The Week Ahead - Term 3, Week 1
Monday 15 July to Friday 19 July 2019
From the Head of College
From the College Pastor
Community News
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Project Based Learning at Concordia
Junior College
Sports News
This week, we concluded our sports programs and commitments for Semester 1. Special mention to our Junior College students - Ella Rashleigh, Lachlan Rashleigh, James Rice, Torin Edwards and Jack Wiggins who competed for Toowoomba Central Zone at the annual Darling Downs Track and Field Carnival in their quest to represent the region in their chosen events. Congratulations to Torin Edwards, who has been selected in the Darling Downs Track and Field Team to compete at Brisbane in August. All students performed well and are better off for the fantastic exposure and experience these carnivals give our athletes. Well done to you all for your great effort!
I would also like to thank staff, parents and sports coaches and PE staff from Stephen Street Campus for your efforts and support of our sporting programs. It has been a very hectic action-packed term, which ultimately has given our students many opportunities to be involved in sport in some capacity at Concordia Lutheran College, and also in the wider community.
Our Sporting Schools Programs that were run this term (soccer, netball and athletics) have concluded now with the final session being run last Wednesday. These were very well received from all reports. We also received glowing feedback from coaches in regards to our students’ participation and behaviour throughout the programs across the Junior College campuses. We have applied for funding for programs for Term 3, so hopefully we will be able to offer some other sports again next term.
Term 3 will see the return of Friday afternoon sport for our Years 5 and 6 students, of which we will be involved in a host of sports at various venues. Students are already excited in anticipation of this fun and rewarding experience.
Mr Darryl Fry
JC Sports Coordinator
Primary School Invitational Chess Tournament
Over the weekend of 15 and 16 June, we had five students attend the Primary Schools Invitational Chess Tournament. They all did very well and placed in the top 80 students. Congratulations to Yuan, Adam, Thomas, Tyler and Jordan. It was a wonderful effort.
Outside School Hours Care
Hume Street Campus
Reception Hours during School Holidays
The HSC Reception will be open on Monday 24 June from 10am to 4pm but will then close until Monday 15 July. If you need any information during this period, please call the Stephen Street Campus on 4688 2700 from 8am to 4pm.
Prep to Year 2 Electives Wish List
The Prep to Year 2 teachers have collated a wish list to help with Electives next term. If you have any of the items listed below and do not need them, we would love to take them off your hands. Any donations can be left at the Campus Reception.
- Fabric scraps – eg scrap fabric, fur, leather, feathers etc
- Small boxes
- Plastic containers
- Cardboard cylinders (no toilet rolls)
- Lids
- Straws
- Wool
- Buttons
- Egg containers
Only One You
After reading the book, ONLY ONE YOU by Linda Kranz, the Year 1 students discussed how they are unique and how they can help to make our world a better place. They painted a ‘rock fish’ to add to our whole school ONLY ONE YOU ‘river’ in the front garden. This will be a project that will continue over into Term 3 so that all of our students have a unique ‘rock fish’ in our river. This represents the uniqueness of us all but the sense of community when we all work together.
Gardening Club
Do you have a young gardener in your house or a budding gardener that would love to learn about composting, the value of worms in our gardens and to recognise many of the herb and vegetable plants? If your child already attends our Gardening Club or would like to attend in the future, please register them by completing the fillable form. Please feel free to bring an old set of clothes to change into.
LEGO Masters
Before Chapel yesterday, we celebrated our LEGO Championships. These championships were inspired after our visit with the LEGO MASTER, Matt Cramb. Each year level had a week of building with a particular theme in mind. The builds were to showcase a story around the theme and creativity in the use of the bricks. These builds were a great way of fostering skills such as team work, communication, persistence and creativity. It was also just a lot of good fun!
Assembly and Chapel – Change of Times
During Terms 3 and 4, our Assembly and Chapel times will change to 10.15am. All parents are welcome to attend.
