The Week Ahead - Term 3, Week 2
Monday 22 July to Friday 26 July 2019
From the Head of College
Welcome back to a new semester and one that is ‘jammed pack’ full of activity. In particular, welcome to our new families and students. Several new boarding students have begun their journey through the ‘Learning in Residence’ program, and we have also welcomed new students across the College.
This coming week, we will be welcoming students from Wuxi, China, into the College for a period of three weeks. They will be accompanied by staff members and be housed in the Boarding residences. The program allows for plenty of ‘student to student’ interaction, English language immersion with our students, a planned ESL program and connection with the wider community. This is the first incoming group for the semester and we will be welcoming back students from Argentina for two nights later this term. Over the coming years, we will be looking to build international connections and reciprocal visits; in line with our strategic direction for the future.
Throughout this week, I have had an opportunity to watch academic developments across all three of our campuses. It struck me that while we have many additional programs now in place, the fundamental teaching and learning processes need to always be ‘front and centre’. Over the past weekend, the national media has focused on literacy across our nation, and the comments have often been less than complimentary. One of the few bright spots was the praise for the Macquarie University suite of literacy programs. Concordia has been at the forefront in introducing these from Kindergarten through to the Senior College and the IniatiLit, MiniLit and MacqLit programs are now well entrenched in our curriculum offerings. We are watching the positive data mount as we track the success of our students.
On another note, I watched with interest the planning of our Term 3 Technology program in the Junior College. I was fascinated to see the planning that goes into preparing for students in Year 3 to ‘3D print’ chess sets and make the chessboard as a part of their learning. I was also excited to note that all classroom teachers in the Junior College were involved in the planning – exciting times ahead!
Congratulations to our Year 12 students as they complete a round of QCS Practice Tests. The preparation goes on knowing that this will be the last cohort to undertake core skills tests under the old OP system. Next year’s Queensland Certificate of Education candidates (ATAR) will not have to complete any general achievement tests, given the different structure of the curriculum and assessment that began for our Year 11 students this year.
I remind our community that the Strategic Plan that was launched last term is now in the action and implementation stage. Parents and staff will be working through the priority points throughout this semester, and input from students will be vital as we continue to move Concordia forward.
Kindest regards
Mr Adrian Wiles
Head of College
From the College Pastor
Hebrews 11:1 says that ‘faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.’ Faith in God can waver. Sometimes our faith may feel strong and yet at other times we may be riddled with doubt and uncertainty about God, eternal life, and God’s love for us in Jesus. I sometimes see faith like water. If I ask you what a drop of rain is, you would answer ‘water.’ If I asked what a pool is full of you would answer in the same way. If we think of the ocean and ask what that is made up of the answer is still – water! All three are differing sizes. Some are easier to see than others (the ocean is much bigger than a drop of rain!) and yet all three are still water.
Our faith can be the same. Faith isn’t always sure and certain. Sometimes, just like Jesus’ disciples from 2000 years ago, faith can waver and doubt. Sometimes my faith feels as big as the ocean, yet at other times it can feel like a drop of water, as though it is all drying up. Yet thankfully faith is faith – no matter how big or small or strong or weak it is. Someone once told me that a strong faith is a weak faith! To put it another way, when we see that our faith in God can crumble, when we admit that we are sometimes filled with doubt, when we wrestle with and doubt God’s forgiveness and the gift of eternal life - then we see that our faith is not in ourselves, our faith is in Jesus Christ. He promises to look after us no matter if our faith is as big as the ocean or as small as a drop of rain. It is still faith. Thank God for the gift of faith and may the Holy Spirit help us all in our times of doubt and uncertainty.
God’s blessings
Pastor Mark
Community News
Kindergarten Filling Quickly for 2020
Places are filling up for Kindergarten 2020 at the Martin Luther Kindergarten. If anyone has friends or families requiring a place, please contact Melissa Giles, Service Leader on 07 4613 5610 or Further information also available on our the College website
TRC Youth Strategy 2019-2021
Our Region is home to over 27,000 young people aged 12–24. We value the contributions young people make to our Region and are proud to support their participation in all aspects of community life.
We’ve developed a Youth Strategy to guide how we recognise, support and engage with young people as our next generation of community leaders. The strategy includes six focus areas centred on helping young people:
- Get involved in their communities
- Have a voice and participate in government decision-making
- Link with service providers, community organisations and government agencies
- Find jobs, study and get training close to home
- Connect with other young people in the Region.
You can have your say on the draft strategy until 5pm on Wednesday 31 July 2019 by:
• Completing an online survey via our Your Say website
• Calling Council on 131 872
• Emailing
Community feedback will be used to guide the development of the final strategy. The final strategy will be presented to Council for endorsement from September 2019 and then shared with the community.
