The Week Ahead - Term 3, Week 8
Monday 31 August to Friday 4 September 2020
From the Head of College
During the past week we have been involved in yet another ‘first’ as a community. Year 12 students have undertaken the first QCE (ATAR aligned) ‘mock examinations’ in preparation for their end of year external assessments. It is a very different experience for these students and for most staff members who have often spent a good portion of their working life under the old ‘OP’ system. As we learn about the new flow to the end of this school year, we are endeavouring to stay with the usual programs and processes in the transition to a new system. In an already disrupted year we are mindful that stability is one of the most important and settling factors.
Next Friday (4 September) will be a pupil free day across all three campuses. It is also a designated pupil free day for most schools across Queensland, with the purpose to provide time for teachers to moderate elements of the curriculum being offered across the state. This process is a major part of the procedure to ensure that the educational offerings are equitable in all schools who offer the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) programs.
I was delighted to have morning tea with our Campus Captains at the Warwick Street and Hume Street Campuses during the week. Although they have had their year of leadership disrupted, I was absolutely impressed with their ideas for actioning as they lead the College through the latter part of this year. I also spent time with the College Captains as we interviewed potential College Captains for 2021. The level of understanding, love for Concordia and maturity across the whole cohort of student leaders is to be admired. Congratulations must go to all student captains for providing positive and significant leadership to the whole Concordia community throughout the 2020 school year.
Kind regards and every blessing
Mr Adrian Wiles
Head of College
From the College Pastor
Community News
Project Based Learning at Concordia
Junior College
Pupil Free Day - Friday 4 September

Outside School Hours Care
Hume Street Campus
From the Director

Soap Box
Week 7 – Mrs Blackwell talked to the students about ‘who is in our team’. We have 5 fingers/thumb and we can have 5 people that help us to sort out problems. These are usually parents, grandparents, educators, emergency service people, other family members etc. (We will do more work on this over the coming weeks.) She talked to them about when we are at school and a problem arises, how important it is to tell an educator as soon as help is needed. If the problem happens in the playground and they wait until they are back in class or even at home, it is way more difficult to fix this up. We are here to learn and help everyone have a great time at school. If your little person comes home concerned, please remind them that it is great that they are telling you but that they also need to tell the staff at school so that we can work through the situation.
Year 2’s are preparing to get on the Soap Box in Week 8. Watch this space to hear what their issues are and how they want their voice to be heard.
MS Readathon
Congratulations to Isaiah, Thomas, Ari and Marcus for entering the MS Readathon. Together they have raised $506 and read 44 books. Well done boys!!
Staff walking for Steptember
HSC staff have decided to walk off our COVID kilos, raise money towards Cerebral Palsey and have registered for Steptember. We will keep you posted with our progress. If you would like to donate, please get in contact with Carolyn or you can visit the website to donate.
Week 7’s Dr Seuss Book was Thidwick the Big Hearted Moose with the help of our Year 2 students. The Bible reading was Matthew 11:28-30, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."
Thidwick’s lesson for us … We can always keep ourselves big-hearted and strive to help others; we just need to remember that we don't have to keep our burdens and struggles all to ourselves. God gave us our family, friend and educators to help us with our problems. It is good to talk about things that worry us and to get help to sort them out.
Blessing Songs
Each week we begin Chapel by listening to a different country’s blessing song. This week, we listened to the Zimbabwe’s version of this song. It is wonderful, listening to the various voices blending together to sing a blessing over our countries and over our world.
You Can Do It
Preps to Year 2 students have been learning about Pete Persistence recently. I know some of you have heard his song about “….. keep on going like a garbage truck”. Please find some information about how you can help your child learn persistence at home.
YCDI Parent Reference Guide Persistence
Books That Have Characters Demonstrating Persistence
Creativity in the Playground
Elijah, Lucas and John joined together to become very creative in the sandpit today. They inspired many others who then joined in. How wonderful life can be when we keep it simple.
Morning Tea with HOC
Our Year 6 Captains were very excited about having morning tea with Mr Adrian Wiles, our Head of College, this week. They had some great conversation and thoroughly enjoyed the delicious morning tea provided by our Stephen Street chefs.
HSC Prep to Year 2 Swimming Lessons
On Thursday 3 September, Prep to Year 2 students will commence their swimming lessons at the Concordia Aquatic Centre. Each of these classes will participate in eight lessons over the last few weeks of Term 3. There will certainly be some tired little swimmers by the end of Term 3.
Please ensure that students have the following items:
- Dressing gown - this would be great for the students to wear to and from the pool as we don't know what the weather is going to be like
- Thongs
- Swimming togs
- Goggles
- House swimming cap
- Towel
To avoid any lost items could you please clearly label all of your child's items including their shoes, underwear and uniform.