Term 3 Chess Coaching with Les Lord
Mr Les Lord will commence Chess Coaching on Tuesday 23 July from 10.45am to 11.30am in the Resource Centre. The cost per student for six Chess lessons will be $40.00. If your child would like to participate, please submit your form by Friday 19 July. Full payment will be required prior to your child commencing lessons.
Tennis Coaching
Tennis coaching will be held during Term 3. Click the relevant link below for further information:
Earn & Learn
This year we will be participating in the Woolworths Earn & Learn program. Through this program we will be able to get great new educational resources for our campus. All we need you to do is shop for your groceries at Woolworths from Wednesday 1 May to Tuesday 25 June and to collect the Woolworths Earn & Learn stickers. We have a drop off point at the Campus Reception and also at Woolworths The Ridge for the duration of the promotion.
Sticker sheets can be collected from Reception or click here to print.
HSC Week 1 Events
Click here to view HSC's Events for Week 1.
HSC Tuckshop Orders
Tuckshop will be closed for Week 1 and will reopen in Week 2. All orders are to be completed online at My Student Account by 3pm each Wednesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Thursday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order.
Forms to Complete - HSC
Form Name | Due Date |
JC 2019 Prep Darling Downs Zoo Excursion | Thursday 11 July |
HSC Chess Coaching Term 3, 2019 | Friday 19 July |
HSC Gardening Club with Mrs Priest | Friday 19 July |
JC 2019 Year 1 Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary Excursion | Wednesday 24 July |
Warwick Street Campus
From the Director of Campus
It is hard to believe that the school year is already half over. As we end Term 2, I look back at the events and the learning that has happened over the term and it is phenomenal! I commend the students on their efforts this term and congratulate the teachers and support staff at Warwick Street Campus for the work they have done. The Parent-Teacher Interviews this week have also given the parents the opportunity to share in the successes of the students and to look at the incredible amount of work that has been produced over the last nine weeks.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish all families a very relaxing, enjoyable and safe holiday period and I look forward to welcoming our school community on the first day of Term 3. Happy holidays!
Mrs Jackie Minnikin
Director of Campus
Reception Hours during School Holidays
The WSC Reception will be open on Monday 24 June from 8am to 10.30am and 12.30pm to 4pm but will then close until Monday 15 July. If you need any information during this period please call the Stephen Street Campus on 4688 2700 from 8am to 4pm.
WSC Trivia Night – Save the Date

One of the highlights on the Warwick Street Campus calendar each year is the P&F Trivia Night. Each year we have seen this event grow in numbers as our community comes together for a night of fun, laughter and friendly competition. I encourage everyone in our community to come along to enjoy the fun. Family and friends from outside our community are also most welcome to attend.
This year, we are delighted to be holding the annual Trivia Night on Friday 23 August, with Lee Faulkner from Triple M Radio as our host for the evening. To ensure we continue to provide a wonderful event, we need some assistance from our community. If you are able to assist with organising the night, being a sponsor, donating prizes or even putting a table of guests together to support the event, we would be very grateful for your assistance. We understand that everyone is busy, but if you could give some of your time, even in a small way, it would be appreciated.
If you would like more information about the Trivia Night and what you can do to support the event, please contact me or Mrs Bronwyn Loughlin, our P&F Chairperson for further details. Bron’s email address is
The WSC staff are already studying up for the occasion and we look forward to seeing you there!
Mrs Jackie Minnikin
Director of Campus
Newspaper Recycling
Each week you are encouraged to bring along newspapers for recycling. This is a P&F fundraiser and also a class competition. Your papers can be delivered to The Shed and placed under your child’s year level, which will be clearly defined on the back wall. Each term (except Term 4) the winning class receives a pizza lunch from the P&F. So start collecting your papers now from family, friends and neighbours and bring them in on a Thursday morning before 8.30am.
