the morning and any new students who will be joining our community next year.
Our Year 6’s will be spending the day at SSC, engaging with their learning in the Year 7 classrooms. The remainder of our classes will enjoy a time Monday morning where they will move to their 2024 year level. It is anticipated that they will be in that classroom with that teacher in 2024, however, as we know, there are often changes that occur so the main focus for us is simply to enjoy being in the next year level for that morning.
HSC Year 3 Buddies Poem - Christmas for the Bush

Outside School Hours Care
Hume Street Campus
HSC 2024 Booklists
Our 2024 booklists are available for online ordering. Place your order online through Browns Office Choice. The Book Lists' link is also available in Parent Lounge.
Orders that were placed and paid for before Wednesday 15 November will be ready for collection from HSC Resource Centre on Thursday 23 November between 8.00am and 9.30am.
Brown’s Office Choice -
Please note, the headphones have been taken off the 2024 booklists due to quality of previously sourced headphones.
- Each student will need a set of headphones for school.
- Please check the strength of the connection where it plugs into the device.
- Our little Prep students sometimes get confused if there is a volume button on the headphones so please avoid this if possible.
HSC Tuckshop Orders
At HSC, Tuckshop is held on a Thursday. All orders are to be completed online at My Student Account by 3pm each Wednesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Thursday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 7.
HSC Weekly Events
Please click here to view HSC's Events for Term 4, Week 3.
HSC Tennis Coaching - Term 4 2023
Tennis coaching will be available in Term 4, 2023. Please click below for the relevant information:
HSC Zooper Dooper Day - Gold Coin Donation - 18 October
On Wednesday 18 October our Student Council are running a Zooper Dooper for a gold coin donation day. This donation will go to the Christmas for the Bush project.

