The Week Ahead - Term 3, Week 6
Monday 17 August to Friday 21 August 2020
From the Head of College
In many ways it is good to know that we have passed the halfway mark of this term. With the first semester out of the way, and this semester tracking along as normal as possible, we are now beginning to plan the end of 2020 functions and events.
It is also the time where we start mapping 2021 and all the processes that need to be in place before we start a new school year. Thank you must be extended to the College Council and to the Leadership Team for the early work that has been completed in this space.
Some of this exciting planning includes detailing the bi-annual Arts production scheduled for next year, planning for the installation of new equipment in some areas of the College and further updates in the technology areas on all campuses. We are also about to take another step towards upgrading our sporting facilities and details will be announced in the coming weeks.
Unfortunately, I need to continue to remind parents about not allowing their children to come to school if they are not well. On several occasions, we have had to ask parents to collect children from school as they have presented in the mornings as unwell.
Queensland Health authorities are reminding us of the guidelines on a regular basis, and with the outbreaks in schools in the southern states we need to be vigilant. I thank you for your support and understanding as you attend to this important matter.
Kind regards and every blessing.
Mr Adrian Wiles
Head of College
From the College Pastor
Community News
Rural Road Safety Month
August is Rural Road Safety Month - a national awareness campaign targeting regional and rural road safety. Rural road crashes account for more than 65% of the Australian road toll.
Toowoomba is the largest natural inland town in Australia – we are surrounded by the bush and farms. Driving in any direction involves driving on rural roads.
DRIVE SAFELY - when driving on rural roads look out for – tractors, trucks, farm machinery, trains, wildlife, livestock, horse riders, vehicles entering/exiting driveways, dirt roads, flooding.
The rate of serious road related injury among residents in rural areas is twice that of those in major cities.
Drivers take the pledge to:
- always be fit to drive
- scan the road ahead
- know my limits and plan my trip
- take regular breaks
- drive to suit the conditions
- be alert for wildlife and livestock
- not drive through flooded waters.
For more information check out (Australian Road Safety Foundation).
CLC OSHC at the Toowoomba Farmer's Market

Project Based Learning at Concordia
Junior College
From the Directors
Traditionally, Term 3 is extremely busy across the Junior College, and even though we have made some adjustments, Term 3 in 2020 is no exception. As we move towards the second half of the term, there are still many additional learning activities planned to supplement the teaching and learning programs already in place.
As we look at the next few weeks at the Junior College, we see swimming lessons, Individuals of Eminence at WSC, Festival of Learning at HSC and the TDPS Chess Tournament all coming up. You will notice in the calendar that Book Week was originally set for the last week in August, but due to COVID-19, this has been rescheduled to October this year. We look forward to celebrating this on each campus early in Term 4.
R U OK? Day is Thursday 10 September. This is a day where we remind everyone that it is always the right day to check on each other and ask, “Are you OK?” We will be having some activities planned on our Junior College campuses on this day to remind us to look after each other. More Information will be available in the coming weeks.
Kind regards
Mrs Jackie Minnikin, Director of Campus - Warwick Street
Mrs Juanetta Priest, Director of Campus - Hume Street
Outside School Hours Care
Hume Street Campus
Tuckshop Orders
At HSC, tuckshop is held on a Thursday. All orders are to be completed online at My Student Account by 3pm each Wednesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Thursday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 9.
Wacky Wednesday!

Warwick Street Campus
Word on the Street
Word on the street is that the teachers are finalising some interesting outfits for the WSC Year 6 versus Teachers Beach Volleyball match on Wednesday. Stay tuned next week for photos!
WSC Year 6 Students v Teachers

Tuckshop Orders
At WSC, tuckshop is held on a Wednesday. All orders are to be completed online at My Student Account by 3pm each Tuesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Wednesday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 9.
Stephen Street Campus
Happy Hump Week!
Planning is in full swing for our end of year events, albeit, very adjusted end of year events. We are working closely with the Empire Theatre staff to bring together an evening for our Year 12 students and their families on Monday 12 October. This night was scheduled to be our Stephen Street Campus Presentation Night which is simply unable to be accommodated at the Empire. We are looking forward to this evening with our Year 12 students and their families. This event will be live streamed from the Empire and we are working hard to make this a special occasion for a year level who have been through the transition to the new QCE system and who have had a very different Year 12 experience. Our other year level award ceremonies will be campus based, recorded and made available to our College community.
On Wednesday night, I joined the boarding community for Christmas in July… in August! There was certainly some joy in the room as Santa and his elves handed out swappable mystery gifts. Every time I join in with the boarding community, I am struck by the sense of togetherness among the students and the collective, sympathetic laughs at Mr Ross’s bad “dad jokes”.
A reminder that next Friday night we are having our Farewell to Winter Concert that is being streamed live for all to enjoy. If past years are anything to go by, we will be in for a treat.
Mr Jason Smith
Director of Campus
Subject Changes - Year 11 Students
With the Year 11 academic year rapidly finishing in the next few weeks, it is now time to plan for Year 12, 2021. If any student is thinking about or wishes to make any subject changes this MUST be completed BEFORE the commencement of Term 4.
Year 11 students will commence Unit 3 in Term 4, 2020. That is the commencement of their Year 12 course of study. After the commencement of Year 12, QCAA directs that students are not allowed to make any further subject changes. Unit 3 and Unit 4 are seen as a whole, not separate units of work which occurs for Year 11 with Unit 1 and Unit 2. Serious consequences occur to a student's ATAR rank and QCE certificate if changes are made during a student’s Year 12 year.
If a student is wishing to make any subject changes then this needs to occur very soon. Please contact me if you require any further information.
Ms Wendy Bowen
Director of Learning and Innovation
Chess Competition – A Clash of the Minds
Last week, a lunchtime Chess competition was held in the library for Middle College and Senior College students. Several rounds were held throughout the week as the competitors demonstrated their skill and prowess. There were a lot of spectators and supporters for the chess competitors as the competition unfolded throughout the week.
The successful winner for the Middle College was Adam Armstrong from Year 7. He won after playing a very evenly matched and worthy opponent, Year 7 student, Flynn Eldridge Hayes.
In the Senior College, a very confident Year 12 student and College Captain, Samuel Healy with his posse of supporters versed James Hancock, a Year 11 student who was another worthy opponent in the final round. However, it was Samuel Healy who declared victory on the day.
A big thank you to all of the competitors who supported this event. Congratulations to both Adam and Samuel on their victories!
‘Every Chess Master, was once a beginner.’ Irving Chernev
Mrs Roslyn Cook
Middle College Coordinator
Date Claimer

Lost Property
Term 3 Tutoring

Sport Training for Term 3

Christmas in July in August!

Hello to all – we hope you are well and happy!
This week the boarders celebrated Christmas in July, an annual boarding event we hold at Concordia, with a slight twist in that it happens to be August. So the event was titled ‘Christmas in July in August’.
The purpose of Christmas in July is for the boarding family to celebrate a wonderful event – Christmas - at a time of the year when the boarders are still at College.
The emphasis with this event is two-fold. Firstly, the importance of Christmas to all at Concordia (Christian celebration), and secondly the importance each boarder is to our entire boarding family, as other wonderful Concordia staff joined us to celebrate.
As they always do with special events, the kitchen staff dolled up the dining room, including dusting off the Christmas tree (snow from the North Pole), and spoiled us with culinary delights. Then to everyone's surprise, Santa appeared with his elves, with presents for all!
A great night was had by boarders and staff!
We wish you the best for the week!
Ms Maureen Taurima and Mr Ross McKeown