The Week Ahead - Term 3, Week 2
Monday 20 July to Friday 24 July 2020
From the Head of College
Welcome back to a new semester. I pray that all members of our community have had a relaxing break, and that the months ahead will be enjoyable and full of hope.
Coronavirus Update
We are entering a new stage in this strangest of years – a phase of caution and precaution. As a result of the ongoing uncertainty, and a desire to maintain a safe community, we will proceed into the term with a very cautious approach and a determination to review the situation at the end of Term 3.
Any decision is subject to advice from Queensland Health; however, many daily considerations are understandably sitting in a grey area. Hence, caution is the order of the day until review at the end of September. In the meantime, please observe the guiding principles from health authorities:
- physical distancing for students where possible in the school environment
- physical distancing for adults
- hand washing and sanitising
- coughing and sneezing into the elbow
- stay away from school if any of the four signs appear, seek medical advice, isolate should testing be required and return only after results are received
- sign in for the purpose of contact tracing should you have to attend the school
We will be restarting assemblies and Worship across the College. Unfortunately, no parents will be able to attend and we will be carefully managing the distancing requirements for every activity. Intraschool sports will resume and a limited number of outdoor sports will also be reintroduced in the coming weeks.
As you would be aware, we have been able to reschedule some events to occur later in the year. Sadly, we have had to cancel the Year 6 Canberra Trip for 2020. Parents and guardians were informed of this decision yesterday and I thank them for their support and understanding at this time.
We are working with Googa Outdoor Education Centre to finalise approval for this extended experience early in Term 4. We are expecting that this experience will proceed subject to the Centre’s COVID-19 Plan and ongoing Queensland Health advice. Further information will be available later in this school term.
Final comment
I am delighted to welcome nine new students to our College this week. We are currently completing interviews with three other families along with those who will join us next year.
Please note that we now have a waiting list for Prep 2021 at Warwick Street Campus and three vacancies in the Prep 2021 class at Hume Street Campus. Year 7 in 2021 is also filling rapidly and further information can be gained by contacting the Enrolments Registrar, Mrs Michelle Price.
Kind regards and every blessing.
Mr Adrian Wiles
Head of College
Head of College Update - Term 3
Watch the latest video from our Head of College Mr Adrian Wiles regarding the term ahead.
From the College Pastor
Community News
Campus Visitor Registration
The College has implemented a new, electronic sign in process for all visitors, including parents, at each of the campuses.
When you visit any campus for reasons such as meetings, bookshop/uniform shop visits etc, you must first go to the Campus Reception. The sign in process encompasses questions that supports the College in ensuring the safety of our staff, students and visitors during this COVID period.
After signing in for the first time, subsequent visits will be faster with the “returning visitor” function. As this is an electronic system, you will also have the option to sign in using the Sine Pro app. The app only allows sign in within proximity of the campus, and sends automated notifications to the relevant staff of your arrival.
Reception staff at each campus will assist you and you can download the app here:
Enrolments Update
As per Mr Wiles' article, we have experienced a considerable level of interest in enrolments for 2021.
As a result of this, the Warwick Street Campus Prep class for next year is now full and a wait list has been created. If you know someone who was planning to enrol at Warwick Street Campus for Prep for next year who has not already done so, please ask them to contact us as soon as possible.
Hume Street Campus has also received a high level of enrolments for next year and we have just three spaces remaining in next year's class. Again, if you or someone you know is planning to enrol in this class, we encourage you to contact us as soon as possible. We anticipate that this class will also be full by the end of this term.
Year 7 for next year has experienced a significant level of interest from external applicants for next year. Please share with your networks the urgency for people looking for Year 7 to get in touch with us so we can ensure they secure a place.
2022 Enrolments
Given our Prep classes are either at or nearing capacity for next year, we encourage all existing families who have children for Prep in 2022 to submit an application as soon as possible. We are already receiving applications for 2022 at both campuses and want to ensure our existing families secure their spot.
If you have any questions, please feel welcome to contact our Registrar Mrs Michelle Price or me at
Mrs Bianca Coleborn
Director of Marketing & Enrolments
Project Based Learning at Concordia
Junior College
Outside School Hours Care
Hume Street Campus
From the Director
Welcome to Term 3
Welcome to Current and New Families
We would love to extend a warm welcome to all of our families as we begin our Term 3. It has also been lovely to welcome Michael and his family into Year 2, Lenny and his family into Year 3 and welcome the return of Harleen and her family into Year 4. We also welcome Mr Simon Isakka to the Hume Street Campus staff as our new permanent part-time cleaner. Simon brings a wealth of prior experience with him.