Cans 4 Cash Collection - Yr 3 & 4 Sustainability Project

HSC Year 3 to Year 6 Swimming Lessons starting Week 3 Term 4
Our students from Years 3 to 6 will commence their swimming lessons at the Concordia Aquatic Centre (CAQ) in Week 3 Term 4. They will participate in eight lessons which will occur in weekly. The students will then participate in a JC Inter-House Swimming Carnival on Thursday 16 November at the CAQ. Please click here for their swimming schedule.
Please ensure that students have the following:
- Dressing gown - this is great for the students to wear to and from the pool as we don't know what the weather is going to be like;
- Thongs
- Swimming togs - it would be great for our Prep students to wear their togs to school
- Goggles
- House swimming cap
- Towel
To avoid any lost items, please clearly label all of your child's items including their shoes, underwear and uniform.
HSC Prep to Year 6 Term 4 Classroom Overviews
Please find below links to the Term 4 Classroom Overviews.
Warwick Street Campus
Grandparents’ Day Catering - Friday 20 October
We would love your help on Grandparents' Day to either provide a plate of food for morning tea and/or help set up and serve.
Click here to register your interest.
Please find below the list of food suggestions for each year level to bring for children and grandparents to share for morning tea:
Prep – Sandwiches
Year 1 – Fruit Platter
Year 2 - Biscuits/Slices/Cakes
Year 3 – Sandwiches
Year 4 – Biscuits/Slices/Cakes
Year 5 – Savoury
Year 6 – Savoury
Please be aware of the ‘No Nut’ policy when baking or purchasing your food items. We ask if you could please use disposable plates and containers to make it easier with clean up. Could we please have all plates of food delivered by 8.30am on Friday 20 October? Plates can be taken directly to the Resource Centre unless it needs to be refrigerated in The Shed fridge or handed in at Reception.
WSC 2024 Booklists
Our 2024 booklists are available for online ordering. Place your order online through Browns Office Choice. The Book Lists' link is also available in Parent Lounge.
Orders that were placed and paid for before Monday 13 November will be ready for collection from WSC Shed on Wednesday 22 November between 8.00am and 9.30am.
Brown’s Office Choice -
Please note, the headphones have been taken off the 2024 booklists due to quality of previously sourced headphones.
- Each student will need a set of headphones for school.
- Please check the strength of the connection where it plugs into the device.
- Our little Prep students sometimes get confused if there is a volume button on the headphones so please avoid this if possible.
WSC Tuckshop Orders
At WSC, Tuckshop is held on a Wednesday. All orders are to be completed online at My Student Account by 3pm each Tuesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Wednesday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 7.
WSC Weekly Events
Please click here to view WSC's Events for Term 4, Week 3.
WSC Prep to Year 6 Swimming Lessons - Term 4
On Monday 9 October, (Week 2 Term 4), Prep to Year 6 students will commence their swimming lessons at the Concordia Aquatic Centre. Each of these classes will participate in lessons leading up to the Swimming Carnivals.
Students in Prep to Year 2 will participate in one lesson a week over the course of five weeks. Our Junior students will also be involved in a Mini Carnival on Tuesday 17 October.
Students in Years 3 to 6 will participate in two lessons a week over the course of five weeks, which will culminate in a Swimming Carnival on Thursday 16 November.
More details on these carnivals will follow.
Please ensure that students have the following items:
- Swimming togs
- Goggles
- House swimming cap
- Towel
To avoid any lost items, please clearly label all of your child's items including their shoes, underwear and uniform.
WSC Parent Connect Meeting
Our next Parent Connect meeting for 2023 will be held on Wednesday 18 October at 5.30pm in The Resource Centre. Everyone is welcome to attend.
WSC Prep to Year 6 Term 4 Classroom Overviews
Please find below links to the Term 4 Classroom Overviews.
Stephen Street Campus
Sport News
Sports News – Term 4, Week 2
Basketball Academy Opportunity
Recent Results & Achievements
Rugby 7s – Round 1
U13 Boys
- Game 1 Vs St Mary’s: Lost 7-1
- Game 2 Vs Mary McKillop: Lost 2-1
Futsal – Round 1
- The 7/8 Girls had a fantastic 5-1 win against Fairholme, with Lilah Prentice scoring all 5 goals and every other player playing their absolute best and with a great spirit.
- The Opens Girls played really well but couldn't come away with the win, going down 6-2 to Fairholme, with Bridie Lindenmayer and Maddi Geiger scoring the goals.
- Our U13 boys competed in the first round of their social competition at UniSQ. They went down to a very tough and experienced opponent but showed some great progression with a much improved second half.
Junior DD Volleyball Cup
On Tuesday, our junior girls' volleyball team competed in the DD volleyball cup at Harristown. The girl’s played tremendously well and went down very narrowly in the Bronze medal match to finish 4th overall for the day.
Girls Twilight Netball
Our Netball girls played their first match of the Twilight Social competition last Thursday. Against an experienced opponent they showed great determination but were beaten in the end.
Boys 5-A-Side Netball
The boys had a fantastic afternoon playing Netball for the very first time. They picked up the game very quickly and by the end were playing some fantastic Netball. Concordia 1 had a victory over TAS and Concordia 2 went down to Harristown.
Upcoming Fixtures and Information
- Training: Boys – Monday afternoons/ Girls – Tuesday afternoons, from 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm in the SSC gym.
- Games: Boys – Wednesdays/Girls – Mondays
- Game Venues: Boys – UniSQ (off Baker St)/Girls – The Glennie School (off Vacy St)
- Please arrive to your game no later than 30 minutes prior to kick off.
Team | Time | Opponent | Court |
7/8s Girls | 4.00PM | St Ursula's | 3 |
Senior Girls | 7.45PM | Glennie | 3 |
Boys | 4.15PM | Magpies | 3 |
- Training: Boys – Tuesday afternoons/ Girls – Thursday afternoons, from 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm at the WSC outdoor courts.
- Game Venues: Boys – TAS/Concordia/Girls – Nell. E Robinson Netball Courts
- Draw:
Team | Time | Opponent | Court |
Round 2 - Boys | 5.00PM | TAS/Harristown | 1/2 |
Round 2 - Girls | 5.30PM | Dynamite | 15 |
Rugby 7's
- Training: Wednesday afternoons 3:30pm-4:30pm on the Rugby oval.
- Game Venue: Highfields Sport and Recreation Centre.
- Draw:
Team | Time | Opponent | Court |
U13's | 5.00PM | TGS | 2 |
U13's | 7.40PM | Downlands | 2 |
Sport Quote & Joke of the Week
Joke: Why is Sport best on a hot day? Because there are lots of fans.
Boarding News
Week 2 and its full steam ahead for our Year 12 students. Final Chapel and into study leave before their exams.
Pranks have come and gone for 2024 with minimal fuss and tonight our Year 12 played Lazer Tag over at the school. No Sirens going so I take it they all had a great time and no Casualties.
Sports have kicked in this week with Rugby 7’s, Futsal, Netball, Volleyball and Cricket. It is great to see so many of our Boarders participating and taking advantage of the opportunities that Boarding life brings. We are encouraging all students to spend less time on electronics and more time interacting out in the fresh air.
Our athletic development program is still a popular past time for our early risers.
Our students are also looking forward to our 2024 students arriving for yet another Orientation weekend this Saturday followed by School Orientation on Monday. Our Numbers are growing fast in boarding. We pride ourselves on delivering a home away from home feel in boarding where all students are supported and encouraged to be the best they can possibly be.
During Week 3 we will be hosting 13 Japanese students who will be experiencing Boarding and school life in Australia for 3 days. We are fortunate that our School can accommodate visitors from overseas. Our girls are great hosts and really enjoy the cultural experience.
As we come to the end of the year I look back at the photos and pick out random ones that I feel I have not yet published. Today there are a few that I am sure will lift your hearts and you will have a good chuckle.
Sunday of Week 4, we have our trip to Outback Spectacular which is compulsory for all boarders.
There is lots of talk and the students are really looking forward to the outing.
Hope you enjoy the pics.
Mrs Maureen Taurima and Mr Andrew Bull
Boarding Houseparents