For more information please go to, call Council on 131 872 or email
Project Based Learning at Concordia
Junior College
Middle College Expo
Our 2019 Middle College Expo is nearly here! Join us for an out of this world experience in the Function Centre on Wednesday 24 July.
We are very excited to announce that University of Southern Queensland - Australia will be joining us for the event with an awesome activity for our guests.
This event is designed for students currently in Years 4 to 6. More details are available at
Outside School Hours Care
Hume Street Campus
Welcome to Term 3
Term 3 is always a favourite with our Electives Program being high on the agenda. The students are beginning to plan for these sessions and are really looking forward to getting more deeply involved. If you have either a Wednesday (Year 3-6 Program) or a Friday (Prep to Year 2 Program) available, we would be grateful of any volunteer helpers.
Great excitement and lots of fun has been had in the Senior Playground with the opening of the new playground equipment. Please see further below some guidelines about its use after school.
We look forward to sharing our Electives and the term’s learning with you at our Festival of Learning on Thursday evening 5 September. Please keep this date clear on your calendar.
Grandparents' Day
Our Grandparents' Day is in the calendar for Friday 6 September. This will follow the same format as the last couple of years and we really are looking forward to sharing both our learning and a concert with them. More information will be sent out early this term.
Chapel Service – Change of Time
During Terms 3 and 4, our Chapel Service times will change to 10.15am. All parents are welcome to attend.
As Term 3 starts, we would like to draw your attention to the uniform requirements as there have been some non-compliant jumpers, shoes, watches and earrings being spotted throughout the classes. Please refer to the Uniform Requirements in the Student Diary and help your children fix these up.
2019 Book Week Theme
This will help you get your creative thoughts flowing and more information will be available soon.

Junior and Senior Playground After School
Please be aware that there is NO staff supervision in the playground after school. As such, if the children are playing in the playground, they must be under the direct supervision of parents or guardians. Children need to be aware that the day time rules are the same as after school rules eg. only climbing trees to the first fork, no wrestling, only one on the swing at a time. We would appreciate parents assisting them to adhere to these safety regulations.
The Senior Playground is very high and therefore it is an absolute must that the parents or guardians supervise any play after school. Students are not able to climb on the top bars at all.
Please note that the monkey bars in the Junior Playground are closed after school to assist with the management of the pickup zone.
Lost Clothing
We do have a number of lost items of clothing in our collection. Most of these are either unnamed or have been bought second hand and we are unable to read the name written over the top of other names. If you have lost something, please come to Reception and check with us.
Tennis Coaching - Term 3
Tennis coaching will be held during Term 3. Click the relevant link below for further information:
Term 3 Chess Coaching with Les Lord
Mr Les Lord will commence Chess Coaching on Tuesday 23 July from 10.45am to 11.30am in the Resource Centre. The cost per student for six Chess lessons will be $40.00. If your child would like to participate, please submit your form by Friday 19 July. Full payment will be required prior to your child commencing lessons.
Gardening Club with Mrs Priest
With all of the events occurring in the College, we will need to cancel Gardening Club on some occasions. Please note the cancelled dates below. Thank you for your understanding.
- 29 July
- 5 August
- 19 August
HSC Week 2 Events
Click here to view HSC's Events for Week 2.
Forms to Complete - HSC
Warwick Street Campus
WSC Trivia Night

One of the highlights on the Warwick Street Campus calendar each year is the P&F Trivia Night. Each year we have seen this event grow in numbers as our community comes together for a night of fun, laughter and friendly competition. I encourage everyone in our community to come along to enjoy the fun. Family and friends from outside our community are also most welcome to attend.
This year, we are delighted to be holding the annual Trivia Night on Friday 23 August, with Lee Faulkner from MMM Radio as our host for the evening. To ensure we continue to provide a wonderful event, we need some assistance from our community. If you are able to assist with organising the night, being a sponsor, donating prizes or even putting a table of guests together to support the event, we would be very grateful for your assistance. I understand that everyone is busy, but if you could give some of your time, even in a small way, it would be appreciated.
If you would like more information about the Trivia Night and what you can do to support the event, please contact me or Mrs Bronwyn Loughlin, our P&F Chairperson for further details. Bron’s email address is .
The WSC staff are already studying up for the occasion and we look forward to seeing you there!
Mrs Jackie Minnikin
Director of Campus
As Term 3 starts, we would like to draw your attention to the uniform requirements as there have been some non-compliant jumpers, shoes, watches and earrings spotted throughout the classes. Please refer to the Uniform Requirements in the Student Diary and help your children fix these up.
Chapel – change of times
During Terms 3 and& 4, our Chapel time will change to 8.30am. All parents are welcome to attend.
Tuckshop Orders
Due to the Middle College Expo, tuckshop will start back in Week 3. All orders are to be completed online at My Student Account by 3pm each Tuesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Wednesday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order.
