The Week Ahead - End of Term 2
Friday 19 June 2020
From the Head of College
Welcome to the last edition of The Week Ahead for this semester. It has been a very busy few months and I thank all members of our Concordia community for the support and understanding shown throughout these testing times.
In particular, I wish to thank the staff at Concordia Lutheran College. The move to successfully implement virtual learning platforms in a short period of time, and then to move back through a phased transition to normal face to face teaching is a result of an enormous amount of effort and energy spanning four months. It has been amazing and now it is clearly time for all staff, students, and parents to ‘close the computer screen’ and recharge for the final semester of 2020.
I am particularly heartened by the growing number of enquiries for enrolment - either for the beginning of next semester or for the 2021 school year. Enquiring parents are aware of how we have performed under pressure, and they note that, even when times are hard Concordia is a very special place. Our Christian values, expectations, and willingness to work together as a community underpin what we do, and we are seen to be authentic in aspiring to live up to our mission and vision. Thank you one and all – it has been a mighty effort!
Final comment
I take this opportunity to wish all members of the Concordia community God’s blessings – safe travel, and it is my prayer that we all take some time to relax and recuperate after a very busy semester. I look forward to welcoming students and staff to the College on Tuesday 14 July.
Kind regards and every blessing.
Mr Adrian Wiles
Head of College
From the College Pastor
Community News
LYQ Winter Camps Online
LYQ's life-changing holiday camps are the highlight of the school holidays for hundreds of young campers every year! There is still no better way than camping to give young people the space to discover more about themselves, their world and God.
This year, due to the current health guidelines, camps are being run online between 29 June and 3 July and are free. There is a camp for Seniors (Years 7-12) and Juniors (Years 3-6). The camps will involve small group studies, games, activities and worship time (all the CLW favourites). Registrations close on Tuesday 23 June. Click here for further information.
Term 3 House Reading Challenge

Recycling Tips: 5 Things to Keep Out of Your Recyling Bin
In Term 2, Ms Carissa Jaworska has been sharing tips on LOVE CLC's Waste Not Want Not page. This week, Ms Jaworska shares these tips on what to keep out of your recyling bin.
Project Based Learning at Concordia
Junior College
Junior College Reception Hours
The Warwick Street Campus and Hume Street Campus Receptions will be open on the following days:
- Monday 22 June from 7.45am to 3.45pm; and
- Tuesday 23 June from 7.45am until 11.30am.
The Receptions will then be closed until Monday 13 July at 7.45am.
Outside School Hours Care
Hume Street Campus
From the Director
As someone stated, “This has been the longest short term ever!!” and, yes, most of us would all agree with this statement, however, there have also been many blessings …
- Staff have learned so much about technology and alternative ways of operating – Mrs Norley described the process of our learning, to achieve the online learning, as ‘learning to drive the car at the same time as it is being built!”
- Parents have learned so much about their children’s learning – many comments during Zoom Parent-Teacher interviews were on how much better they understood their child’s learning now that they have seen it in action.
- Students have gained immeasurably in independence and confidence and this will always benefit both their learning and their lifetime skills.
At this stage, we are not 100% sure exactly what Term 3 will have in store for us regarding events and parental access to school grounds. We will communicate this over the holidays as we gain this information from our governing bodies.
Thank you for your support throughout this term and your many encouraging messages, coffees, cakes, and chocolates. We thank our Lord that our campus has been kept safe and pray that all of us have a well-deserved rest and time of recuperation. We look forward to seeing you in Term 3 with renewed strength to approach with confidence whatever challenges are presented to us then.
Mrs Juanetta Priest
Director - Hume Street Campus
Term 2 in Review
HSC Campus Photos – Thursday 16 July
Just a reminder that our Campus Photos will be on Thursday 16 July from 12 noon. This will be in Week 1.
All students from Years 2-6 will be required to wear formal summer uniform on this day. Prep and Year 1 students will wear their sports uniforms. If the weather is cool, please make sure your child has extra layers to put on before and after the photos.
Please refer to this flyer for the important information on how this will work.
Sibling Photos
Due to the time of our Campus Photos, we have restricted sibling photos to families that have all siblings at HSC only. If you have a sibling at SSC or WSC, you will need to contact that campus to organise your sibling photo.
Please contact HSC Reception if you would like a sibling envelope.
Warwick Street Campus
From the Director
As I have taken some time to reflect on the events of Term 2 over the last few days, and how it has been challenging, difficult and a time of uncertainty, I can also honestly say it was a term that has brought out the best in many of our students.
