The Week Ahead - Term 4, Week 4
Monday 25 October to Friday 30 October 2020
From the Head of College
In wonderful news, the Concordia Lutheran College Hume Street Kindergarten has been named the State Winner of the Little Scientists Australia Early STEM Award for 2020. There were four projects created that were child initiated and child-focused, relate to the United Nations Sustainability Goals, and align with the ‘Little Scientist’ theme of Quirky Curious Futures. Congratulation to Mrs Melissa Giles and staff for their brilliant work in introducing STEM to our children – Congratulations one and all!
Congratulations to our students, staff, and parents for supporting National Book Week over the past five days. There were many characters portrayed by our Junior College children, and activities in the Stephen Street Library raised the importance and an awareness of reading and books – wonderful celebrations as we celebrate literacy across our community.
Our prayers and thoughts are with our Year 12 students as they begin their External Assessments on Monday. This is the first year of the new ‘ATAR’ Queensland Certificate of Education and the first secondary education external examinations in this State for more than thirty years. Best wishes to all members of our Year 12 Class of 2020.
Kind regards and every blessing
Mr Adrian Wiles
Head of College
From the College Pastor
Community News
Come & Try for Years 6-12 students

Please contact SSC Sports Coordinator, Mrs Jana Anderson, for further information.
LYQ Summer Camps
After a rollercoaster year, we can't wait for camps this summer. Camping is such a great way to escape the everyday, learn some new skills, make some great friends, create memories you can treasure forever and learn more about the secure hope that God offers. This summer should be a cracker with some great opportunities in December and January to celebrate the end of the year and start the next with a bang!
To find out more check out the information flyer of some great camping opportunities for young people in Years 3-6 and Years 7-12 in December and January. Keep in mind that new COVID-19 measures mean that places on camp will be limited. This may mean that your favourite camp books out faster than normal.
Financial support is available to families who wish to participate in these summer camps. Please click here to access Financial Support Applications.
If you have any questions about LYQ camps please call us on 07 3511 4080. We can't wait to welcome you to camp this summer!
All CLC students welcome!

MSND 2021
If anyone has a white/ivory wedding or deb dress that they no longer want, you can give it another life by donating it to the Midsummer Night’s Dream production for 2021!
Please be sure as it won’t be returned but will be greatly appreciated! All donations can be dropped into Reception at Stephen Street Campus.
HSC P&F Mango Fundraiser
The Hume Street Campus P&F Committee is running the annual Mango Fundraiser. Please see below for more information and order form.

Donate Unused Sports Gear
My name is Caitlin Wiggins and I would like to introduce you to a charity I am establishing.
Our region has many diverse groups of different social and economic backgrounds and they can find it difficult to integrate and progress within our community. Sport has always been a wonderful way for people to become involved, meet new people and make lifetime friendships however equipment can be costly and out of reach for many.
The purpose of this charity is to provide newly arrived immigrants and disadvantaged youth with sporting equipment to assist their integration and involvement into the sporting community of Toowoomba.
How can you help?
We are looking for donations of sporting gear or equipment that you have out grown or do not use anymore ie football boots, sporting balls, cricket gear, running shoes etc. New equipment or voucher donations would also be welcomed.
Where to drop off?
Each Campus will have drop off points and these are listed in the flyer below.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact your Director of Campus or myself. I am in Year 6 at HSC. Your support will be appreciated.

Project Based Learning at Concordia
Junior College
Junior College Christmas for the Bush

