The Week Ahead - Term 4, Week 5

Monday 4 November to Friday 9 November 2019

From the Head of College

The Real Concordia

Yesterday, I heard a comment being made by a parent that made me reflect on our school and what its purpose really is. There is no doubting the fact that we are focused on providing an excellent education for young children and adults in a Christian setting; but the parental comment raised another point for my consideration. 

The setting was the ‘Christmas for the Bush’ Worship Service attended by our Kindergarten to Year 6 students along with 2020 Captains from the Middle and Senior Colleges, and the comment was along the lines of, "This is what is so special about Concordia."

From the College Pastor

Community News

Free Triple P Positive Parenting Programs

Visit the New eSafety Site!

Introducing our new national online safety hub

We are very excited to share with you the new and refreshed website, a comprehensive, dynamic and interactive online safety hub for Australians. There really is no other place online quite like it!

The eSafety Commissioner has spent the last 18 months working alongside various experts to create, refresh and streamline eSafety’s content, so it’s right for you. Every page on the site has been updated with tailored advice, resources and support to ensure your experience online is an empowering and positive one.

You can check it out by clicking here.

2019 Sports Awards Breakfast

The annual Sports Awards Breakfast will be taking place on Friday 8 November in the Concordia Function Centre at Stephen Street Campus. All members of the College community are invited to attend this very special event to recognise and celebrate the achievements of our students in sport during 2019. Please find attached an invitation with further details of this event.

Parents of students who have been nominated for a major award or who are receiving a Full Blue or Special Achievement award have been notified.

To book your seats at the event, please complete the online booking form: BOOK TICKETS

If you have any questions regarding the event, please contact us at

2019 Presentation Evening

Concordia's 2019 Presentation Evening will formally recognise the efforts and achievements of our students in Years 7 to 12 at the Empire Theatre on Monday 11 November. All members of the College community are warmly invited to attend this significant event on the College calendar. Students are required to wear their formal uniform for the event.

While the focus of the evening is our Middle and Senior College students, families in the Junior College are very welcome to attend this event. Highlights of the evening will include performances by the Concert Band, Big Band and College Choir, Dance performance and Year in Review video.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Mrs Bianca Coleborn
Director of Marketing & Enrolments

Concordia Lutheran College Carols by Candlelight - Sunday 24 November

Project Based Learning at Concordia

Junior College

Outdoor Learning at Concordia

On Wednesday 6 November, students from our Junior College will be participating in an Outdoor Learning Day.

We value outdoor education at Concordia and understand the importance of students learning in different contexts. Out of classroom learning promotes skills such as resilience, problem solving teamwork and creativity, and also activates “out of the box” thinking. Children learn everywhere and all of the time. Lessons learnt outdoors, whether Maths, Literacy or Science, will often stay with us for life.

We look forward to the children participating in each activity on Wednesday whilst also realising that the great outdoors is really... great!

Junior College Music Showcase - Friday 8 November

Parents of Years 3-6 students have been emailed detailed information regarding the Music Showcase and are requested to acknowledge your child's attendance via Parent Lounge > Tours and Excursions > 2019 Junior College Music Showcase. Thank you

Christmas for the Bush Chapel Service

Outside School Hours Care

Hume Street Campus

Note from Juanetta

I will be on Long Service Leave from this coming week until the beginning of 2020, however, I will attend some key events over the following weeks as we farewell our Year 6 students from Hume Street Campus and wish them all the best as they continue their learning journey. Pastor Mark will be based at Hume Street Campus in my absence so please contact him if you have any questions or concerns.

It has been a privilege to lead such a dedicated group of staff to work with our amazing students in a year of learning. A highlight for me was our Inaugural Festival of Learning. To be involved in the learning in the lead up to the event and to then see the end product from each class, was a true testament and showcases the work that is done on a daily basis. Thank you to each staff member and student for your dedication and hard work this year.

Outdoor Classroom Day - Wednesday 6 November

On Wednesday 6 November, our students are invited to wear old clothes for the Outdoor Classroom Day. Please send a spare set of clothes with your child/ren as they will get muddy and wet. 

There are many outdoor learning opportunities planned for the morning session for our Kindy to Year 6 students to enjoy. These will include science, maths, teamwork activities as well as celebrating our beautiful outdoor space. We will begin the session at 8.45am with Pastor Mark sharing a devotion with us in our Forest Classroom. We are also hoping to have a guest guitarist to share in a song together before going into groups for our learning events. If you are interested in joining us for the morning, you are more than welcome.

For more information please click here.

Fred Hollows Humanities Award

What is the Fred Hollows Humanity Award?

