The Week Ahead - Term 2, Week 3
Monday 1 May 2023 to Friday 5 May 2023
From the Head of College
Dear Parents and Caregivers
I don’t know about you, but I could easily get used to these shorter weeks. The extra day to catch one’s breath, slow down and refocus has been most welcome. The busyness of College life keeps happening for us with Anzac Day services happening across all 3 campuses at the start of the week, the Year 4 students attending their school camp on the Gold Coast over the past 3 days and the Prep – Year 2 Track and Field Carnival today. I need to thank the various staff members and students who have worked behind the scenes to ensure the success of these events – Mr Gabe Robbie and our senior History students [Anzac Day celebrations], Mrs Libby Scouller, Mr John Trappett, Ms Zoe Hutchinson and Mrs Sue Priest [Year 4 Camp] and Mr Darryl Fry [Prep – Year 2 Track and Field Carnival]. Thank you for your ongoing support and encouragement of your student[s] across these and other events.
So, how do you get quality information out of our children at the end of a busy school day when all you currently get is that, “school was good.” What to ask kids instead of, “How was your day?”
- Instead of: How was your day? Try this: What is one thing that made you laugh today? You can learn a lot about your child’s sense of humour, friends and get them smiling by asking them to recount events that made them laugh.
- Instead of: Did you eat your lunch? Try this: Who did you sit by at lunch today? Allowing your child to discuss friends they may have a hard time having a good relationship with, opens opportunities to discuss how others make them feel.
- Instead of: Did you have a good day? Try this: What did you do that made someone smile today? Show your kids that school is just about learning. Kindness matters.
- Instead of: What did you learn at school? Try this: Did you enjoy art or science more today? Why? When questions are broad, it’s easy for a child to feel unsure of how to answer. Being specific facilitates a detailed response and opens the door for further discussion.
- Instead of: What did you do today? Try this: I love hearing about your day. Sometimes questions are overwhelming. Just letting your child know that you are interested, gives them permission to share when they are ready.
- Instead of: How was your day? Try this: What was easier today than yesterday? Encouraging your kids to notice that their practice is making a difference helps instil a positive self-image and a growth mindset. [Acknowledgement:]
Next week will see us gather for the Senior College and Year 3-6 Track and Field Carnivals. The annual Eisteddfod season also gets underway next week and tickets for the College Musical We will Rock You are now on sale. I look forward to seeing you out and about at Concordia next week.
Have a great long weekend.
Yours in Christ.
Mr Anton Prinsloo
Head of College
Quote of the week: You learn nothing from life if you think you're right all the time. [Brad Turnbull]
From the College Pastor
Easter Season
White lilies have since ancient times been associated with purity, innocence, life, joy and peace. Jesus referred to lilies (Luke 12:27) when encouraging his followers to trust in God’s good provision for them, just like God provided for the lilies in the field. There were lily shaped capitals on top of the temple columns (1 Kings 7:19), and there are some old stories that say that beautiful white lilies sprang up in the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus wept in the last hours before he was betrayed by Judas.

You can find stylised lilies in many churches, as a symbol for the Trinity, God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and lilies have also been associated with Mary, the mother of Jesus, pointing to her special place in God’s plan of salvation and her role as the innocent and pure mother of Jesus, the Christ..

At Easter lilies (who of course bloom at this time in the Northern spring) stand as a symbol for the resurrection of Jesus, the innocent Son of God and symbolise the life and joy this offers to all the world. Many churches are decorated with these special flowers at this time of year.
And Easter is not just a one date and time event. In fact, every Sunday is a little Easter celebration for Christians and the church has a whole Easter season, lasting 7 weeks until Pentecost. So, as we enter this very busy Term 2 of our school year, with so many opportunities for or students to embrace, we take the joy and hope of Easter with us into this season. We are reminded that Christ is alive! There is always hope for new beginnings, even when things don’t go our way, and ultimately our future is open and even death cannot close that door. God’s love has overcome the hatred and destruction of the world and of the adversary and that unending love now flows through us as Easter people into the world to make a positive difference.
May this Easter hope and joy go with you through this time!
Have a blessed week.
Pastor Thomas Böhmert
College Pastor
Community News
2023 Byron Capital Darling Downs Open Chess Tournament