Prep 2021 Enrolments
I also had the privilege of touring many families through the campus during the holidays. Most of these were for Prep in 2021 and we are expecting to have our 2021 class finalised by the end of July, so if you know anyone wanting a place at HSC next year, we urge them to contact us ASAP as we only have three places left.
Term 3 Learning
Term 3 is gearing up to be a lot like the end of Term 2, where the students and teachers are working hard and learning lots but will be sharing this learning with their families through Seesaw. We are hoping and praying that we do not return to the beginning of Term 2. We know now that we can do online learning and do it well, but we would obviously all prefer to teach and learn face to face.
Term Overviews
Keep an eye out on Seesaw for your classes Term’s Overview so that you know what your children will be learning.
Camps and Excursions
As you would imagine, there will be limited camps and excursions for Term 3. This is partly due to venues being closed, the difficulty of ensuring spacing on buses is right, and ratios of adults to students knowing that we can’t use parent helpers. More information about these will be sent to individual year levels as appropriate.
Sick Children
Please remember … if your child is unwell, please keep them at home. If they become unwell at school, we will send them home, so please have a contingency plan in place for someone who can collect them, if need be.
Welcome Baby Reimann!
We would love to share the news with you that Mrs Melissa Reimann and her husband Mitch have welcomed a new daughter, Amelia Laura, into their family.
Communications and Connections
Communication remains a high priority of ours. If you have any concerns at all, please let your teachers know. They are able to communicate via email (if it is a quick issue), phone call, Zoom session or face to face meeting in the Reception Offices.
Tuckshop Commences Thursday 23 July
Tuckshop will commence on Thursday 23 July. All orders are to be completed online at My Student Account by 3pm Wednesday. If your child is away sick on the tuckshop day, please let Reception know by 9am Thursday.
HSC Tennis Coaching - Term 3 2020
If your child is interested in tennis coaching in Term 3 2020, click on the relevant flyer below for further information:
NRL Play League Stars
To register for the League Stars program please go to If you have any questions please contact Mitch Sargent or 0417 466 759.

Warwick Street Campus
From the Director
Welcome back! We hope you all had a relaxing break over the holidays. We also welcome our new families starting at WSC this term.
As there are still health guidelines in place, we will be continuing with the Drop Off and Pick Up procedures from last term. Assembly and Chapel will recommence this term but, unfortunately, we are still unable to have parents join us at these times.
This week we have commenced the Warwick Street Campus Workout. Each morning before entering the classroom, the students (and teachers!) from Prep to Year 6 participate in a range of exercise activities to get their bodies and minds warmed up for the day. Studies show that physical activity before school improves student focus and increases learning stamina for the day ahead.
Although there may be changes again this term, we are all looking forward to what lays ahead at WSC over the next nine weeks. We look forward to sharing these things with you.
Mrs Jackie Minnikin
Director of Campus
Tuckshop Commences Wednesday 22 July
Tuckshop will commence on Wednesday 22 July. All orders are to be completed online at My Student Account by 3pm Tuesday. If your child is away sick on the tuckshop day, please let Reception know by 9am Wednesday.
WSC Tennis Coaching - Term 3 2020
Tennis coaching will again be available in Term 3. Please click on the relevant flyer below for more information:
WSC Week 2 Events
Click here to view WSC events for Week 2.
Stephen Street Campus
From the Director of Campus
Welcome back to Term 3.
In true Toowoomba fashion, winter has finally made its presence felt! I never get tired of the buzz that comes as our campus comes back to life with our students and staff. Proverbs 16:9 reminds us that through all the plans that we make, that it is God who establishes our path. I have encouraged our staff and students to take confidence from this as we lean into the opportunities that are before us. This term sees the return to “live” assemblies and chapel albeit in a modified format and an increasing number of sporting programs and training coming back online. We are still taking a measured approach to indoor sports due to the situation that has emerged down south with the focus being on internal competitions, skill development and fitness.
On Wednesday, the College Captains and I had the privilege of being invited to share lunch with Member for Toowoomba South, David Janetzki MP in Parliament House. I do want to thank and acknowledge Mr Janetzki for that time that he sets aside annually to invest in our Captains.