The Award recognises Year 6 students who follow in Fred’s footsteps by making a positive difference in their community. It celebrates students who show compassion, integrity and kindness in their everyday lives, just as Fred did.

On Wednesday 6 November, Bella Edwards will be presented with this award at the Queensland Parliament House. In 2019, Bella headed up the project cooking biscuits to raise money for the farmers. In 2019, she instigated the Anzac Biscuit project to say thank you to our veterans and current servicing members of the armed forces. During this time, Bella (and her band of helpers) baked more than 300 biscuits that were greatly appreciated by many. Bella shows compassion and integrity daily while at school and helps out with HumeRidge Church of Christ homework help group each week. She is a worthy recipient of this award and I will be very privileged to attend this ceremony. Thank you, Bella, for having such a caring heart for the people around you.

A-Mart Allsports and Rebel

As you begin to plan for 2020, we would encourage you to consider purchasing your school footwear from Athletes Foot or Rebel. Over the past year, we have received approx. $1000.00 in rebates from these two companies. Don't forget to mention your school when making your purchase.

HSC 2020 Booklists

Our 2020 booklists are available for online ordering. Our HSC P&F will receive a 10% rebate for all orders placed online before the cut-off date of Tuesday 19 November. Place your order online through Browns Office Choice. Please see the booklist for delivery options. 

*Please note that the booklists on the Browns website are the correct version. When ordering please use the online version.

Staff from Browns Office Choice will be in the HSC Resource Centre on Thursday 21 November from 8am to 9.30am with orders that were selected to be delivered to HSC. 

Place your order online through Browns Office Choice. The Book Lists' link is also available in Parent Lounge.

Brown’s Office Choice -

Years 2-6 Swimming Lessons

Swimming Lessons for Years 2-6 students began in Week 4 Monday 28 October, at the Concordia Aquatic Centre, operated by TJ’s Swim as part of our Physical Education Program.

They will need to bring to school with them:

  • Togs
  • Goggles
  • Towel
  • House swimming cap (can be purchased via the uniform shop)                           

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher.

Years 1 to 3 Touch Football Sporting Schools Program

This term we are running a four week Touch Football sporting schools program during our first break. This program is only open to our students from Years 1 to 3. An email has been sent out to parents with further details. Students who are wanting to participate in this program can meet Mr Darryl Fry on the Resource Centre verandah.

Tuesday 10.45am-11.30am - last session Tuesday 26 November

Years 5 & 6 Friday Inter-School Sport Girls AFL Team

As part of the Sporting Schools Program, we are offering an AFL program to the Years 5 & 6 girls that currently play AFL for Friday Inter-School Sport. This session will run for four weeks. The girls will meet on the Resource Centre verandah. An email has been sent home to the parents of these students with further information included.

Monday 10.45am-11.30am - last session Monday 18 November.

Tuckshop and Meal Deal Dates for Term 4

Tuckshop will be closed for the rest of the term, however, we will be organising meal deals for these weeks. Details are below. Please look out for envelopes coming home with your child/ren.

  • Thursday 28 November - Pizza Meal Deal on Friday 29 November - 2nd Break 12.45pm

Volunteers' Thank You Service and Morning Tea

Carols by Candlelight Decorations

We are providing the decorations for the Carols by Candlelight this year and are needing empty glass jars. We require at least one jar per student with a neck that is wide enough to put a tea light inside. If you have any empty jars now or in the future or any jars laying around that you don’t need, we would love to take them off your hands. We would love to have these bottles asap.

You Have Been Spotted Sporting the Concordia Spirit

Here is your chance to get a free coffee voucher from Wayne’s Encouraging Cup. Just be spotted in our car park sporting the Concordia Car Sticker and you could be the week’s winner. If you have been spotted, please see Carolyn or Delmae in Reception and they will give you a free voucher. If you need a sticker, let Reception know and they will get one to you. 301XFE, you are this week's winner!

HSC Week 5 Events

Click Here to view HSC Events for Week 5.

Warwick Street Campus

WANTED! Caring members of our community to support our P&F!

At WSC we have a wonderful group of parents who form our P&F. This group meets once a month on a Monday afternoon and are responsible for a large part of the fundraising around our Campus. This year our P&F have run Meal Deals, Mother’s and Father’s Day Stalls and of course our annual WSC Trivia Night which raised a record amount of money in 2019! Our P&F are an important part of our Campus as they work in partnership with the College community to further support our students.

