The Week Ahead - Term 3, Week 9
Monday 7 September to Friday 11 September 2020
From the Head of College
This coming week will see students involved in the exciting ‘end of term’ activities that are evident in all schools at this time of the year. For those in the Junior College, it is a week full of events that make the best of the change in weather. Sports and HPE stand out – what a great way to enjoy the start of Spring! Secondary students also have a busy fortnight ahead with the end of term assignments and exams dominating the calendar.
I am looking forward to chatting with our Year 12 students on Monday regarding their ‘mock’ exam experience. They are the first ever cohort of students to go through this process under the new Queensland Certificate of Education (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank – ATAR). We will also be discussing what is required for eligible ATAR students between now and their final external assessment block that begins on Monday 26 October and runs for a period of three weeks.
The replacement of Pastor Mark Blackwell as College Pastor has been a very disrupted process. However, we are now moving forward with three possible candidates on the list. Discussions with each of the candidates will occur in the next few weeks and our prayer is that we will soon be able to make an announcement about this critical role across the College and wider school community.
Kind regards and every blessing.
Mr Adrian Wiles
Head of College
From the College Pastor
Community News
LYQ Family Camp
The Lutheran Youth Queensland (LYQ) Family Camp provides the space to spend quality time together as a family and with other families. It’s a casual, self-directed time that gives families the opportunity to spend time at the beach, climbing Mount Coolum, relaxing at the campsite and if you’d like, taking part in some Luther Heights activities and communal devotional time. It’s totally up to you!
Key things to know:
- School holidays, Monday 28 September to Friday 2 October 2020
- Budget-friendly accommodation and food in Coolum Beach
- Staying in brand-new Ocean Outlook facility at Luther Heights
- Adventure activities, devotional time and movie night for families to join in
- A perfect way to have a last-minute family getaway
- For families of any kind!
Check out the details on the LYQ website or click here for further information.
HSC P&F Mango Fundraiser
The Hume Street Campus P&F Committee is running the annual Mango Fundraiser. Please see below for more information and order form.

Project Based Learning at Concordia
Junior College
Junior College Music Program
We are so blessed to have Mrs Hayley Sugars teach our Junior College students. Hayley is a member of the Queensland Opera and has studied overseas as well as locally. Hayley is a past Concordia student whose children are now studying with us as well. Thank you, Hayley, for the amazing work you do.
To read more about Hayley's accomplishments and hear her singing, Google 'Hayley Sugars'.
Junior College Moderation
The Pupil Free Day today involved our Junior College teachers coming together to do some moderation. Moderation is an important process to check for consistency of teacher judgement on student work, by making consistent, valid and evidence based decisions. Our focus for today was to moderate student writing across the two campuses. It was wonderful to hear the discussions and see the collaboration between our Junior College teachers.
Outside School Hours Care
Hume Street Campus
From the Director
We have introduced a ‘Soap Box’ segment into our Assembly. It is important to teach students to become passionate, be able to have a voice and to present that voice in a positive way. We began talking about being Stewards of the Earth and our Year 2 students have certainly taken this topic to heart. They decided that as a collective, they want to voice their thoughts at Assembly this week so put together this little video. Thank you, Year 2. We love your message, your support and your passion.
Festival of Learning
Our Festival of Learning will take on a very different format of sharing the students learning this term. Last year you may remember our amazing twilight night of sharing their learning and dinner on the lawn. This year, we will have a great afternoon where the students will share with each other in a round robin type fashion and a pizza meal deal. This meal deal form has already gone home so return it soon if you haven’t already. This coming week, the students will be finishing off their learning, filming themselves and setting up their classrooms for their Learning Festival. We look forward to sharing this event with you Friday 11 September via Seesaw and Facebook.
Indigenous Storytime
The Resource Centre was open on Wednesday for Indigenous Storytime. Chloe, our Cultural Captain and Savanna, one of our Library Assistants came to join some students. I read a dreamtime story, Chloe read a story about a very clever Wombat and Ryan surprised us all with his Mr Heuschele inspired digeridoo playing. We even hear the kangaroo hopping. After the story of Tiddalick, Chloe and Savanna helped the students play a game of leap frog.
Swimming Lessons
Thursday was a very exciting day for many Prep to Year 2 students with the beginning of their swimming lessons. It is important to keep parents as involved in our activities as we can so Seesaw was very busy processing many photos and videos of your little people participating in this program. No doubt, there will be more to come!
Bush to Beach
This week we were lucky enough to see the Bush to Beach presentation from the Queensland Surf Lifesavers. We learnt a lot about beach safety including where to swim at the beach, how to signal for help and what different flags and signs mean.
Mrs Juanetta Priest
Director of Campus
Getting to Know our HSC Staff
Juanetta - Director of Campus

