The Week Ahead - Term 4, Week 5
Monday 1 November to Friday 5 November 2021
From the Head of College
Dear Parents and Caregivers
As I scribe this week’s edition of The Week Ahead, it has dawned on me that we are already halfway through Term 4. The students must be congratulated on the energy, enthusiasm and perseverance which they have brought to their daily school journey so far, while the staff need to be thanked for their commitment, work ethic and patience as they guide and scaffold our students every day. Concordia, what a great place to be part of and come to work and learning every day!
The Junior College students and families must be acknowledged for their overwhelming generosity which has been evident in the Christmas for the Bush appeal. Yesterday’s blessing and chapel service must be one of the richest and most inspiring school services which I have attended for a long time. Thank you to our Year 1 students, Mrs Lee-Anne Millett, Mrs Angela Norley and their support staff for planning and putting together a wonderful message about sharing the love of God. It’s so affirming to know that many farming families out west are going to be so abundantly blessed this coming Christmas.
Tonight will also provide us with the opportunity to admire and celebrate the wonderful visual art program which happens across the Junior College every week. This event will also provide our families with the opportunity to purchase an authentic piece of artwork which will become a lifelong memory and keepsake. Thank you to Mr John Trappett and Mr David Heuschele for inspiring our students in such a creative way as well as coordinating the Art Showcase event.
Tomorrow will be the last day at Googa for our Year 9 students – where did those four weeks go! Their parents and caregivers will have the opportunity to visit Googa and be part of the students’ sharing and reflecting on their time away.
Today we have had the opportunity to celebrate World Teachers’ Day at Concordia. Our teachers are at the heart of learning and make all other professions possible. I would like to thank our exceptional team of teachers for their ongoing dedication and passion, as they make learning enjoyable, encourage our students to pursue personal excellence, and help the young people in our care discover their callings to follow their dreams. I salute all of you!
Good luck to our Year 11 students as they return to Googa on Monday for a three-day leadership camp. This program is designed to help them prepare for, as a group, to lead both at and away from the College in 2022. I look forward to catching up with and spending some quality time with these students on Tuesday.
This coming Tuesday will see our new Director of Campus for Stephen Street, Mr Jamie Pukallus, visiting the College for the day. This will be the first of several visits by Mr Pukallus to our College before the end of the year, as part of a well-planned orientation and handover process as we plan for the 2022 school year. Please join me in in welcoming Jamie to our wonderful community.
Have a safe and relaxing weekend.
Yours in Christ
Mr Anton Prinsloo
Head of College
Quote of the Week: We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. [Winston Churchill]
From the College Pastor
Last Tuesday afternoon and overnight into Wednesday, I had the privilege to visit our Year 9 students at their camp in Googa with our Head of College, Mr Anton Prinsloo. We were able to spend the evening with the boys around the campfire and then the next morning we hiked for a few hours with several boys and girls groups. Apart from the beautiful - and for once green - landscape around Googa, what stood out to me was how the students worked together in their groups, how they kept an eye out for one another, and how they worked to overcome challenges and solve problems (which way to take, how to find the next part of their path, when to stop, etc).
These four weeks away from the comforts of home and routines of school are formative for our students, and it appears the Year 12s consistently rate this as a key experience of their years at Concordia – no matter whether they enjoyed camping or not.

It allows students to explore their gifts and abilities in a different context and gives opportunities for some who have struggled in school to shine. It allows them to spend some time by themselves in reflection, to connect with and notice the beauty of creation, away from screens and other distractions, to learn more about themselves and others, to create new friendships, and to think about their spirituality, their connections with the creator.
Psalm 139 is a deep reflection on our human identity in God and includes these verses (vs 13,14): For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;…
It points us the fact that we have a God by whom we are Fully Known and Fully Loved, and we seek to reflect this by creating a community where each student is fully known and fully loved. Googa is an important part of our community life and a place where students grow in their knowledge of themselves, each other and God and where are they also assured of God’s unconditional love for them.
This is a message for all of us and a good foundation to build your life on. May that unconditional love of God surround and carry you!
Pastor Thomas Böhmert
College Pastor
Community News
Years 6 to 11 Presentation Evening

We are looking forward to seeing the members of our College community come together for our annual Presentation Evening for Years 6 to 11 on Monday 22 November at The Empire Theatre.
In the past, our Presentation Evening has been held for Years 7 to 12, but given the Year 12 students now leave much earlier in Term 4 and have a special service in their honour, we have changed the Presentation Evening to include Years 6 to 11.
