The Week Ahead - Term 2, Week 4

Monday 8 May 2023 to Friday 12 May 2023

From the Head of College

From the Head of College

Dear Parents and Caregivers

The past week has all been about running faster, jumping higher and further as well as throwing further as Concordia held its Track and Field Carnivals for both the Junior and Senior College, and didn’t the weather just turn it on for the carnivals. Well done to all the students on the participation numbers and effort put in across the College. Congratulations to those athletes who used this opportunity to shine and showcase their God-given talents and abilities in this area of our sports program. We are now looking forward to watching our athletes represent Concordia at the upcoming inter-school carnivals and selection trials. Thank you to the many parents, caregivers, family members and friends who attended to support the students – it was great to see so many grandparents in attendance! Thank you to all the staff who assisted as officials and encouraged every participant. Thank you to our HPE staff led by Mr. Darryl Fry and Mr. Darron Skinner-Martin on planning, organising and hosting excellently run carnivals.

From the College Pastor

Communicating the Gospel

During the reformation of the 15th century, Martin Luther and fellow reformers made liberal use of a recent new invention (new to Europe at least), the printing press, which enabled mass communication through the widespread and relatively cheap distribution of printed leaflets and tracts. Luther also translated the bible into the German language making it accessible to a much wider audience than the previous Latin translation used int eh church did. I guess over the years we had various translation of the scriptures, which are regularly updated because language is living thing and changes over time (just compare King James or Shakespearian English to the modern Australian version).

Community News

2023 Byron Capital Darling Downs Open Chess Tournament

School TV - Empower Confidence

Winter Blues Concert - Call out for Performers

From the Director of Marketing and Enrolments

I hope you are now back into the swing of Term 2. The year is racing away!

This month we have already visited the Goondiwindi Show and next week we will be at the Roma Show. If there are any old scholars at Roma please come and visit us as we would love to catch up with you!

We have a relatively recent additional resource available to parents and carers, SchoolTV. Have you had a look yet on the Concordia Lutheran College website? SchoolTV is an award-winning wellbeing resource that can support you in the challenges relating to modern-day parenting. We highly recommend it!

SSC Pie Drive

Project Based Learning at Concordia

Junior College

JC Year 5 Camp Parent Information and Permission

On Wednesday 31 May, Year 5 students will attend the Emu Gully Adventure Park. For information on the camp and the packing list please see below.

Parents are also requested to go to Parent Lounge to submit your permission for your child/ren to attend by Wednesday 10 May.

  • Login to Parent Lounge >
  • click on Events & Payments >
  • click on JC Year 5 Camp 2023 >
  • Accept >
  • Save.

Important Note: Please check and ensure your Parent Lounge portal is up to date regarding your child's Emergency Contact Information, Medical Conditions and Food Allergies/Dietary Requirements.

Parent Information Letter

Year 5 Camp Packing List

Medication Administration Consent Form

JC Book Fair

JC Library News

The countdown is on to our 2023 Scholastic Book Fair and National Simultaneous Storytime. It is only four weeks until this exciting annual event occurs. The flyer included in this newsletter gives the dates for each respective campus. The Resource Centres will be open from 7:30am before school on the mornings of the Book Fair and until 4:00pm after school in the afternoons. The students will be given an opportunity to see the collection available and to create a wish list to take home to discuss with you. I look forward to seeing many families come in to browse and shop the wonderful collection of Scholastic books and novelties.

This week the students will have taken home a copy of the latest Scholastic Book Club Catalogue. Orders from this issue are due back by the 5 May. This will be the only Scholastic Book Club we are doing this term as we are having the Scholastic Book Fair later in the term.

Families that were billed for outstanding Library books and Home readers will be issued a credit if the books are returned. 

Mrs Karen Maben

Junior College Library Coordinator

From the Junior College Directors

Another week at the Junior College and another successful Athletics event. Today saw our Years 3-6 students compete in our Junior College Interhouse Track and Field Carnival. This carnival followed on from our Interhouse Cross Country Carnival in Week 1, and our Prep - Year 2 carnival in Week 2. 

Each of these events highlighted not only the extraordinary talents of all students but also showcased the incredible persistence, determination and resilience of every competitor. 

JC IPSHA Chess Tournament

Each year selected students attend our IPSHA (Independent Primary Schools Heads Association) Chess Tournament which is hosted by Concordia’s Hume Street Campus. Our students will be competing against like minded students from Grammar, Fairholme, Toowoomba Christian College, Glennie, Highlands and TAS. Our students have been practicing diligently and are looking forward to the challenge of competing against other talented players.

JC Eisteddfod - Choral - 7 May

The Junior College JUNIOR and SENIOR Choirs will be performing in the Toowoomba at the Eisteddfod at the Empire Theatre Auditorium. As performance is a part of our curriculum, it is expected that all students in Years 3 to 6 will participate. This is an incredibly valuable experiences for our students and a celebration of the hard work they do in rehearsals throughout the year. 