Tuckshop Orders
At HSC, tuckshop is held on a Thursday. All orders are to be completed online at My Student Account by 3pm each Wednesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Thursday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 9.
HSC Festival of Learning Pizza Meal Deal

Warwick Street Campus
From the Director
As we race towards the end of Term 3, our students are busy in not only their learning, but are also in assessment mode. Over the coming weeks, teachers will be finalising their units of work along with their assessments. These will be available for you to view on Seesaw. Please take the time to look at the work your children have done and celebrate in their success.
Spring has almost sprung! The days are getting longer, there has been some glorious weather and I’ve seen a few magpies in full flight! Spring is one of my favourite times of the year, and after a long difficult winter, the arrival of Spring this year will be one to celebrate.
Free Dress Day
To mark the arrival of Spring, our dedicated Warwick Street Campus Student Council have decided to have a free dress day to support the Cancer Council. For a gold coin donation, students can come to school on Tuesday 1 September in their best spring, floral, garden or farm outfits. A prize will also be offered to the best dressed class so please look out on Seesaw on Tuesday for the announcement of the winners. Please refer to the flyer for more information.
Healthy Eating
At WSC we know the importance of keeping healthy and active, and what the best fuel is to put into our bodies each day. Over recent weeks we have been noticing a large amount of chips, chocolates and lollies that are coming to school in lunch boxes. We refer to these foods as “sometimes” foods. Foods high in sugar don’t keep our students energised and ready for a day of learning. We appreciate your support with this and look forward to seeing some healthy lunch boxes coming to school.
MAC Play
For our MAC Play to get off to a good start, we need your help! We are looking for lots of clean, recycled items that the children can use. The following is a list of ideas of things that would be very helpful:
- Large cardboard cylinders to crawl through
- Bed sheets and material
- Orange barrier netting
- Large cardboard boxes
- Silver air conditioning duct
- Pool noodles
- Large foam pieces
- Old telephones
- Milk crates
You may even have some other things that you think would be suitable as well. Families who have their own businesses, please think of us before you throw your rubbish out! Please contact Reception if you have any materials that you would be able to donate to us.
We look forward to seeing all the imaginative play spaces that the students create.
Mrs Jackie Minnikin
Director of Campus
WSC P&F Meeting - change of date
Free Dress Day – Tuesday 1 September

WSC Prep to Year 2 Swimming Lessons
On Friday 11 September, Prep to Year 2 will commence their swimming lessons at the Concordia Aquatic Centre. Each of these classes will participate in five lessons over the last two weeks of Term 3.
Please note: NO Parents can attend swimming lessons due to COVID-19 restrictions.
Please ensure that students have the following items:
- Warm clothing - this would be great for the students to wear to and from the pool as we don't know what the weather is going to be like
- Thongs
- Swimming togs
- Goggles
- House swimming cap
- Towel
To avoid any lost items, please clearly label all of your child's items including their shoes, underwear and uniform.

