The Week Ahead - Term 3, Week 3
Monday 29 July to Friday 2 August 2019
From the Head of College
As I let our community know last week, we are currently hosting students from Wuxi, China. It has been a delight to watch our young people mix with these students, and despite language differences, relationships are being formed and bonds developed that will last long after the visit ends. Sharing two languages (and often three or more) and cultures with much laughter is just a snapshot that has emerged in an environment of harmony and goodwill. Two more weeks, and I know that the relationships will continue to grow even stronger.
Many thanks to staff, students and parents who have participated in the activities over the past week. Parents and Friends meetings, Middle College Expo, and professional development opportunities for staff have all been well received and embraced with enthusiasm, and a willingness to continue to push forward with all of those undertakings that make for a stronger community.
Our governing body, the Concordia Lutheran College Council, continues to meet on a regular basis to review and implement the Strategic Plan, review policy, and develop the business, ministry and education initiatives that are essential parts of our College. We are looking forward to launching a ‘Future Foundation’ in the coming months. Allied to this will be a tax deductable process to encourage all members of our community to contribute to selected projects. These projects are necessary elements to enable us to offer best practice and facilities for our students across all campuses. Please watch this space as we move into this exciting period of development that seeks to engage past and future families and supporters of Concordia with one avenue of focus.
In the coming weeks, many of our students will be involved in the Toowoomba Eisteddfod. I take this opportunity to wish all students well as they put all of their talents to the test on the public stage. Our Year 6 leaders will also share dinner with other student leaders from across the Toowoomba region, and on Friday, the College’s NAIDOC celebrations will start with a BBQ at Stephen Street Campus. In the following week, invited guests, including the Hon. John McVeigh MP, will join us for a special NAIDOC Dinner, and celebration with our students and members of the wider community.
Kindest regards
Mr Adrian Wiles
Head of College
From the College Pastor
Community News
Twilight Flicks School Outdoor Movie Competition
Twilight Flicks Outdoor Cinemas is running a competition again this year and we have been nominated to participate. If our College gets the most votes, we are given an Outdoor Movie night to be held on the winning school's oval.
Voting begins on Monday 29 July. You just need to go onto Facebook, search Twilight Flicks School Outdoor Movie Competition and click on our College Logo/Name.
Mrs Juanetta Priest
Director of Campus - Hume Street
2019 Calendar Updates
The following event dates are now available or have been amended:
Event Name | New Date | New Event / Change of Date |
JC Year 3 Sea World Excursion | Friday 1 November | New event |
JC Year 4 Amaroo EEC Excursion | Thursday 12 September | Change of date (was Friday 16 August) |
Project Based Learning at Concordia
Junior College
Year 3 Koojarewon Youth Camp Open Afternoon
An invitation is extended to our Year 3 families to attend an open afternoon at Koojarewon Youth Camp on Monday 19 August from 3.30pm to 5pm. This is an opportunity for parents and children to visit the campsite in readiness for the Year 3 Camp to be held later in Term 3. Koojarewon Youth Camp is located at 26 Borghardt Road, Highfields.
Track Training - QCIS Athletes
Students who have been selected to compete at the QCIS Athletics to be held on Monday 12 August, are invited to attend the following track training sessions. Sports uniform and water bottle is required for every session.
Location | Date | Time | Meet |
SSC | Monday 29 July | 3.30pm-5pm | Meet on SSC oval |
Tuesday 30 July | |||
Monday 5 August | |||
Tuesday 6 August | |||
HSC | Tuesday 30 July | 7.30am-8am | Meet on HSC Oval |
Tuesday 6 August | |||
WSC | Wednesday 31 July | 7.30am-8am | Meet on WSC Oval |
Wednesday 7 August |
*IMPORTANT NOTE: HSC parents who need bus transport for their child to travel to the after school sessions at SSC are required to complete this Bus Transport Application form - HSC Student to WSC and/or SSC Afternoon.
The MS Readathon is on again!
MS Readathon is a great opportunity curl up with a good book and to raise money for people with Multiple Sclerosis. All you need to do is to create an account on the MS Readathon website (with Mum and Dad's permission and help) and start reading on 1 August! There are bookmarks and reading logs available from the library at HSC and WSC.
Mrs Heidi Edwards
2019 Book Week Theme
This will help you get your creative thoughts flowing and more information will be available soon.

Outside School Hours Care
Hume Street Campus
Student Council News

Sunday 4 August is a Grace Project supported by the Lutheran Community to raise money to help refugee children in Africa go to school. $26 will send a child to school for a year. Approximately 500 people will join together to complete a 26km walk from Noosa to Coolum. Juanetta is going to join in with this walk. If you would like to sponsor her, please send any donations into Reception.
HSC’s Student Council will run a Walk My Way Activity Day on Thursday 8 August which will be a free dress day, gold coin and various activities to support this venture. One of our activities as suggested by the students, will be to make a poster of 26 Reasons We, as Australians, are Fortunate.
On Monday 2 September we will have a PJ Day to raise money for the Backpack Beds for the Toowoomba Homeless. More info about this day will be in a later edition of The Week Ahead.
Kindy to Year 2 Pyjama Storytime