This year, our Junior College has once again been supporting the work of Care Outreach in their “Christmas for the Bush” campaign. More than 65% of Queensland is drought declared, and our donations this year will be used to help support struggling rural families in South West Queensland who are experiencing hardship.
Our heartfelt thanks go to all who have donated to this project over the past few weeks. We continue to welcome donations of money, toiletries, toys, non-perishable food and Christmas items. Please leave any donations in the containers outside each classroom or at your Campus Reception. We encourage you to contribute in any small way you can, so that we can help our rural neighbours this Christmas.
Our project will conclude next Thursday 29 October, with special chapel services to be held on each campus. Our Year 1 classes are busy planning and practising for these services. We look forward to welcoming Bill and Melissa Close, founders of Care Outreach, to collect our donations and speak with the students. We’ll be sure to take lots of photos of our service to share with you all!
For more information, please click here.
Mrs Angela Norley and Mrs Lee-Anne Millett
Outside School Hours Care
Hume Street Campus
From the Director
Up and Coming Events
HSC Musical
Our students will perform a simple musical this year as part of their Music and Drama curriculum. We have tried many thought bubbles to attempt to include all parents in this event.
Due to social distancing of households, we have had to make the decision to include only our Year 6 parents this year. This will be their last musical at HSC and their numbers can fit in with our guidelines. We hope and pray that we are back to being able to include all families for 2021.
Year 6 parents will receive an email with a link to register for this event. Our musical for 2020 will be on 25 November 1.45pm-2.45pm.
2021 Captain Speeches
Our speeches for 2021 will be held in the Hall on Monday 9 November at 11.30am. Parents of the presenters will be emailed with a link to register for this event. Attached is a copy of our JC Student Leadership Handbook.
Final Chapel Service
Our final Chapel service this year will be held Thursday 26 November at 2.15pm. Again, this will be an invitation only event. An email will be sent to parents of Year 6 students, Award winners and 2021 Campus Captains with a link to register for this event.
2021 Badge Presentations
We will have the Campus Captain handover as part of our 2020 Final Chapel Service. All other badges will be presented in the first weeks of 2021.
CLC Orientation Day
Our Orientation Day will go ahead as usual on 16 November. Invitations are currently being sent to Year 6 students moving on to Concordia Year 7 and to new families attending HSC in 2021. All other year levels will have a transition morning to their 2021 classroom as well. They may also meet their 2021 teacher. This process always helps students in the emotional journey in transitioning to their next class.
2021 Booklists
Please note that the headphones have been deleted off of the 2021 booklists due to quality of previously sourced headphones. Each student will need a set of headphones for school. Could you please check the strength of the connection where it plugs into the device. Our little Prep students sometimes get confused if there is a volume button on the headphones so please avoid this if possible.
Mrs Juanetta Priest
Director of Campus
Colour Explosion Fun Run and Meal Deal

HSC 2021 Booklists
Our 2021 booklists are available for online ordering. Our P&F will receive a 10% rebate for all orders placed online before the cut-off date of Wednesday 11 November.
Place your order online through Browns Office Choice. The Book List link is also available in Parent Lounge.
Tuckshop Orders
At HSC, tuckshop is held on a Thursday. All orders are to be completed online at My Student Account by 3pm each Wednesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Thursday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 7.
Book Week Dress Up Parade – Monday 26 October
Curious Creatures & Wild Minds invokes thoughts of nature, jungles, sea creatures and dinosaurs, of imaginary and mythological animals, and of adventurers, explorers and scientists.
This year we are asking the students to dress up as ‘Curious Creatures or Wild Minds’ for Book Week on Monday 26 October.
So that the students can showcase their costumes, we will be having a Book Week Dress Up Parade at 8.45am in the Hall. This year we will be joined by our CLC Hume Street Kindy. There will be some video footage of this parade that teachers will Seesaw to Parents. This will then be followed by sharing our favourite stories with our buddies – so please remind your child to bring along their favourite book.
We look forward to seeing all the Curious Creatures that arrive for Book Week Dress up Day!!

HSC Wadjiny Performance
On Thursday 22 October, we had Troy come and teach us about Aboriginal Culture. The whole campus enjoyed this event. We were involved in dances that he taught us to do. There was dancing, stories and fun. We were dancing like emus, went hunting for berries and learnt how the aboriginal people hunted and foraged for food. Spears and boomerangs were used, and we learnt that there is more than one type of boomerang, which are used for different purposes based on their design. One of the most exciting things was when he made fire using a stick and some leaves. First it started smoking and then there was a small ember which soon turned into a safe fire.
We greatly appreciated Troy giving up his time to come and teach us about Aboriginal Culture.
Chloe Wilson
Cultural Captain
Warwick Street Campus
From the Director
Book Week
This week we celebrated Book Week at WSC with the theme being: Curious Creatures, Wild Minds. Wow, what creative costumes we saw arrive at school on Wednesday. A special mention must be made of our Staff at WSC who came dressed as “The Incredibles”. What an appropriate costume for an “incredible” group of people. There was much laughter from the parents as they dropped students off through Drive Through as saw the team of “Incredibles” waiting to greet them. There was the odd photo taken as well.
Lost Property
Unfortunately, we have an enormous amount of lost property at the moment with the vast majority of it with no names. It is much easier to find the owners of these items when names are clearly marked on them. As we have been unable to find the students who own these uniform items, they will be washed and sent to the second hand department of the uniform shop.
Christmas for the Bush
On Thursday 29 October we will be having our Christmas for the Bush Chapel Service. We look forward to our Year 1 class and Mrs Millett leading us for this service and will also be welcoming Bill and Melissa Close from Care Outreach to receive our donations.
Every blessing for the week ahead
Mrs Jackie Minnikin
Director of Campus
WSC 2021 Booklists
Our 2021 booklists are available for online ordering. Our P&F will receive a 10% rebate for all orders placed online before the cut-off date of Monday 16 November.
Place your order online through Browns Office Choice. The Book List link is also available in Parent Lounge.
Word on the Street