LYQ Winter Christian Life Week Camp 2023 - Years 7-12
Christian Life Week (CLW) Camp is coming up midyear – All welcome!
Book at Winter Christian Life Week 2023 | Lutheran Youth of Queensland (

Project Based Learning at Concordia
Junior College
JC Year 5 Camp Parent Information and Permission
On Wednesday 31 May, Year 5 students will attend the Emu Gully Adventure Park. For information on the camp and the packing list please see below.
Parents are also requested to go to Parent Lounge to submit your permission for your child/ren to attend by Wednesday 10 May.
- Login to Parent Lounge >
- click on Events & Payments >
- click on JC Year 5 Camp 2023 >
- Accept >
- Save.
Important Note: Please check and ensure your Parent Lounge portal is up to date regarding your child's Emergency Contact Information, Medical Conditions and Food Allergies/Dietary Requirements.
JC Book Fair

JC Library News

The countdown is on to our 2023 Scholastic Book Fair and National Simultaneous Storytime. It is only four weeks until this exciting annual event occurs. The flyer included in this newsletter gives the dates for each respective campus. The Resource Centres will be open from 7:30am before school on the mornings of the Book Fair and until 4:00pm after school in the afternoons. The students will be given an opportunity to see the collection available and to create a wish list to take home to discuss with you. I look forward to seeing many families come in to browse and shop the wonderful collection of Scholastic books and novelties.
This week the students will have taken home a copy of the latest Scholastic Book Club Catalogue. Orders from this issue are due back by the 5 May. This will be the only Scholastic Book Club we are doing this term as we are having the Scholastic Book Fair later in the term.
Families that were billed for outstanding Library books and Home readers will be issued a credit if the books are returned.
Mrs Karen Maben
Junior College Library Coordinator
JC Eisteddfod - Choral - 7 May
The Junior College JUNIOR and SENIOR Choirs will be performing in the Toowoomba at the Eisteddfod at the Empire Theatre Auditorium. As performance is a part of our curriculum, it is expected that all students in Years 3 to 6 will participate. This is an incredibly valuable experiences for our students and a celebration of the hard work they do in rehearsals throughout the year.
Parent Information Letter link
Date: Sunday 7 May
- Year 3-4 approx. 1pm-3pm
- Year 5-6 approx. 2.30pm-5pm
JC Years 3-6 Inter-House Track & Field Carnival - Parent Helpers
On Friday 5 May, the Junior College Years 3 to 6 will be competing in the annual Track and Field Carnival at SSC.
We are seeking Parent Volunteers to help out with Timekeeping and Check Starter on the day. If you are available and would like to help out in one of these roles, please submit your availability via the link below.
JC Years 3-6 Inter-House Track & Field Carnival - 5 May
On Friday 27 May, the Junior College Years 3 to 6 will be competing in the annual Track and Field Carnival at SSC. Click here for a copy of the program.
We will have a coffee van and hot food van available on the day accepting cash and EFTPOS. There will be a meal deal available for students at this carnival. Please click here for the flyer.
JC Yr 3-6 Track & Field Carnival Meal Deal

Outside School Hours Care
Hume Street Campus
HSC Weekly Events
Please click here to view HSC's Events for Term 2, Week 3.
HSC School Disco - Save the Date
On Friday 9 June HSC will be holding a school disco 6pm to 7.30pm. The theme for this disco, as chosen by our Year 6 class, is Food. Come along dressed as your favourite food. Best dressed prizes will be given out.
HSC Pod Play - Request for items
Our students are looking to extend their play up in the Forest, so we are planning to introduce “Pod Play”. Pod play involves a container full of high quality, clean recycled materials that the children can pull out and play freely with in whatever way their imaginations may take them.
Pod Play provides opportunities for all children to work together to create a fun, new play environment each time they pull out the materials from “The Pod”.
For our Pod Play to become a reality, we need your help! We are looking for lots of clean, recycled items that the children can use. The following is a list of ideas of things that would be very helpful:
Clean bed sheets
Plastic electrical cable rolls
Old car tyres
Large cardboard boxes
Silver air conditioning duct
Pool noodles
Milk crates
Pine Cones
You may even have some other things that you think would be suitable as well. Families who have their own businesses, please think of us before you throw your rubbish out!
HSC Parent Connect Mother's Day Stall - 11 May
This year, the HSC Parent Connect will be having a Mother's Day Stall on Thursday 11 May. The gifts will be $5.00 each and can be for Mums, Nannies/Grandmas or other special motherly role models in your family. Any children who are away on the Thursday can select their gifts on the Friday.
For ordering purposes, please indicate if you are wanting to purchase a gift and how many you would like via the form below.
HSC 2023 Parent Connect Mother's Day Stall and Volunteer Information
Warwick Street Campus
WSC Weekly Events
Please click here to view WSC's Events for Term 2, Week 3.