Rookies2Reds Program

HSC Tuckshop Orders
All orders are to be completed online at My Student Account by 3pm each Wednesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Thursday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order.
HSC Week 3 Events
Click here to view HSC's Events for Week 3.
Forms to Complete - HSC
Form Name | Due Date |
Year 2 Queensland Museum Excursion - Permission | Friday 2 August 2019 |
Year 2 "The Twits" Empire Theatre Excursion - Permission | Thursday 15 August |
Warwick Street Campus
Lego Masters
Lego Masters started at Warwick Street Campus on Tuesday with students from Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 challenged to build something found under the water. Jack F worked on a seaweed collector, Leo built an undersea drone and Lincoln’s black and grey shark is surely the most terrifying creature found outside of a Hollywood movie.
Cooper W and Ethan made a story board called ‘Bad Day’ whereby a surfer collided with a jellyfish and then (if things couldn’t get any worse) a rogue submarine! Several creations are still considered ‘works in progress’ so watch this space for updates.
Lego Masters will be held in the Resource Centre, Tuesday and Thursdays at lunchtime, 1pm to 1.30pm.
Kindy to Year 1 Pyjama Storytime

Kindy Visits
This term, we are delighted that our Kindy students are joining us for Chapel each Friday. This morning, the Kindy students joined us for our service that was led by Pastor Chris and the Year 1 class. I am sure after a few more visits, they will have a new repertoire of songs to add to their collection!
Mrs Jackie Minnikin
Director of Campus
WSC Trivia Night

One of the highlights on the Warwick Street Campus calendar each year is the P&F Trivia Night. Each year we have seen this event grow in numbers as our community comes together for a night of fun, laughter and friendly competition. I encourage everyone in our community to come along to enjoy the fun. Family and friends from outside our community are also most welcome to attend.
This year, we are delighted to be holding the annual Trivia Night on Friday 23 August, with Lee Faulkner from MMM Radio as our host for the evening. To ensure we continue to provide a wonderful event, we need some assistance from our community. If you are able to assist with organising the night, being a sponsor, donating prizes or even putting a table of guests together to support the event, we would be very grateful for your assistance. I understand that everyone is busy, but if you could give some of your time, even in a small way, it would be appreciated.
If you would like more information about the Trivia Night and what you can do to support the event, please contact me or Mrs Bronwyn Loughlin, our P&F Chairperson for further details. Bron’s email address is
Tickets will be on sale from today, Friday 26 July 2019.
The WSC staff are already studying up for the occasion and we look forward to seeing you there!
Mrs Jackie Minnikin
Director of Campus
As Term 3 starts, we would like to draw your attention to the uniform requirements as there have been some non-compliant jumpers, shoes, watches and earrings spotted throughout the classes. Please refer to the Uniform Requirements in the Student Diary and help your children fix these up.
Tuckshop Orders
At WSC, tuckshop is held on a Wednesday. All orders are to be completed online at My Student Account by 3pm each Tuesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Wednesday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will start in Week 3 and finish in Week 9.
Rookies2Reds Program

WSC Tennis Coaching Term 3
Tennis coaching will be held during Term 3. Click the relevant link below for further information:
WSC Week 3 Events
Click here to view WSC's Events for Week 3
Forms to Complete - WSC
Form Name | Due Date |
Year 2 Queensland Museum Excursion - Permission | Friday 2 August |
Year 2 "The Twits" Empire Theatre Excursion - Permission | Thursday 15 August |
Stephen Street Campus
Mission Youth Survey 2019
Parents of students who are 15-19 years of age that missed out on giving consent for their child to take part in the Mission Australia Youth survey at school can do the survey at home.
Please click here to access the survey and use the pin: 45524 to identify Concordia as the school you attend.
The survey will close on 9 August. This survey is very worthwhile as it gives our governing bodies information to help them support young people as they transition into adulthood.
Mrs Carissa Jaworska
Senior College Coordinator
Year 10 SET Plans
Bookings for SET Plan Interviews are now open in Parent Lounge.
Bookings are available on Wednesday 31 July, Thursday 1 August and Monday 5 August. The system will update the teacher availability as bookings are made. Please note: Students are to accompany parents to the interviews. If you need any help with using the portal, please call the College between 8am and 4pm.
Mrs Jo Tessmer
Future Pathways Coordinator
Mobile Phones
A reminder that mobile phones are not to be used by students during the school day. If caught, the phone will be confiscated. First offence: till end of day. Second offence: parents will need to come into Student Reception to sign it out.
If you need to contact your child during the school day, please do so via Reception on 4688 2700 and not text messages.
Mrs Carissa Jaworska
Senior College Coordinator
Sport Update
Caitlyn Bailey, Year 7, recently competed in the Under 14 Girls' Basketball State Championships in Mackay.
She had a great time bonding with her fellow team mates and forming some great friendships.
The team ended up placing second in their age group in Division 2. Congratulations, Caitlyn!

Senior Vicki Wilson netball continues at the Glennie gym on Wednesday evenings. All senior players must attend training on Tuesday mornings at 7am to play on the Wednesday night. If a student cannot make it, an email must be sent by 7pm on Monday night explaining their absence.
Junior Vicki Wilson training kicks off next week. Girls will train from 7am on Tuesday morning separately to the seniors. Mrs Ange Smith will be working with them. If training cannot be attended, an email must be sent by 7pm on Monday night. The carnival is Sunday 1 September. Unfortunately, this is Father's Day. If your daughter has signed up but cannot play, please contact me.
Mrs Carissa Jaworska
Head Netball Coach
Upcoming USQ Events
USQ has organised some exciting events for secondary students in August and September. Please click on the links to see more information and to register for these events.
• USQ Open Day: Sunday 18 August
• USQ Television & Radio Two Day Experience: 23-24 September
• USQ Aviation Two Day Experience: 26-27 September
Forms to Complete - SSC
Form Name | Due Date |
QCIS 2019 Track & Field Carnival | DUE NOW |
SSC TSSS Track & Field Carnival | DUE NOW |
Year 10, 11 and 12 Drama Excursion - Storm Boy - Permission Form | Friday 2 August |