Lastly, Parent Lounge and Student Café - please take time to explore these access points to the raft of information that provides the link between the College, families and students. This includes links to academic reports and “real-time” access to student progress via teacher feedback on student assessment items.
Parent Lounge also provides parents an opportunity to access their personal details and those of their student/s online. You will require your five digit parent code to access Parent Lounge. Access Parent Lounge.
Click here for information regarding how to log-in and use Parent Lounge.
A reminder that we have a virtual P&F Meeting on Monday and would love to see you there.
Mr Jason Smith
Director of Campus
SSC P&F Meeting
The next SSC P&F Meeting will be held via Zoom on Monday 20 July at 6.30pm.
All parents are welcome to join this Zoom meeting by using the link below and the following information:
- Meeting ID: 791 3486 9209
- Passcode: f08GTK
Maths Pathways Information Evening - Year 7
The Director of Learning and Innovation, Ms Wendy Bowen, and Head of Department - Mathematics, Mrs Karin McKenzie, are inviting Year 7 parents to a Virtual Parent Information Evening to discuss Mathematics Pathways. Due to the current restrictions relating to COVID-19, the meeting will be a scheduled Zoom conference.
This meeting will allow you to find out more about the individualised approach to teaching Maths and how it aligns to the Australian Curriculum. There will be a discussion on student progress and how to access up to date data in Parent Lounge. The meeting will also discuss Growth, Accuracy and Effort rates and how that translates on the Academic Reports.
Please click on the link below to join the meeting at 5.30pm Wednesday, 22 July. If you have any concerns, please don’t hesitate in contacting the College on 4688 2700.
Join Zoom Meeting – click on the link below:
Maths Pathways Meeting
- Meeting ID: 932 1152 7397
- Password: 0gybpD
Middle College News
Welcome back for Term 3! Despite the cold, blustery weather, it has been wonderful catching up with the Middle College students throughout the week to hear about their highlights or interesting experiences from their recent holiday break.
As the students settle back into their school and study routines for the term, we welcome three new families into our Year 8 cohort.
During Pastoral Care this term, there will be a six week Mental Fitness Challenge focus during Home Class where each student will register on this website. Students will work through some activities and strategies used by psychologists and sports psychologists that can help them build resilience, wellbeing and ultimately - their mental fitness.
Another area which Home Class teachers will be discussing with their students is Restorative Justice practices as this is an important foundation to strengthen relationships in our school to keep building a positive school environment for teaching and learning.
Mrs Roslyn Cook
Middle College Coordinator
Senior College News
I would like to extend a warm welcome back to all Senior students and their families to Semester 2.
The term began with students participating in the Elevate Study Success program. Year 10 and Year 11 students completed a Time Management seminar that compliments the Study Sensei seminar already completed. It is designed to help students be organised, well structured and planned in their approach to schooling. Year 12 completed the Finishing Line seminar to help set them up for the run-up to external exams. Study class teachers will follow up on the seminars with a student activity booklet to reinforce what students learned in the seminars.
Please ask your son or daughter to show you the booklets they have received and discuss how you can support them. Our Senior students give the impression of being completely independent but your support and knowledge is an invaluable resource that will contribute to their success.
In Pastoral Care lessons, students will complete the Bite Back Mental Health Challenge. Senior students have completed this before, but it is an activity that should be revisited regularly to check in on mental health. Other topics that will be worked through are good decision making, social media pressure and Restorative Practice. Please ask your student to chat with you about what they have picked up from these sessions.
The Year 11 Leadership Camp has been postponed once again. We are hoping to run it in early November. As restrictions for COVID-19 are being assessed on a daily basis, this is still a maybe. Year 11 will complete Leadership activities at school from Week 5 onwards to upskill them ready to take on Leadership roles for 2021.
The Leadership nomination process will begin next week. Students will be required to complete a nomination form which includes a list of Leadership positions they have already held and a short letter detailing why they believe they should be chosen for the nominated position/s. After nominations have been completed, the Senior College and teaching staff will vote, nominees will be shortlisted, a speech will be delivered by nominees to the student body and interviews will be completed. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding the process.
The Year 11 Boat Cruise has been cancelled at this stage. I am hoping we can run it early 2021.
The Year 12 Valedictory Dinner will go ahead at the USQ Refectory with arrivals taking place at the College. USQ can seat 160 guests with social distancing restrictions in place. This allows each student to bring two guests - generally parents - which cannot be deviated from. Please contact me if you wish to have a different arrangement. This number of guests will limit the number of staff allowed to attend the event.