Next Monday at 2pm, we have our Annual General Meeting and we would love to see you there – with no strings attached! Come along and have a chat with the current members, as well as myself, to find out how you can assist – even if it be in a small way. I look forward to seeing you there. Please also find attached a nomination form.

WSC P&F AGM Nomination Form

Mrs Jackie Minnikin
Director of Campus

WSC 2020 Booklists

Our 2020 booklists are available for online ordering. Place your order online through Browns Office Choice. The Book Lists' link is also available in Parent Lounge.

Brown’s Office Choice -

Costumes for WSC Musical

Parents, please find below a list of costume requirements for our Christmas Musical, ‘A Midwife Crisis’. Some items of your child’s costume will be provided. Please contact your teacher if you have any difficulties finding the items below:

WSC Outdoor Learning Day – Wednesday 6 November

On Wednesday 6 November, WSC students will be participating in an Outdoor Learning Day. Each class will be walking over to our Bush Prep area at SSC with their buddy class to spend some time learning outdoors.

The students are able to wear free dress on Wednesday and we encourage them to wear long pants and closed in shoes. There has been known to be some mozzies and bugs over at Bush Prep, so please feel free to send your child with some roll on or pump spray insect repellent.

We look forward to sharing the students’ learning with you via Facebook and Seesaw! 

$1.00 Ice Block Day – Thursday 21 November

Year 6 students will be selling ice blocks at lunch time in The Shed on Thursday for $1.00 each as a P&F fundraiser.

Volunteers' Thank You Breakfast

All volunteers are invited to a ‘Thank You’ Breakfast on Friday 22 November at 8am in the Resource Centre. 

Tuckshop & Meal Deal Dates for Term 4

Tuckshop will be closed on the following date:

  • Wednesday 27 November

 We will be having a Meal Deal on the following date (orders have now closed):

  • Wednesday 27 November – WSC Meal Deal

Years 1 to 3 - Term 4 Sporting Schools Touch Football Program

This term we are running a four week Touch Football Sporting Schools Program during our lunch time. This program is only open to our students from Year 1 to Year 3. An email has been sent to these parents with further details. Students who are wanting to participate in this program can meet Mr Darryl Fry on the day.

Wednesdays 12.45pm to 1.30pm – last session, 20 November

Years 5 & 6 Friday Inter-School Sport AFL Girls Team

As part of the Sporting Schools Program, we are offering an AFL program to the Years 5 & 6 girls who currently play AFL for their Friday Inter-School Sports. This session will run for four weeks starting in Week 4. An email has been sent to the parents of these students with further details.

Wednesdays 12.45pm to 1.30pm – last session, 20 November

WSC Week 7 Events

Click Here to view WSC events for Week 7

Forms to Complete - WSC

Stephen Street Campus

Googa Family Day

Last Sunday was family day up Googa Outdoor Education Centre, and Roz and I joined the procession of Concordia parents that made their way north to Googa to catch up with our Year 9 students. 

As I sat listening to our students sharing their thoughts and reflections, I actually got a little teary. It was a mix of emotions but essentially, I was so proud of our students and the way that they are positioning themselves to take on the challenges of life while learning how to do this well in the context of community. I know that for the parents who also had the privilege of sharing this day, that their feelings were similar. 

We are looking forward to welcoming them back today and hearing their stories in the weeks to come. I must say, that as a cohort, they have made a very positive impression on the Googa staff and I do know that they will return to us with a greater sense of their capacity as a young adults and understanding of each other.

Mr Jason Smith
Director of Campus

Orders are now open for Christmas Treats!

Orders are now open for our Term 4 fundraiser with Homestyle Bake. There is a range of delicious Christmas treats available to order through this fundraising drive.

You can collect your order form from any campus Reception or click here to download the order form and brochure. Order forms and payment can be make to Reception at each campus. Payments can be made by cash or card.

Orders must be submitted by Wednesday 13 November and can be collected on Wednesday 20 November.

Mrs Suzette Vermeulen  
SSC P&F Secretary

Pedal Prix

Last Saturday saw the inaugural Toowoomba round of the Queensland Human Powered Vehicle Super Series. Concordia fielded seven teams in this eight hour event. In total, there were 52 teams involved in this race from schools coming from as far north as Wide Bay to northern NSW. This is serious racing. Our teams demonstrated exemplary team work and determination as they knuckled down to the task of grinding out laps. Collectively, our seven teams completed a staggering 902.88 km during the course of the event. 


Boarding News

Welcome to this week’s Boarding segment in The Week Ahead. This week, a selection of photos for you to enjoy!

Take care,

Ross, Amy, Maureen and the boarding staff

Welcome from the Leadership Team