We are looking forward to a wonderful evening with dance and music performances on stage from students from across Years 6 to 11. Important awards will be presented on the night, including the Year 6 major awards.
In recognition of the importance of sporting achievement, the sports awards for 2021 will also be presented at The Empire Theatre at 22 November. The Sports Breakfast taking place on Friday 5 November will not have awards presented as they will be presented on 22 November at our Presentation Evening.
Seating at The Empire Theatre must be booked in advance however the ticketing is not yet ready. We will send a notification to all families when it is available.
If you have any questions regarding this, please contact me.
Mrs Bianca Coleborn
Director of Marketing & Enrolments
Project Based Learning at Concordia
Junior College
From the Directors
World Teacher’s Day today was a time to recognise the extraordinary work our teachers do at our Junior College. We are blessed to have a team who give so much of themselves every day, to support the students in their care. Our teachers were treated to a special Morning Tea this morning with apples being the theme of the day. As the poem says below, God created teachers not only to help our students learn, but to also make it a better, wiser place. Happy World Teacher’s Day, Junior College Teachers!
Why God Made Teachers
When God created teachers,
He gave us special friends
To help us understand His word
And truly comprehend
The beauty and the wonder
Of everything we see,
And become a better person
With each discovery.
When God created teachers,
He gave us special guides
To show us ways in which to grow
So we can all decide
How to live and how to do
What’s right instead of wrong,
To lead us so that we can lead
And learn how to be strong.
Why God created teachers
In His wisdom and His grace,
Was to help us learn to make our world
A better, wiser place.
By Kevin William Huff
Click here to view HSC's Events for Term 4, Week 5.
Click here to view WSC's Events for Term 4, Week 5.
Blessings for the week ahead
Mrs Juanetta Priest - Director of Campus (Hume Street)
Mrs Jackie Minnikin - Director of Campus (Warwick Street)
Junior College Music Showcase - Friday 12 November
Parents of Years 3-6 students have been emailed detailed information regarding the Music Showcase and are requested to acknowledge your child's attendance via Parent Lounge > Events & Payments > Junior College Yr 3-6 Music Showcase 2021.
Please click here to register your attendance. Thank you

JC Year 5 St Helena Island Excursion
We can now confirm the new date for the JC Year 5 St Helena Island Excursion will be on Thursday 4 November 2021.
As part of our Humanities and Social Sciences Curriculum, we have organised an excursion to St Helena Island for our Year 5 students to develop their knowledge and understanding of prison life experiences. Please click on the Parent Letter for more information.
JC Christmas for the Bush
Thursday 28 October was our chapel service at Stephen Street Campus to present our Christmas for the Bush donations to Bill and Melissa Close from Care Outreach. The Year 1 students led the special service reminding us how God uses ordinary people to achieve extraordinary things. We presented our donations and the money we raised yesterday dressing up as farmers and hoped that with these gifts, God will help the farmers in extraordinary ways!
JC Swimming Carnival Meal Deal - 11 November
On Thursday 11 November the HSC Parent Connect are providing a meal deal for students at the Swimming Carnival and those students at their Campus. Meal Deals will be delivered to the pool at 10.30am, HSC at 10.45am and to WSC at 12.45pm for the longer break.
Orders are through My Student Account and close on Monday 8 November 2021 at 3pm.
Please note: This meal deal will replace Tuckshop in Week 6 for both WSC and HSC
Meal Deal details are below.
Cost: $8.00 with Gluten Free Options available
Option 1 - Wrap, Fruit Salad and Drink Choose from Chicken, Ham or Vegetarian Fruit Salad Drink - choose from Water or Chocolate/Strawberry Milk or Apple/Golden Pash/Orange Popper
Option 2 - Sushi, Fruit Salad and Drink Choose from Chicken Teriyaki or Tuna and Mayo Fruit Salad Drink - choose from Water or Chocolate/Strawberry Milk or Apple/Golden Pash/Orange Popper
Outside School Hours Care
Hume Street Campus
HSC Tuckshop Orders
At HSC, tuckshop is held on a Thursday. All orders are to be completed online at My Student Account by 3pm each Wednesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Thursday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order.
Please note: There will be NO tuckshop on Thursday 11 November. Instead, there will be a meal deal for all students.
HSC Movie Night - New Date - 5 November
On Friday 5 November 2021 the Hume Street Campus will be holding a movie night from 5.30pm. The movie, The Secret Life of Pets 2, will be screening from 6pm with food and refreshments available.
For more information please see the flyer below. To register your attendance please click here.