Newspaper Recycling Winner for Term 2
Winners of the Newspaper Recycling for Term 2 was Year 5. They enjoyed their pizza lunch last Tuesday 18 June. Thank you to the WSC P&F for providing the pizza lunch.
Chapel – change of times
During Terms 3 and 4, our Chapel time will change to 8.30am. All parents are welcome to attend.
Year 2 Bike Day

As a culminating activity to their Maths investigation this term, the Year 2 students participated in a bike day on Thursday 20 June. A big thank you to all the parents that supported this event. The students really enjoyed the challenge of riding their bikes on the top and bottom ovals. A great day was had by all!
Chess Coaching Lessons
We are excited to announce that Mr Les Lord will be running Chess Coaching sessions commencing Thursday 25 July from 7.45am to 8.30am in the Resource Centre. The cost per student for six Chess Lessons will be $40.00.
If your child would like to participate, please submit your form as soon as possible. Full payment will be required prior to your child commencing lessons.
WSC Tennis Coaching Term 3
Tennis coaching will be held during Term 3. Click the relevant link below for further information:
WSC Week 1 Events
Click here to view WSC's Events for Week 1.
Tuckshop Orders
At WSC, tuckshop is held on a Wednesday. All orders are to be completed online at My Student Account by 3pm each Tuesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Wednesday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will start in Week 2.
Forms to Complete - WSC
Form Name | Due Date |
JC 2019 Prep Darling Downs Zoo Excursion | Thursday 11 July |
WSC Chess Coaching Term 3, 2019 | Monday 22 July |
JC 2019 Year 1 Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary Excursion | Wednesday 24 July |
Stephen Street Campus
From the Director of Campus
Time to Reflect
As humans, we always tend to be very focused on looking forward. Working towards the next goal, ticking the next task off our list, prioritising our days and weeks with those things that we feel are important to us. Looking at possibilities in our futures helps to provide a sense of purpose, direction and encouragement through the inevitable difficult passages of life. With students now basking in their first day of holidays, it is important for them to take time to reflect on what they achieved. At the beginning of each term, we encourage all our students to develop SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timely) as a way of breaking down some of their larger ambitions into actions. There is no doubt that the effort we see our students putting into their studies and involvement in a wide range of activities, flow from these personal goals.
As I reflect on this past semester, I certainly feel very pleased with the goals that we have been able to achieve and progress. On a macro scale, we are enjoying the significant upgrade to the Aquatic Centre, have been thrilled by the spectacle of Bugsy Malone, have successfully delivered Unit 1 in all our new Year 11 subjects, including the transition of assessment and reporting of Year 11 to the TASS Learning Management System (LMS). This LMS will go live to parents and students early next term and will provide real-time tracking and feedback of all Year 11 assessment tasks. I would like to publicly acknowledge the work of Mr James Bishop (HOD Technology) and Karen Watson for the work that has gone on behind the scenes to progress this project.
We have two contract teaching staff who are leaving us at the end of this semester. Angela Smith and Kate Jones have both been a pleasure to have at Concordia and I thank them for the contribution that they have made to our community. I wish them all the best in their futures.
Next week during our professional development week, we will continue our Visible Learning journey. The focus this session is, “Feedback that makes learning visible.” To date, our Visible Learning PD sessions have provided a fantastic opportunity for our faculty across the campuses to come together to reflect on our teaching practice.
Parent-Teacher-Student Interviews
As is tradition, our interviews will be held on the Boarder Travel Day at the beginning of Term 3. Information will be coming out next week with links to our booking schedule.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all staff, students and parents for the past semester. Thank you to the parents and staff who generously give their time and talents in ways that exceed expectations and to our generous sponsors of the College musical.
Enjoy your break!
