The Week Ahead - Term 3, Week 7
Monday 24 August to Friday 28 August 2020
From the Head of College
It was wonderful to see the staff at Warwick Street Campus become involved in a very ‘competitive’ volleyball game with Year 6 students during the past week. I am sure that it will become a new annual event. It made me think about how we as a community can celebrate and commemorate this very unusual year with those students who would normally experience rites of passage such as the Canberra Tour, or the special Year 12 celebrations that occur throughout any standard school year. As a College we have tried to keep as many events and activities as ‘normal’ as possible; however, we also have a responsibility to make judgement calls in line with the guidance given by the health authorities.
I know that staff across the College are thinking about special events and ways of commemorating this year with students who have found themselves in this unusual situation. It also occurred to me that we also have parents and caregivers in the same predicament. I would be delighted to hear from members of our College community who may have constructive thoughts about how we as community could show our support for both the students and parents in this unplanned and very different year.
Reflections from south of the border
In the past weeks, I have taken an opportunity to speak with colleague Principals in Victoria. The second lockdown appears to be different from the first experience that we went through in Term 2, and while the delivery and technological aspects of ‘round 1’ remain the same, it is the pastoral support and care for students and staff that has required additional attention. Contact with friends and colleagues in Victoria is vital, and the thoughts and prayers of our Concordia community are required as we support those who continue to live in lockdown.
Kind regards and every blessing
Mr Adrian Wiles
Head of College
From the College Pastor
Community News
Valedictory Dinner - Fairy Lights Needed
The Year 12 Valedictory Dinner is being held at USQ on Thursday 15 October. To make this a beautiful occasion for these students, we are hoping to decorate the space with as many white/cream fairy lights as we can! If you have some of these lights and are willing to lend them for this occasion, please contact the Senior College Coordinator, Mrs Carissa Jaworska as soon as possible.
COVID-19 Pivots Parent Engagement in Student Learning
You may remember from a few weeks ago, the ‘ISQ Parent Engagement Online Seminar’ which focused on the school community and reflections about the virtual learning experience that occurred in Term 2. Concordia was selected from Independent schools across the State as an exemplar, based on social media feedback. As a result of this seminar, ISQ have published 'COVID-19 Pivots Parent Engagement in Student Learning', which focuses on Concordia's online learning.
Road Safety - Hot Habits
Current road safety campaigns are targeting dangerous driving habits including tailgating, not giving way and running red lights, which contributed to half of all serious crashes in Queensland from 2014-2018.
- Tailgating – think of it as vehicle social distancing. Keep a safe distance between you and the vehicle in front of you. What’s a safe distance? A two second gap – but factors such as the weather, vehicle type and speed zone may widen the gap.
- Not giving way – failing to give way or stop contributed to nearly 5000 serious crashes in Qld from 2014-2018. Stay alert, keep your eyes on the road, look out for other vehicles.
- Running red lights – a yellow traffic light means caution, SLOW DOWN, not speed up. A red traffic light means danger, STOP, not speed up.
Road Safety Week begins on 24 August.
Project Based Learning at Concordia
Junior College
Junior College Sport
Sporting Schools
Our Sporting Schools programs have started at each Junior College campus and the students love running around and playing both Basketball (WSC) and AFL (HSC).
Regional coaches and development staff deliver these sessions and they have a wealth of experience to share with our students. They also provide links to community and club opportunities that students can take advantage of if they choose.
The sessions go for one hour and credit must go to the students' enthusiasm and participation throughout these sessions.
Jump Rope for Heart
Our Years 3 and 4 students have jumped into their Jump Rope for Heart program during their PE lessons and really embraced not only the skipping component but also the important fundraising efforts of this great program that Concordia has supported for many years.
Over the past three weeks, our students have raised over $3,500 and this is a fantastic effort from these four classes and logged more than 54 hours of skipping by themselves. Well done to all involved and keep up the good work.
Please support and encourage our Years 3 and 4 students with their efforts until the end of term. If you have not signed your child up yet, it is not too late to do so if you wish. Click here to register.
Key messages
About Jump Rope for Heart
- Since 1983, more than 10 million Aussie kids and more than 90% of Aussie schools have taken part in Jump Rope for Heart.
- Every year, more than one million Aussies are involved in Jump Rope for Heart as skippers, teachers and sponsors.
- The Heart Foundation’s Jump Rope for Heart has been keeping Aussie kids active and healthy for more than 35 years while raising vital funds to fight heart disease – the single biggest killer of Australians.
- Jump Rope for Heart is one of Australia’s favourite school activity programs, inspiring kids to embrace skipping as a fun way to get active.
- For more than 35 years, Jump Rope for Heart has encouraged kids to develop positive attitudes to exercise and healthy eating, and to develop healthy habits for life.