Newspaper Recycling
Each week you are encouraged to bring along newspapers for recycling. This is a campus fundraiser and also a class competition. Your papers can be delivered to The Shed and placed under your child’s year level, which will be clearly defined on the back wall. Each term (except Term 4) the winning class receives a pizza lunch from the P&F. So start collecting your papers now from family, friends and neighbours and bring them in on a Thursday morning before 8.30am.
Chess Coaching Lessons
We are excited that Mr Les Lord will be running Chess Coaching sessions commencing Thursday 25 July from 7.45am to 8.30am in the Resource Centre. The cost per student for six Chess Lessons will be $40.00.
If your child would like to participate please submit your form as soon as possible. Full payment will be required prior to your child commencing lessons.
WSC Tennis Coaching Term 3
Tennis coaching will be held during Term 3. Click the relevant link below for further information:
WSC Week 3 Events
Click Here to view WSC's Events for Week 3.
Forms to Complete - WSC
Stephen Street Campus
From the Director of Campus
Welcome back! Having four children of my own, I know that the break from logistics of family life during term time is a very welcome relief. For our boarding families, I trust that this time together has been a great opportunity to reconnect and enjoy the time together as families. This semester we also welcome four new students and welcome back Mrs Jessica Balnaves.
I do want to publicly acknowledge the work being done by our teachers this year. There is no doubt that for teachers of Year 11, across the state, the implementation of the new QCE system is very demanding. I am very proud of the way that this roll out is progressing at Concordia and thank our staff for their diligence and sustained efforts in ensuring that we are maximising the opportunities that this season of change presents.
As the new term starts, students are always encouraged to refocus their efforts by setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely) goals. Our encouragement is that they are broken down in to measurable actions that can be achieved. They can be as simple as a daily goal of exercising for 20 minutes, eating well and getting 8 hours sleep. Aside from the “What are you going to do when you grow up?” questions that young people are often asked, young people do need a sense of where they are heading. We have a dedicated careers website that is set up as a one-stop shop for information to assist students in identifying pathways that appeal to them. I encourage you to explore this resource as it contains a great deal of current, highly relevant information. Our Middle and Senior College Handbooks have also been designed for students to explore subject and pathway options.
This weekend, our Kokoda Challenge teams will take on the gruelling 96km challenge. Keep an eye out for Facebook updates. These two teams lead by Mr Darrin Cox (super parent!) and Mr Patrick Rudd (super Boarding/Learning in Residence tutor) have been training hard. As you slip into bed on Saturday night, spare a thought for them as they push on through the challenge of darkness and fatigue. We wish them all the best as the take on this extraordinary challenge.
Mr Jason Smith
Director of Campus
From the Director of Learning and Innovation
We are very excited to inform you about some changes that are underway in our Maths Department for Years 7 and 8. Traditionally in schools, it has been challenging for one teacher to cater to the learning needs of 25 individual students. As a result, not every student has experienced success in Maths, with many students finding it particularly stressful or difficult. Our teaching team is now working very hard to change that, by changing the structure of our Maths curriculum so that instead of all students learning the same topic at the same time, each student will focus on only what they are ready to learn. This means that every student can experience success in Maths.
Our Maths team will be sending home further communication to parents of Years 7 and 8 students about these changes, and we will be holding an information session later in the year. In the meantime, we encourage you to chat with your child about what it means to have a growth mindset (you can find out more about this at
Ms Wendy Bowen
Director of Learning and Innovation
Cafeteria Closure - Week 2
Please be aware that the SSC cafeteria will be closed Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week (22, 23 and 24 July) due to the Middle College Expo.
Campus Photo Day
MSP Photography will be at Stephen Street Campus next week on Tuesday 23 July. Order envelopes were distributed to students yesterday, so please check that you have received one. All payments are due on photo day either online or with cash in the envelope. Click here to order online.
Please ensure your student returns the envelope on photo day. All orders received after photo day are subject to a late fee.
For those who require a sibling/family photo order envelope, these are available at Student Reception.
Students are to wear formal uniform for this day.
World's Greatest Shave
Every day, another 35 Australians are diagnosed with a blood cancer. That's one Aussie every 41 minutes. Although research is improving survival, sadly an Australian loses their life to blood cancer every two hours. Students at the Stephen Street Campus will be raising money to give families facing blood cancer, the emotional and practical support they need. The funds raised will also fund vital research to help more people survive blood cancers, while improving their quality of life.
These students will be fundraising throughout Term 3 to support the Leukaemia Foundation. In conjunction with this, Jessica Hollonds, Zoe McCormack and Shilo McCormack will be cutting their hair to donate to Cancer Council to make wigs for those who have lost their hair while fighting cancer.
If you would like to donate to the College World's Greatest Shave team, Concordia Lutheran Smootheran College, click here. The event date will be early in Term 4.
To support Jessica, Zoe and Shilo in their Cancer Council Ponytail Project, click here.
Mr David Rentell