Mr Jason Smith
Director of Campus
World's Greatest Shave
Every day, another 35 Australians are diagnosed with a blood cancer. That's one Aussie every 41 minutes. Although research is improving survival, sadly an Australian loses their life to blood cancer every two hours. Students at the Stephen Street Campus will be raising money to give families facing blood cancer, the emotional and practical support they need. The funds raised will also fund vital research to help more people survive blood cancers, while improving their quality of life.
These students will be fundraising across the holidays and throughout Term 3 to support the Leukaemia Foundation. In conjunction with this, Jessica Hollonds, Zoe McCormack and Shilo McCormack will be cutting their hair to donate to Cancer Council to make wigs for those who have lost their hair while fighting cancer.
If you would like to donate to the College World's Greatest Shave team, Concordia Lutheran Smootheran College, click here.
To support Jessica, Zoe and Shilo in their Cancer Council Ponytail Project, click here.
Mr David Rentell
Here's a reminder of last year's event:
Uniform Shop - Blazers
Size 16 blazers have now arrived. If you would like to purchase a blazer, please contact the Business Office on 4688 2700.
Please note, the Uniform Shop is closed over the school holidays and will reopen in Term 3.
Inspirational Visit
Last week, we were privileged to welcome at our assembly, past parent, Jeannie Barton, the founder of the Loanialu Health Clinic in Vanuatu. Using her expertise as a registered nurse and midwife, she has developed comprehensive healthcare programs, helping countless families. It was motivating to learn firsthand about the impact of her work and we really enjoyed her visit. The Student Council is keen to support Jeannie in her work and we want to thank her for taking time out of her busy schedule to share her story. We would love to have her back in the near future as her passion was inspirational.
Jessica Hollonds and Savannah Hayes
Student Council International Directors
STEM Inspiration Day Excursion
On Friday 7 June, a group of Years 8 and 9 students attended the University of Southern Queensland's annual STEM Inspiration Day. STEM stands for Science, Engineering, Technology and Mathematics, so the day was a way of enabling students to see the potential opportunities for their future if they choose a STEM career. Two excellent presentations were given by research scientists from USQ. One, a food science researcher, talked of her experiences working for Cadbury among other things, while the other, a robotics engineer and entrepreneur, spoke of two different start up companies that he currently runs, while also being involved in a huge research effort to automate the process by which fat is trimmed from beef to create the perfect presentation of steak in the butcher's window and on the plate. There were some really amazing and inspiring things that were great for the students to be exposed to things about the importance of having the right attitude and of being infinitely curious and loving learning.
Students were able to choose from a wide range of practical experiences, from health sciences, agriculture, engineering and the traditional sciences. I attended a mechatronics experience where students were able to use Arduino microcontrollers to design and run their own robotics circuits. I also attended a physics practical experience where students were able to construct solar powered cars and race them. When I asked other students what they did and whether they enjoyed it, they were overwhelmingly pleased with their experience. Some students who were reluctant to come along because they weren't sure whether STEM was for them, informed me that they really enjoyed the sessions they went to. It was a very successful day and a great experience for everyone.
Below are some comments that students gave to sum up their day:
"It was awesome. I got to see what nursing is really like and also got to play with plant DNA under a microscope. That engineer guy was cool and he was so hyped about engineering that he made it look really fun."
"Today was fun and interesting. I did the 3D printing one and the farming one. It was good and I learnt lots of stuff about things I didn't know. Farms are pretty hard to run, we had to choose when to plant stuff and stuff like that, so we could make money. It was a computer game like the Sims or something. It was hard to make lots of money."
"I did psychology and the medicine one, and it was good. I really loved the psychology one. It was really cool. I like it. I think I want to be a psychologist."
"The civil engineering or construction one was great. We had to design and build a house that could withstand an earthquake. It was a model one and they used boards on springs to make the ground shake. They had different ones with differently stiff springs and the ground shook more or not as much, and stuff like that. It was pretty cool."
All in all, it was a good day - inspirational for the students and for me, a STEM teacher, too.
Daniel Burrell
Tennis Coaching