Work Experiences
- Initially trained as Teacher in Early Childhood – 0 to 8 year olds
- Completed Graduate Diploma in Educational Management
- Have worked for Education Queensland, Creche and Kindergarten and 10 years in Long Day Care facilities
- Opened one Education Queensland preschool in Emerald
- Opened two Long Day Care Centres in Gatton and Withcott
- 15 years in Lutheran Education
- Eight years teaching prep with Concordia Lutheran College
- Seven years leadership with Concordia Lutheran College
Greatest achievements
- Two beautiful daughters
- One granddaughter – not that I really had anything to do with that
- Walked 800km Camino in Spain
- Concordia – Hume Street Campus
- Family
- Travel – lots of!
Happy Father's Day

We wish all our Dads and significant male relatives/friends a wonderful day on Sunday. We hope you have as much fun with your gifts as the students had making them.

Prep to Year 2 Weeks 9 and 10 Tennis Lessons
Tennis lessons for Preps to Year 2 have changed for Weeks 9 and 10 due to swimming lessons. Please see below for the new times.
- Prep - Tuesday 10.15am to 10.45am
- Years 1 and 2 - Tuesday 11am to 11.30am
HSC Prep to Year 2 Swimming Lessons
On Thursday 3 September, Prep to Year 2 students will commence their swimming lessons at the Concordia Aquatic Centre. Each of these classes will participate in eight lessons over the last few weeks of Term 3. There will certainly be some tired little swimmers by the end of Term 3.
Please ensure that students have the following items:
- Dressing gown - this would be great for the students to wear to and from the pool as we don't know what the weather is going to be like
- Thongs
- Swimming togs
- Goggles
- House swimming cap
- Towel
To avoid any lost items could you please clearly label all of your child's items including their shoes, underwear and uniform.

HSC Festival of Learning Pizza Meal Deal

Tuckshop Orders
At HSC, tuckshop is held on a Thursday. All orders are to be completed online at My Student Account by 3pm each Wednesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Thursday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 9.
Warwick Street Campus
From the Director
Happy Father's Day!
Even though it may look a little different this year, I am sure Father’s Day on Sunday will be a special celebration for all our Warwick Street Campus dads. I am looking forward to being able to visit my Dad on Sunday and I am sure you are too. We wish all our dads, grandfathers and special men in our students’ lives, a very Happy Father’s Day. We pray that you have some special time with your families. I found the following poem, author unknown, that pays tribute to our fathers:
God took the strength of a mountain,
The majesty of a tree,
The warmth of a summer sun,
The calm of a quiet sea,
The generous soul of nature,
The comforting arm of night,
The wisdom of the ages,
The power of the eagle’s flight,
The joy of a morning in spring,
The faith of a mustard seed,
The patience of eternity,
The depth of a family need,
Then God combined these qualities,
When there was nothing more to add,
God knew the masterpiece was complete,
And so, God called it... Dad.
Happy Father’s Day.
“Spring has Sprung” Free Dress Winners
Our Year 4 class was named the best dressed class on Tuesday for our Spring has Sprung free dress day. Congratulations to Year 4 who now get to wear their sports uniform every day for a whole week! Thank you to everyone who donated to the Cancer Council for our free dress day. The Student Council were excited to raise just over $230.
Lost Property
Over the duration of the term, we have collected an enormous amount of lost property. If your family are missing spray jackets, track pants, hats or even lunch boxes, please ask your child to go through the Lost Property Basket. Please also make sure that all school uniform items are clearly named.
Mrs Jackie Minnikin
Director of Campus
Word on the Street
Year 5 Band
The word on the street is that the Year 5 Band have their very first ‘GIG’ on Monday. We look forward to hearing them play at Assembly.
Awesome work from our Environmental Captains and their helpers over the past few days. They took the initiative to clean out the fishpond, fill with fresh water and replace the inhabitants.

WSC Prep to Year 2 Swimming Lessons
On Friday 11 September, Prep to Year 2 will commence their swimming lessons at the Concordia Aquatic Centre. Each of these classes will participate in five lessons over the last two weeks of Term 3.
Please note: NO Parents can attend swimming lessons due to COVID-19 restrictions.
Please ensure that students have the following items:
- Warm clothing - this would be great for the students to wear to and from the pool as we don't know what the weather is going to be like
- Thongs
- Swimming togs
- Goggles
- House swimming cap
- Towel
To avoid any lost items, please clearly label all of your child's items including their shoes, underwear and uniform.

