The Week Ahead - Term 4, Week 6

Monday 9 November to Friday 13 November 2020

From the Head of College

Planning for the Future

College Council continues to meet on a regular basis with a focus on planning the future from 2022. The ‘anchor point’ continues to be the Strategic Plan that was developed in 2018/19, and while progress slowed a little throughout this year, Council is now re-energised as the College enters its 75th year celebrations.

Council noted at last week’s meeting the steady growth in 2021 enrolment numbers – including full Prep classes at both Junior College campuses, higher than usual Year 7 intake, and a growing number of boarders - even though new International students are now not likely to be able to study at Concordia in the coming year.

In the coming months, Council will begin developing a Masterplan and a complimentary Business Plan to support the Strategic Plan as developed in 2018/19. Workshops have been held and Lutheran Education Queensland continues to be heavily involved in this planning as the Concordia community moves forward together. 

From the College Pastor

Community News

LYQ Summer Camps

After a rollercoaster year, we can't wait for camps this summer. Camping is such a great way to escape the everyday, learn some new skills, make some great friends, create memories you can treasure forever and learn more about the secure hope that God offers. This summer should be a cracker with some great opportunities in December and January to celebrate the end of the year and start the next with a bang!

To find out more check out the information flyer of some great camping opportunities for young people in Years 3-6 and Years 7-12 in December and January. Keep in mind that new COVID-19 measures mean that places on camp will be limited. This may mean that your favourite camp books out faster than normal.

Financial support is available to families who wish to participate in these summer camps. Please click here to access Financial Support Applications.

If you have any questions about LYQ camps please call us on 07 3511 4080. We can't wait to welcome you to camp this summer!

Come & Try for Years 6-12 students

Please contact SSC Sports Coordinator, Mrs Jana Anderson, for further information.

Project Based Learning at Concordia

Junior College

Outside School Hours Care

Hume Street Campus

From the Director

With only three weeks to go, we are looking forward to celebrating with our Year 6 students their journey through their primary schooling. It is both an exciting time for them and a time of transitioning to their next space. We are thrilled that for many of them, we will be able to continue sharing in their journey as they progress onto our secondary campus. Some of their events over the next weeks include a Big Day Out, an HSC sleepover, Year 6 Dinner and the Year 6 Walkway celebrations.

HSC 2021 Booklists

Our 2021 booklists are available for online ordering. Our P&F will receive a 10% rebate for all orders placed online before the cut-off date of Wednesday 11 November.

Place your order online through Browns Office Choice. The Book List link is also available in Parent Lounge.

2021 Book Lists

Please note: the headphones have been deleted off of the 2021 booklists due to quality of previously sourced headphones. Each student will need a set of headphones for school. Could you please check the strength of the connection where it plugs into the device. Our little Prep students sometimes get confused if there is a volume button on the headphones so please avoid this if possible. 

Colour Explosion Fun Run and Meal Deal

Tuckshop Orders

At HSC, tuckshop is held on a Thursday. All orders are to be completed online at My Student Account by 3pm each Wednesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Thursday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 7 with our Colour Explosion Fun Run meal deal.

Warwick Street Campus

From the Director

As we move towards Week 6, the energy levels of staff and students are both high and low. Energy is high with the excitement and events of the weeks ahead, but after an unprecedented year, it is also easy to see a sense of tiredness creep in. It is important that we look out for all in our community and enjoy these last exciting weeks of 2020.

Costumes for WSC Musical

Parents please find a list of costume requirement for our Christmas Musical ‘The INN-SPECTORS'. Some items of your child’s costume will be provided. Please contact your teacher if you have any difficulties finding the items below:

Word on the Street

Year 6 revealed their 2020 hoodies today at Chapel. Due to COVID-19 and the students missing out on their Canberra trip, the hoodies were just an added extra this year to mark what a crazy year 2020 has been!

WSC Tuckshop Orders

At WSC, Tuckshop is held on a Wednesday. All orders are to be completed online at My Student Account by 3pm each Tuesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Wednesday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 7.

WSC 2021 Booklists

Our 2021 booklists are available for online ordering. Our P&F will receive a 10% rebate for all orders placed online before the cut-off date of Monday 16 November.

Place your order online through Browns Office Choice. The Book List link is also available in Parent Lounge.

2021 Book Lists

Stephen Street Campus

From the Director

Week 5 has seen our Year 11 students take a well-deserved break on camp at Luther Heights, Coolum. Many thanks to Mrs Carissa Jaworska, Mr Adrian Wiles and staff who accompanied our students. 

I must say that I am enjoying watching our 2021 Student Leaders and Senior cohort beginning to own their space in the College. Just this morning, Olivia Brook-Wager, Elliot Ferguson and Liam Musch effortlessly created a new set of nesting boxes from salvaged pallets. These Agricultural Practices and Industrial Technology Skills students made this task look easy, taking barely an hour to design and make a very functional product. Our chooks now have no excuse for not laying perfect eggs! As a teacher, it is moments like these that bring a huge sense of pride seeing students in their element, being self-directed and achieving success.

We are looking forward to welcoming home our Year 9 students who have completed their four-week outdoor education program at Googa. Next Tuesday evening they will share their reflections from their Rite Journey program and Googa experience with their families and pastoral care staff.

Next week marks the third week of the external exam block. On the menu for the week are Physics, Psychology, Food and Nutrition, Drama, German and Dance. All that remains then for our Seniors is Music Extension on Monday followed by the Year 12 Celebration Brunch next Tuesday. We are looking forward to celebrating the completion of the external exams with them in the picture-perfect Pear-Shaped Garden.

Have a great weekend.

Mr Jason Smith
Director of Campus

Year 11 Leadership Camp

On Monday afternoon 52 Year 11 students, set out for Coolum to attend the Year 11 Leadership Camp. We arrived at 6pm, right on time to set up our sleeping quarters and have dinner - chicken parmigiana!!

After dinner we met the camp leaders and our groups for the next two days. Most friendship groups were split up giving students a chance to connect with others they don't normally spend time with. 10pm saw everyone move into their dorm and lights out was 10.30pm. 

The next day the sunrise was witnessed by two people at 4.45am. It was gorgeous. The day turned out to be perfect with clear skies and little breeze. Breakfast was at 6.45am followed by group activities. Students took part in Rescue Me, Keys to Leadership, Challenge Course and Trust. All of these activities challenged students to lead themselves and work as a team, showing kindness, respect and tolerance to other members of the group. All teachers agreed that students were nervous at the start but started to flourish and feel confident and more trusting before the end of the day.

Sport Training


Welcome from the Leadership Team