Yesterday we came together as a campus for our outdoor Closing Chapel Service and I highlighted to the students the different characteristics of our “You Can Do It” characters – Pete Persistence, Ricky Resilience, Connie Confidence, Oscar Organisation and Gabby Get Along. Our students were able to identify various stages throughout the term where they too had to take on these characteristics, whether it was through their online learning or in their transition back to face to face learning.
This term also showcased the talent and dedication of all our staff members at Warwick Street Campus. Thank you to you all - you are an amazing group of people!
In closing, I would like to wish you all a wonderful holiday break and I look forward to seeing you all in Term 3.
Mrs Jackie Minnikin
Director of Campus
WSC Campus Photos – Thursday 16 July
Just a reminder that our Campus Photos will be on Thursday 16 July. This will be in Week 1.
All students from Years 1-6 will be required to wear formal summer uniform on this day. Prep students will wear their sports uniforms. If the weather is cool, please make sure your child has extra layers to put on before and after the photos.
Please refer to this flyer for the important information on how this will work.
Sibling Photos
To enable parents to purchase a Family Photo of all or some of their children who attend Concordia Lutheran College, photos of siblings will be taken in The Shed at Warwick Street Campus between 8am and 8.15am on photo day.
It will be the parents’ responsibility to get their SSC children to WSC for the family photo and then take them to SSC ready for school before 8.30am.
STEM Extravaganza
What a great way to finish off the term! Our Prep to Year 6 students had a wonderful morning rotating around many different fun and interactive activities. Mr Jason Smith, Director of Stephen Street Campus, also attended with some of the Year 7 students to showcase some of the 3D printing that they have done this term. Please enjoy some of the photos of the day below.
Stephen Street Campus
Semester 1 – Done and Dusted!
We’ve sanitised, socially distanced, elbow bumped, Teams..ed in virtual class rooms, Zoomed, worked from anywhere with internet access, navigated essential and non-essential, and lifted the lid on Queensland’s Best Kept Secret! What a memorable semester and I must admit that I have found the journey strangely satisfying and enjoyable. Change is often a word that conjures up all sorts of feelings of uncertainty and anxiety, but it does not need to be that way. This season of change has shown us, as a community, how adaptable, agile and capable we are in finding solutions to challenges. We will certainly be reaping the educational benefits of this season for years to come and I look forward to seeing us continue to build learning experiences that are responsive to our students' ever changing capabilities.
I look forward to Semester 2 where we will be seeing even more of the activities that we love being able to return in some form or another. But now it is time to take a break and to recharge. I will be on campus all next week but am hoping to take a break myself for the following two weeks. Happy holidays!
Mr Jason Smith
Director of Campus - Stephen Street
Term 2 Visual Art
Visual Art students at Stephen Street Campus have shown resilience and determination during Term 2, with online learning changing the way we learn and create within the Arts. Students from Years 8 to 12 explored new concepts and embraced digital learning and technology to enhance their art making. Only having returned to face to face learning in Weeks 4 and 6, both Senior and Middle College students have completed many exceptional works in a variety of mediums.
Year 8 students have been busy working on colourful Pop Art self-portraits, while Year 9 has tested their technology skills making short films using smartphones. Year 11 students have completed their first unit Art as Lens producing a range of dynamic artworks. Year 12 students have completed both IA1 and IA2 demonstrating their innovative approaches through inquiry-based learning producing contemporary artworks in their chosen media.
Noteworthy assessment pieces demonstrating excellence in Visual Art this term are Chelsea Loader - Year 10, for her piece of ‘West Papua’, Emma Larsen - Year 12 ‘IA2 body of work’, Alexandra Irwin - Year 11 for her Pendulum paintings and Stuart Larsen ‘Experimental Folio - Cricket Ball’. See below for the gallery of these artworks.
All students should be proud of their results and resolved works. New artworks showcasing the talents of our students are on display in the Arts Foyer with more being displayed across the College early in Term 3.
Ms Holly Kiehne
Visual Art Teacher
Country Town Tour
Concordia's Head of College Mr Adrian Wiles and Director of Marketing and Enrolments Mrs Bianca Coleborn will be visiting country areas during Term 3 to talk to prospective families about enrolling at Concordia Lutheran College.
The Country Town Tour will take place at the following locations and dates:
- Dalby: Thursday 30 July
- Kingaroy: Thursday 6 August
- Chinchilla: Thursday 13 August
- St George: Thursday 20 August
- Roma: Thursday 3 September
If you know of any families in these areas that are considering boarding school for their children, please let them know that these events are taking place. If they would like more information, please direct them to Bianca by emailing or by calling 4688 2700 during business hours. The Marketing and Enrolments team are working throughout the school holidays.
Mrs Bianca Coleborn
Director of Marketing & Enrolments