Tuckshop Orders
At WSC, Tuckshop is held on a Wednesday. All orders are to be completed online at My Student Account by 3pm each Tuesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Wednesday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 7.
Please note: There will be no Tuckshop in Week 5 due to P&F Meal Deal.
WSC Prep to Year 6 Swimming Lessons
On Tuesday 6 October, Prep to Year 6 students will commence their swimming lessons for Term 4 at the Concordia Aquatic Centre. Each of these classes will participate in lessons over the first 6 weeks of Term 4.
Please note: NO Parents can attend swimming lessons due to COVID-19 restrictions.
Please ensure that students have the following items:
- Swimming togs
- Goggles
- House swimming cap
- Towel
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher.
To avoid any lost items, please clearly label all of your child's items including their shoes, underwear and uniform.

Stephen Street Campus
A Message to Year 12 Students
Dear Year 12 Students
All of the Heads of Departments and each of your subject teachers along with myself, wish you all the very best for your External Exams which commence on Monday and finish on Monday 16 November.
This has been the year of feeling like you have been floating on a small rubber lifeboat in a very large turbulent sea, in a tenacious storm. You have risen above each and every obstacle that has been placed before you with such grace and with sheer grit and determination. Use those qualities now as you move through the next three weeks and one day of external exams.
I have every confidence in you and know that you will do extremely well. You are well prepared for these exams. Your teachers and I are very proud of you and we look forward to the stories you have to tell after each exam is finished and ticked off over the coming exam period.
- Make sure you use your study time wisely, without electronic device distractions.
- Make cue cards, palm cards or large pieces of paper so that you cannot miss them with revision information that is needed for each exam.
- Take long walks and dream of the next exciting steps you are about to embark upon.
- Drink lots of water.
- Get lots of rest in between study sessions.
- Enjoy the company of your family and connect with friends when you need that helping, reassuring hand and guidance.
Ms Wendy Bowen
Director of Learning and Innovation
Reflect 2 Pivot Workshop
Learning is at the heart of everything we do at Concordia. We are honoured to share a valuable partnership with you, as we reimagine what great learning looks, sounds, and feels like at our College into the future. Our 2021 College Captains, Isabel Barton and Thomas Head, plus our College Leadership Team invite you to share in the inspiring process of shaping the exciting future of learning at Concordia.
Concordia has a team of dedicated educators with a heart for all learners as they grow and graduate at our College. Our focus is guided by our College values, our Strategic Plan, and is grounded in authentic and caring professional relationships, so that every student has the best opportunity to learn, improve each day and grow into the future they dream of.
We are excited about the opportunity to invest time into thinking together with our College parents, students, leaders, and staff about the next steps of our learning journey at Concordia. As valued partners, we extend a heartfelt invitation to each of you to join the learning conversation and to continue making a difference as we shape learning together. Further information, including the Zoom link, can be found in this Invitation.
Please advise your attendance by emailing Karen Watson.
Mr Darren Pope
Learning Enrichment Coordinator
Bell Shakespeare Masterclass
On Wednesday, our A Midsummer Night’s Dream leads had the privilege of participating in an amazing workshop with Thomas Larkin from the Bell Shakespeare company. It was absolutely incredible to work with Tom and he presented perspectives on Shakespeare’s work that will be super helpful in the preparation for our upcoming CLC production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
We explored the rhythm and intensity of Shakespeare’s language and Tom did a fantastic job at building the energy and confidence of our cast. It was great to see the interactions between a cast of such diverse ages as we investigated a variety of Shakespeare’s plays. Everyone is doing an outstanding job working towards our production and we are so excited to see how everyone grows in the process.
Armina Apan and Ella Stangherlin
2021 Arts Captains