Tuckshop Orders
At WSC, tuckshop is held on a Wednesday. All orders are to be completed online at My Student Account by 3pm each Tuesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Wednesday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 9.
Stephen Street Campus
Bearing With One Another in Love…
I hope that everyone has enjoyed their Pupil Free Day. As you would expect, a number of our staff are involved in the QCAA confirmation process which is the reason for the Pupil Free Day. Confirmation involves us as a College, providing the requested samples of Year 12 student work to QCAA for trained “Confirmers” to determine if the evidence in the student's work supports the level of achievement that has been awarded by the subject teacher. This is the final stage in the process which maintains academic consistency across Queensland. I do thank our Quality Assurance Team, our Heads of Department and Director of Learning and Innovation, Ms Wendy Bowen, for their tireless work in ensuring that our Senior curriculum has been underpinned by robust processes that have supported our Senior students and their teachers.
The old saying that while the cat is away, the mice will play is also a little true for pupil free days. Staff have done all sorts of fun things today. We have enjoyed staff meetings, cross marking and internally moderating student work and refining 2021 assessment items for final Endorsement. Aside from all that fun, teachers do enjoy the opportunity to progress some of their projects. Mr Steve Miegel, Head of Christian Studies, is also our Digital Technology teacher. He has enjoyed playing with our robots that will provide the platform for the Year 10 Digital Technology next term. I have attached the code in the gallery below that he was using today to make this robot drive itself in a square pattern. I’m looking forward to seeing this unit in the classroom next term!
Next week, our main calendar events are our Googa Q&A session on Tuesday night with Brad Teakle, Director of Googa and our Year 11 students head into their exam block which marks the completion of their Units 1 and 2. We wish them all the best as they prepare for and sit these important exams.
Mr Jason Smith
Director of Campus
Year 9 Googa Q&A Session
On Tuesday 8 September, a Year 9 Googa Q&A session with Brad Teakle (Googa OEC) will be held via Zoom. The session is scheduled to begin at 7pm. Keep an eye on your email in the coming days for the required link to join this session.
Creative Generations: Student Entries
Four Year 11 and Year 12 Visual Art students have been selected to enter the Creative Generations: Awards for Excellence in Visual Art. Isabel Hoffmann, Emma Larsen, and Sophie Conrick (Year 12) and Caitlin Brosnan (Year 11). The four artworks chosen represented a diverse range of contemporary art skills and techniques and are a reflection of their success this year in the new ATAR syllabus.
Due to COVID-19,the exhibition will be presented digitally for the first time in 2020. Students will have their artwork showcased in digital regional exhibitions which will be launched on 6 October 2020. The digital regional exhibitions will feature the student name, school, artwork details and artist statement. The online exhibitions will also announce students who have been selected as award recipients.
The girls are to be congratulated on their participation in this exciting opportunity. Click on 'Expand Article' below to view the artwork.
Ms Holly Kiehne
Visual Art Teacher

Isabel Hoffmann, The Viewing Room, Oil Paint on wood, Paper on canvas.

Caitlin Brosnan, Toys Story, Colour photography, found objects, childhood toys.

Sophie Conrick, Flowers bloom for you, four A3 size colour photographs.

Emma Larsen, Tiny Tidepool Sculptures, Installation tiny sculptures on weathered timber log, Air Hardening Modelling Clay.
USQ Virtual Open Day
Visit USQ's Virtual Open Day this Saturday 5 September. Meet USQ's academics, who will share their expertise and insights on the future of work and innovation in their study areas. Click here to register.
Sport News
Staff vs Students Competition

The competition has begun with the Basketball challenge being held this week. Stay tuned to discover which is the overall winning team!
Congratulations to Grace Webcke who competed at the Netball State Championships representing the Darling Downs on the weekend. Grace was also given the honour of being Captain of the Darling Downs Team who placed 5th in the State.
Term 3 Training
Please note there is no Touch Football training for the remainder of Term 3.

Weekly Update
Mad Sock Competition
This week featured one of the highlights of the boarding calendar, the Mad Sock Competition. After spending minutes preparing (physically, maybe even more psychologically), the boarders paraded their Mad Sock designs in front of other enthralled boarders, and a panel of highly experienced judges (including the notorious sock wearer, Chef Trish).
After minutes of intense judgement, the judges finally (and with much suspense) selected a winner and runner-ups. The winner, who cannot be named due to ongoing legal sock matters, is pictured in the gallery below (sorry, socks and legs only pictured).
'70s Disco Night
The night ignited with excitement with our residential tutors sorting the disco ball and music and demonstrating some very smooth moves!
Our male boarders were a little shy to start the night and sat back, taking the music in, even though heads were bopping to the beats. Even Mrs Maureen did her thing on the dance floor. Mr Ross sadly was on his RDO.
Young Myles Wangua took out the best dressed male, sporting a well-groomed moustache of which he became very fond. Jadyn Tants took out the best dressed female student followed by the student-judged best dressed staff member, Jack Dent. Jack lit up the dance floor with his moves like he was straight out of Saturday Night Fever.
A great night was had by students and tutors. Supper was supplied from the kitchen including freshly baked cakes by staff. Thank you to all.
Mr Ross McKeown and Mrs Maureen Taurima