- Every year, more than 300,000 kids in over 1,300 schools take part in Jump Rope for Heart with the help of more than 500,000 generous sponsors including families, friends and community members.
Since 1983, Australian schools have raised awareness and more than $104 million for the Heart Foundation, making a difference to the lives of all Australians affected by heart disease.
Friday Sport
The usual eagerly awaited Term 3 Friday afternoon Inter-School sport competition cancelled due to restrictions and implications with COVID-19. As a result, we devised a plan to offer sport to our Years 5 and 6 students in the form of an Inter-House competition held at their respective campus. Students have been competing in Soccer for the first four weeks and Oz Tag during the last four weeks.
Students have really been embracing this competition each Friday, while competing for their Houses for bragging rights, with some great battles and games going down to the wire. Last week, students played their first session of Oz Tag with the students picking up quickly this relatively new game experience.
At the end of the term, points will be collated from both sports and our 2020 Inter-House combined champion will be named.
Outside School Hours Care
Hume Street Campus
From the Director
Assembly Week 6 Focus – Being Stewards
This week we introduced the ‘Soap Box’. After looking at the history of what the Soap Box was and who used it, we looked at how we are going to use it at HSC to give students (and staff) a voice for issues that they are passionate about. This can be issues within the school or outside of school. We have a form that they are able to fill in to ‘apply’ to be heard on the Soap Box. It will ask them what is their issue to be discussed and what is their solution. Once they have had a discussion with the Director of Campus, they will get their turn to stand on the Soap Box and be heard.
To start the process, I stood on the Soap Box and talked about being ‘Stewards’. We decided that a steward was someone who ‘looks after people or things’ such as a flight steward. We introduced the Lutheran Education Earth Care Charter where we are commissioned to be Stewards of God’s Earth. Of recent times, there has been a lot of issues around the care that we are presenting to our plant life, bird life, bees, and litter in the playground. I have presented the students with a challenge to be ‘Stewards of HSC Earth Care’ and fix up the issues happening on our campus. We have also had a few issues surrounding being ‘Stewards of the equipment’ provided by school and ‘Stewards of lunchboxes, jumpers etc’. These challenges and conversations will be ongoing over the following weeks.
In spite of regular reminder, due to the school equipment being lost, broken, misused, and not being packed up, the students have had three days this week of no equipment. It has been amazing to see the resourcefulness and creativity in their play without the equipment. Starting next week, equipment will be slowly reintroduced. If classes can show good stewardship of their equipment, they will get extra each week until they have full access again.
Chapel Focus – Dr Seuss
So far this term, we have had a great time exploring Dr Seuss’ books and relating them to our Christian Principles. Week 6 sees us exploring “What was I Scared of?”. This story introduces us to one of my favourite Bible Verses from Joshua 1:9:
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
We also had the opportunity to celebrate the fun of Dr Seuss this week with our Wacky Wednesday (on Thursday!). We had great participation right across the campus and thank the parents for assisting us all to get our wacky on. Check out our photos on Facebook and give us a thumbs up.
Mrs Juanetta Priest
Director of Campus
HSC Prep to Year 2 Swimming Lessons
On Thursday 3 September, Prep to Year 2 students will commence their swimming lessons at the Concordia Aquatic Centre. Each of these classes will participate in eight lessons over the last few weeks of Term 3. There will certainly be some tired little swimmers by the end of Term 3.
Please ensure that students have the following items:
- Dressing gown - this would be great for the students to wear to and from the pool as we don't know what the weather is going to be like
- Thongs
- Swimming togs
- Goggles
- House swimming cap
- Towel
To avoid any lost items could you please clearly label all of your child's items including their shoes, underwear and uniform.

Science Week at HSC
To celebrate Science Week on Wednesday, the Year 3/4 students at HSC enjoyed a STEM presentation by Mrs Jo Owens. Mrs Owens is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Agricultural Engineering at USQ and came to share her knowledge of science, technology, engineering and maths. Here are some reflections about the morning from our students:
Today I learnt about transpiration which is when water sweats from a plant and turns into clouds. My favourite part was when we went outside to collect leaves. Layla
I learnt about what hydrology is and that flux towers are 25 metres high! Lexie
My favourite part was getting to pick leaves and put them on the window to see the transpiration and to keep checking back on them. Georgia
The thing I learnt today was that the sun caused the water cycle and I also learnt some new words like transpiration. Lenny
I learnt that the tall flux towers are 25 metres and that the sun is the most important feature of the water cycle. My favourite parts of the STEM talk by Mrs Owens were all the experiments and the fun things we did. Will
Tuckshop Orders
At HSC, tuckshop is held on a Thursday. All orders are to be completed online at My Student Account by 3pm each Wednesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Thursday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 9.