Tuckshop Orders
At WSC, tuckshop is held on a Wednesday. All orders are to be completed online at My Student Account by 3pm each Tuesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Wednesday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 9.
Stephen Street Campus
What is a Mock Block?
Our Senior College end of year processes and events are really starting to flow through as we come towards the end of this term.
This week, our Year 12 students have been working their way through their Mock External Exam Block where they experience responding to QCAA provided practice exams, under the same conditions that they will experience in their External Exams, commencing Week 4, Term 4.
This Mock Block signals the beginning of the final approach to the finish line for our students and their teachers. The Year 12 External Exam Holiday Preparation Schedule is in its final draft stage and includes 22 scheduled tutorials that are being offered by our Senior teachers over the September break. These tutorials will be able to be accessed by students either on campus or via MS Teams. I do sincerely thank the staff for their willingness to make themselves available for their classes during this time.
The other significant process that has been happening this week has involved the Leadership processes for our 2021 Captains. I always find it incredibly inspiring as I hear our future leaders speak with passion about their College and the opportunities they see in the year ahead.
Lastly, a shameless plug for Student Café and Parent Lounge. Did you know that you can easily access Assessment Calendars for each of your child’s subjects? While you are in there, have a look around at what other resources and information are available to you, including Academic Reports and assessment specific feedback.
Mr Jason Smith
Director of Campus
Year 7 Peer Support Reflections
Throughout Terms 1 to 3, I have enjoyed Peer Support with the Year 11 Peer Support leaders because of some of the activities that we do and the interacting and communicating with friends. My favourite part was the party at the end of term. I liked it because everyone brought delicious food and we played a major game of tag. Yuan Cabahug
I really liked doing Peer Support because my leaders were very nice, caring and put the effort into including everyone in all activities. The activities were all different. Some were fun, and others were good to learn how to work as a team and include others. The Peer Support group which I was in was fun because I was with some friends and got to know some people from the others class which was good. Ellie Denning
I found Peer Support fun. I enjoyed all the games we played and all the activities we did. We all had a laugh with each other, and I got to know some people I didn’t really know from the other class. Altogether I found it AWESOME. Yuri Henning
My time in peer support was lots of fun! But as well as being fun, I also learnt a lot about how to keep up with the high school years ahead. My Peer Support leaders did a great job of explaining everything I needed to know. They talked about their experiences and how they worked them out. It was so much fun, and I learnt a lot. Charlotte Love
Peer Support was good. I felt I connected with the group members and it was a lot of fun. The Year 11 students were amazing. They gave us helpful instructions, were very confident and helpful. I liked the activities and the games we played. Kelsea McPaul Davison
I enjoyed Peer Support because it gave me a chance to learn new skills and meet new people. The part I enjoyed most was playing games together. I also enjoyed the little activities to improve our mental fitness and how we communicate with others. Peer Support helped me to meet new people and improve my relationships with others. Cate Stangherlin
Free Elevate Parent Webinar
Elevate is an award-winning organisation that has been working with your child’s school to help them become more effective learners. They realise that these are uncertain times and students may be increasingly working independently at home. How effectively they revise and prepare is key to their success in the next few months.
These Elevate webinars have been very popular with Concordia parents - find out why by joining in on Tuesday 1 September. Join this exclusive webinar where they will show you – as parents – the crucial study skills your child needs to achieve their best and how you can reinforce that at home. Click here to reserve your seat.

Subject Changes - Year 11 Students
With the Year 11 academic year rapidly finishing in the next few weeks, it is now time to plan for Year 12, 2021. If any student is thinking about or wishes to make any subject changes this MUST be completed BEFORE the commencement of Term 4.
Year 11 students will commence Unit 3 in Term 4, 2020. That is the commencement of their Year 12 course of study. After the commencement of Year 12, QCAA directs that students are not allowed to make any further subject changes. Unit 3 and Unit 4 are seen as a whole, not separate units of work which occurs for Year 11 with Unit 1 and Unit 2. Serious consequences occur to a student's ATAR rank and QCE certificate if changes are made during a student’s Year 12 year.
If a student is wishing to make any subject changes then this needs to occur very soon. Please contact me if you require any further information.
Ms Wendy Bowen
Director of Learning and Innovation
Sport Training for Term 3