HSC Years 3 to 6 Swimming Lessons
On Friday 15 October, students from Years 3 to 6 will commence their swimming lessons at the Concordia Aquatic Centre. Each of these classes will participate in eight lessons over Term 4. Click Here for the swimming timetable.
Please ensure that students have the following:
- Dressing gown - this is great for the students to wear to and from the pool as we don't know what the weather is going to be like;
- Thongs
- Swimming togs - it would be great for Years 5 & 6 to wear their togs to school as they will be leaving straight after assembly on Fridays
- Goggles
- House swimming cap
- Towel
To avoid any lost items, please clearly label all of your child's items including their shoes, underwear and uniform.
Warwick Street Campus
WSC Book Swap 2021

WSC Tuckshop Orders
At WSC, Tuckshop is held on a Wednesday. All orders are to be completed online at My Student Account by 3pm each Tuesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Wednesday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in week 7.
Please note: There will be NO tuckshop on Thursday 11 November. Instead, there will be a meal deal for all students.
WSC Years 3 to 6 Swimming Lessons
Students from Years 3 to 6 have commence their swimming lessons at the Concordia Aquatic Centre. Each of these classes will participate in ten lessons over Term 4. Click Here for the swimming timetable.
Please ensure that students have the following:
- Swimming togs
- Goggles
- House swimming cap
- Towel
To avoid any lost items, please clearly label all of your child's items including their shoes, underwear and uniform.
Stephen Street Campus
Happy World Teacher’s Day
Today, as we celebrate World Teacher’s Day, I think that Malala Yousafzai eloquently summarises the value of education when she wrote, “Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world.” This is so true. Research tells us that the greatest impact on a student’s progression in their learning is inextricably linked to the teacher in the room. As teachers, we are acutely aware of this and daily strive to clearly understand our students and how they learn and to know our content and how to effectively teach it.
One of the pure joys of teaching is the satisfaction that flows back to us as we are inspired by the young people in our community and the vision they hold for the future. This generation of students, having studied their way through a global pandemic has become strangely well-equipped to take advantage of the growth and opportunities that we will see into 2022 and beyond.
Concordia has been doing some serious walking. Last weekend, Concordia had a team of nine students and staff in the Relay for Life, raising money for Cancer Council’s research.
Students and staff have also completed a 26km challenge through the Australian World Services Walk My Way challenge, successfully raising enough funds to send 27 children in refugee camps to school for an entire year. Finally, this weekend parents and students are involved in the Hike for Homeless. We are so pleased to be involved in these efforts to bring change and resources to those in need.
Tomorrow is the last day of the Googa program. When I visited Googa on Tuesday, there was certainly a sense of excitement building as the students were ticking off their solos from their list of accomplishments. I am looking forward to celebrating Family Day with them tomorrow and commend them on the way that they have engaged with the program. The Googa staff have been most impressed with them.
Next week our Year 11 students head off on their Leadership Camp. We wish them all the best as they take a break from the routines of the school day and I am looking forward to spending Monday with the group that have taken the cycling option. (No jokes about me avoiding trees and not breaking my leg again… too soon!)
Have a great weekend!
Mr Jason Smith
Director of Campus
Boarding News
Hello to you all!
I hope you are all well and looking forward to the end of the term. Yes, that’s correct, four weeks to go then Christmas is around the corner!
Our Year 12 boarders have been preparing themselves for their exams with some having already completed three or four. Some waiting in anticipation. Nervously pondering how it will be...
We have had some deliveries of beautiful flowers with best wishes to daughters and adopted boarder daughters for their pending exams.
The boys have a been a tad more reserved than normal and have not said very much although I have noticed that smile/smirk that indicates, “I am pleased that is over” straight after the exam is finished. Girls tend to have a debrief with us. We are all very proud of these young men and women.
Congratulations to Ryan who will soon leave us to fly home to Hong Kong. It has been nearly two years since Ryan has been home. We will miss you, Ryan!
As the days pass by these Year 12 students appear to have changed overnight. Glowing with confidence and satisfaction knowing that this part of the journey is quickly coming to an end. We as staff members are met with the realisation that we will no longer have these wonderful young adults to care for, however, they will forever be embedded and remembered as fun lovely, polite, considerate, young individuals who have given so much to Concordia Lutheran College and will be remembered as great role models for many younger students.
A hug congratulations to Nadia Thomas on her a Mayoral School Achievement Medal. Nadia, we wish you all the best in your further studies and time in Australia.
Enjoy our pics in the gallery this week, folks.
Mrs Maureen Taurima
Girls' Houseparent