Parent Information Letter link

Date: Sunday 7 May

  • Year 3-4 approx. 1pm-3pm 
  • Year 5-6 approx. 2.30pm-5pm 

Sport News

Throughout last term our students have been participating in PE classes and preparing for this year’s Junior College Track & Field Carnival which is to be held now this Friday 5 May. In week one, our students participated in the pre carnival 800m event which was a great afternoon of competition between all houses with many students running some great times, with a few records being broken, and a number narrowly being missed. The 2023 Discus events have been completed also, and it sets the tone for a big day of competition at our Carnival.

Outside School Hours Care

Hume Street Campus

HSC Weekly Events

Please click here to view HSC's Events for Term 2, Week 4.

HSC School Disco - 9 June

HSC Pod Play - Request for items

Our students are looking to extend their play up in the Forest, so we are planning to introduce “Pod Play”.  Pod play involves a container full of high quality, clean recycled materials that the children can pull out and play freely with in whatever way their imaginations may take them.

Pod Play provides opportunities for all children to work together to create a fun, new play environment each time they pull out the materials from “The Pod”.

For our Pod Play to become a reality, we need your help! We are looking for lots of clean, recycled items that the children can use.  The following is a list of ideas of things that would be very helpful:

Clean bed sheets
Plastic electrical cable rolls
Old car tyres
Large cardboard boxes
Silver air conditioning duct
Pool noodles
Milk crates
Pine Cones

You may even have some other things that you think would be suitable as well. Families who have their own businesses, please think of us before you throw your rubbish out! 

HSC Parent Connect Mother's Day Stall - 11 May

This year, the HSC Parent Connect will be having a Mother's Day Stall on Thursday 11 May. The gifts will be $5.00 each and can be for Mums, Nannies/Grandmas or other special motherly role models in your family. Any children who are away on the Thursday can select their gifts on the Friday. 

For ordering purposes, please indicate if you are wanting to purchase a gift and how many you would like via the form below.

HSC 2023 Parent Connect Mother's Day Stall and Volunteer Information

HSC Mother's Day Pancake Parlour Invitation - Thursday 11 May

Warwick Street Campus

WSC Parent Connect Updates

On Wednesday night, our Parent Connect met for Term 2 to discuss our upcoming friend raising and fundraising activities for Warwick Street Campus. Please keep an eye out in future Week Ahead articles with more information about the following:

Thursday 11 May - Mother’s Day Stall

Friday 12 May - Years 1-6 Mad Hatters Disco
                       -  Parents Wine and Cheese Evening

Term 3                       
Cookie Dough Fundraiser

Term 4                      
Family Colour Fun Run and BBQ – Friday 10 November

Due the wonderful success of our WSC Trivia Night in 2022, and the incredible amount of money that was raised, the Parent Connect will be supporting the development of a Sensory Garden area at Warwick Street Campus. This will be an area for all students from K-6 where they can feed chickens, assist in the veggie patch, wander along the sensory path and sit and chat in our yarning circle. We look forward to sharing our plans for this area in the near future.

If you are eager to assist or hear more about the information above, please contact Mrs Courtney Kruger via eamil:

WSC Mother’s Day Celebration - Thursday 11 May

Please click on the link to register your attendance  
WSC Mother's Day Spa & Beauty Centre RSVP

WSC Parent Connect Wine & Cheese Evening - Friday 12 May

Parent Connect Wine & Cheese Evening

WSC Disco - Mad Hatters - Friday 12 May

Parent Connect Wine & Cheese Evening

WSC Tuckshop Orders

At WSC, Tuckshop is held on a Wednesday. All orders are to be completed online at My Student Account by 3pm each Tuesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Wednesday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 8.


WSC OSHC Teddy Bear Project

WSC Mother’s Day Stall – Thursday 11 May

Our Mother's Day Stall will be held on Thursday 11 May. This year there will be both $5.00 and $10.00 gifts available to purchase.

Gifts - Your child/ren may like to purchase a present for Mums, Nannies, Grandmas or any other special motherly role models. Money will need to be brought to school on Thursday 11 May. Please place the money in an envelope marked with:  

  • Child’s name
  • Amount in envelope
  • Number of gifts to be purchased

WSC Weekly Events

Please click here to view WSC's Events for Term 2, Week 4.

WSC Mother's Day Raffle

Stephen Street Campus

SSC Weekly Events

Please click here to view SSC's Events for Term 2, Week 4.


Boarding News

Hi to all our boarder families.

The weeks are quickly passing by the weather has started to turn and our students are rugging

up as the temperatures drop. Heaters have been turned on and nights get darker earlier.
Winter is fast approaching.

Welcome from the Leadership Team