WSC OSHC Teddy Bear Project

WSC Mother’s Day Celebration - Thursday 11 May

Please click on the link to register your attendance
WSC Mother's Day Spa & Beauty Centre RSVP
WSC Mother’s Day Stall – Thursday 11 May
Our Mother's Day Stall will be held on Thursday 11 May. This year there will be both $5.00 and $10.00 gifts available to purchase.
Gifts - Your child/ren may like to purchase a present for Mums, Nannies, Grandmas or any other special motherly role models. Money will need to be brought to school on Thursday 11 May. Please place the money in an envelope marked with:
- Child’s name
- Amount in envelope
- Number of gifts to be purchased
Stephen Street Campus
SSC Weekly Events
Please click here to view SSC's Events for Term 2, Week 3.
Boarding News
Hi to all our boarder families.
Week 2 – Our students have all adjusted back into their Boarding routines and have caught up on everyone news.
We have a few reluctant risers in the morning who would prefer a sleep in to having breakfast and some a tad slow to get moving but “what’s new” households are like this all over the country. Once everyone wakes up our day continues nicely.
This morning several of our students attended the dawn service. Well done and thank you to Nadir and Mr Andrew for driving and escorting them all. You all did your families and the school proud.
Afterwards followed with a quick dash through the Mac D’s drive through.
Early Fit lab exercise sessions started on Monday with 3 students attending. Please consider this for your child especially if they are not participating in any other sports. Cost for this is $75.00 for the term. We encourage all students to participate in at least one sport outside of the school sports.
The students who went have expressed how they really enjoyed the first session.
Netball, Volleyball, Basketball, Hockey, Footy and League are great codes to be involved in at school or club level. I look forward to getting some action shots to add to our gallery every week.
Cross Country went ahead last Wednesday however due to return to school flights many students were unable to participate.
Travel days coinciding with school start dates have been a concern since Covid, more importantly impact it is having on our students by missing classes, sports, and activities. Students’ interaction and participation outside of the classroom at school is important for their wellbeing and competitive sides.
Returning to Dorms on the same day as others enables everyone to transition back into boarding life together. Some parents and caregivers have voiced disappointment that their children are not being able to start and finish on the same day as other students.
We hear you and agree totally. I am presently working with Abstudy to have all our flights and transfers booked through Brisbane Airport assisted by a boarding supervisor. This will not impact on any parent who still wishes to travel with there own children.
The mornings are getting colder and the weather changes during the day from sunshine to shower, at times that cold bitter wind. Our students are feeling it as they are all wearing jumpers or light jackets.
Please encourage your child to keep warm and if they are feeling unwell to let us know so as we can best support them with the assistance of Nurse Libby.
This week we welcome to our Boarding team Miss Sarah Van de Ros and Mr Nick Morgan, both are currently employed in the school sector and come with a wealth of experience. We look forward to welcoming them on board.
The Musical “We will Rock you” is on very soon. Excitement is in the air, and all are waiting with anticipation for performances from Georgette May, Bella Clark, and Henry Thorne. This will be held at the Empire Theatre in Toowoomba.
Till next week take care and stay safe – Enjoy our photo gallery.
Mrs Maureen Taurima and Mr Andrew Bull
Boarding Houseparents