Warwick Street Campus
From the Director
Over the next few weeks and into Term 4, MAC Play will be restarting at WSC during Wednesday lunch playtime. MAC Play, or “Make and Connect”, involves a shed full of high quality, clean recycled materials that the children are able to pull out and play freely with, in whatever way their imaginations may take them. The essence of MAC Play is that it provides an excellent play alternative to the regular sporting options that usually take place in the playground. It also provides opportunities for children of all ages to work together to create a fun, new play environment each time they pull out all of the materials.
For our MAC Play to get off to a good start, we need your help! We are looking for lots of clean, recycled items that the children can use. The following is a list of ideas of things that would be very helpful:
- Large cardboard cylinders to crawl through
- Bed sheets and material
- Orange barrier netting
- Large cardboard boxes
- Silver air conditioning duct
- Pool noodles
- Large foam pieces
- Old telephones
- Milk crates
You may even have some other things that you think would be suitable as well. Families who have their own businesses, please think of us before you throw your rubbish out! Please contact Reception if you have any materials that you would be able to donate to us.
We look forward to seeing all the imaginative play spaces that the students create.
Mrs Jackie Minnikin
Director of Campus
WSC Prep to Year 2 Swimming Lessons
On Friday 11 September, Prep to Year 2 will commence their swimming lessons at the Concordia Aquatic Centre. Each of these classes will participate in five lessons over the last two weeks of Term 3.
Please ensure that students have the following items:
- Warm clothing - this would be great for the students to wear to and from the pool as we don't know what the weather is going to be like
- Thongs
- Swimming togs
- Goggles
- House swimming cap
- Towel
To avoid any lost items, please clearly label all of your child's items including their shoes, underwear and uniform.

Year 6 versus Staff Beach Volleyball Match
The greatly anticipated Staff versus Year 6 students Beach Volleyball was played on Wednesday, and what a match it turned out to be! The score was close throughout the match with the teachers just scraping through with a 26-24 victory. Thank you to Mr Baker for his efforts as umpire for the match. Rumour has it, the Year 6 class is looking for a rematch in Term 4. It may take the teachers until Term 4 to be ready for the next game!
Word on the Street
Word on the street is that the Rubik Cube Club is coming back soon to Warwick Street Campus. Stay tuned for details....
Tuckshop Orders
At WSC, tuckshop is held on a Wednesday. All orders are to be completed online at My Student Account by 3pm each Tuesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Wednesday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 9.
Stephen Street Campus
Finding the Balance
The assessment cycle of the term has rolled around to due dates for feedback and submission of final assessment items. The last weeks of each term are always times where students and teachers feel the pressure of increased workloads. My encouragement to students, staff and families is to purposefully build time into weekly routines where work is set aside and time is spent refilling the tank. Time spend engaging in physical activity, hobbies, connection with friends and family, in stillness, prayer and reflection will most certainly be time well invested.
For teenagers, the importance of sleep and nutrition should not be underestimated in assisting them in their ability to cope with the challenges to life. Concordia has many layers of support that we provide to students and families on a regular basis. LOVE CLC, our dedicated Pastoral Care and Student Wellbeing portal on our website, has a wide range of very useful information and resources for students or parents who are interested. Please don’t hesitate to contact any of our Pastoral Care team for more information.
Warm regards
Mr Jason Smith
Director of Campus
Student Report Cards - Parent Lounge
A reminder to parents that Student Reports Cards have been available in Parent Lounge since July. Pastoral Care entries regarding conduct are also available.
Did you know you can easily access Parent Lounge via the Concordia app? Tap on the Parent Lounge tile on the app homepage. This will take you directly to the login page.

Year 12 Exams
It's that time of the year when anxiousness and worrying tends to take over. It's Year 12 exam time! Next week Year 12 students will be sitting their “Mock Exam Block”. At Concordia, we want to mirror as much as possible the experiences, processes and protocols that Senior students will undertake in their External Exams. The External Exams commence in Term 4, Week 4. That is only a matter of weeks away.
The danger, of course, is that students start to slow down or not take these practice exams seriously. Please prepare yourself well. Your teachers and the College believe in you and what you have already accomplished this year. We have been with you on this learning journey for many years and we want you to ‘do well and end well’.
We wish you the best of luck over the next two weeks of your exams.
Ms Wendy Bowen
Director of Learning and Innovation
Pink Stumps Day
The Staff v Seniors Pink Stumps Day cricket match was held today with the Staff team earning the bragging rights, winning 65-34!
All funds raised for the day will be donated to the McGrath Foundation's McGrath Breast Care Nurses. If you would like to donate to this worthy cause, click here. Your support is very much appreciated.