Year 10 will explore the SenseAbility unit, Sense of Purpose, for the remainder of Term 3. This module aims to convey the important role that a strong sense of purpose plays in everyone’s emotional wellbeing. A healthy and realistic sense of purpose can help us make sense of events that we experience. It can greatly enhance feelings of accomplishment when we reach goals. It helps give meaning to events in the present, and to give hope for the future. It can help us to prioritise and choose where to apply our time and energy. Even if our goals aren’t yet easily defined, a sense of purpose can help steer us toward situations where specific goals might become clearer.
This module should also highlight how important a sense of purpose is when weathering challenging events. Without a sense of purpose, we can lose perspective about the value of things like family, friendships, our community, and material possessions, thereby exposing ourselves to feelings of dissatisfaction and other emotional problems.
Mrs Carissa Jaworska
Senior College Coordinator
SSC Photo Day
A reminder that the SSC Photo Day is next week on Tuesday 21 July. All students are to be in formal uniform for this day.
Please note that sibling photos can now be taken on this day, including siblings from other campuses. These will be done in the gym from 8am on Tuesday 21 July. Order envelopes are available at Student Reception.

Australian Maths Competition
A number of students has been selected to compete in the Australian Maths Competition (AMC). The AMC is an engaging 30-problem competition that demonstrates the importance and relevance of mathematics in students’ everyday lives. It is open to students in Years 7 to 12, organised with Years 7/8, 9/10 and 11/12 completing the same challenges. The competition is conducted under test conditions, is externally assessed and students may receive a certificate determined by result.
We will be conducting the competition on Monday 3 August, from 8.30am to 9.45am in room B10. Selected students would need a calculator, pencil and rubber.
Mrs Karin McKenzie
HOD - Mathematics
Sport Update
Commit to be Fit
Returns on Wednesday 22 July 2020, 3.30pm-4.30pm on the AFL oval.
Athlete Development program
Begins Tuesday 21 July 2020, 3.30pm-4.30pm on the AFL Oval.
Queensland School Sport – Student officials
As you are aware, a number of the state championships that have been ‘rebooted’ rely on student officials. Obviously any students who had previously registered interest in officiating at these championships would have done so with different dates (and possibly venues) in mind. In order to ensure that there are enough student officials to facilitate the running of these championships, I encourage any interested students to register their interest in officiating at our respective championships. This can be done through the student officials tab on the QSS website. Alternatively you can contact me via email.
QSS Sports for 2020:
- 10-12 years Basketball
- 10-12 years Hockey
- 10-12 years Netball
- 10-12 years Softball
- 13-15 years Netball
- 16-19 years Netball
- 13-15 years Basketball
- 13-19 years Hockey
Queensland School Sport – Upcoming Trials
In line with the Queensland Government’s Stage 3 easing of restrictions, the Department of Education will recommence a staged reintroduction of inter-school and representative school sport from 10 July 2020. Resources are available to support schools and regions to get ready to recommence training, competitions and programs in a safe, responsible and low risk manner that complies with the latest health advice. For representative school sport, some district and regional school sport events will commence in Term 3 2020, with consideration of the Roadmap, AIS Framework and Return to Play Guide. Selected Queensland School Sport state championships will take place in Term 3 and Term 4, with consideration of the current COVID-19 restrictions. For the latest advice, please refer to the Queensland School Sport website.
Click here to view the approved DD Calendar for the remainder of 2020. Regional trials will only be held for the state championships that will take place for 2020. It was decided by the DD School Sport Board and approved by the Regional Director that no Regional Track & Field carnival would occur in 2020.
Mrs Jana Anderson
SSC Sport Coordinator
Learn to Play Tennis!

Country Town Tour
Our Head of College Mr Adrian Wiles and I are looking forward to visiting the following locations over the coming months to speak to prospective boarding students and their families as well as some of our existing boarding parents.
If you know someone who is interested to learn more about boarding at Concordia, please encourage them to contact us at to make a booking for these visits.
Here is the schedule for the visits:
Location | Date |
Dalby | Thursday 30 July |
Kingaroy | Thursday 6 August |
Chinchilla | Thursday 13 August |
St George | Thursday 20 August |
Roma | Thursday 3 September |
If you know somebody who would like to register their interest, please share the following link with them: Country Town Tour
Mrs Bianca Coleborn
Director of Marketing & Enrolments