The Week Ahead - Term 4, Week 4

Monday 28 October to Friday 1 November 2019

From the Head of College

Let us celebrate our teachers at Concordia

World Teachers' Day is held internationally on 5 October. As the day usually falls during Australian school holidays, Queensland celebrates on the last Friday of October each year – Friday 25 October 2019. While the day may have come and gone by the time you read this newsletter, it is important that we all recognise the teachers that work diligently across our College.

From the College Pastor

All Saints

Every year on 1 November, the Christian church commemorates ‘All Saints.’ This day is where we remember all those children of God who have died in the past 12 months. We remember their faith in Jesus, we give thanks for their life and the blessings they brought, and we also remember something else. On this day we also remember their eternal life in Jesus.

Community News

Concordia Lutheran College Carols by Candlelight - Sunday 24 November

2019 Sports Awards Breakfast

The annual Sports Awards Breakfast will be taking place on Friday 8 November in the Concordia Function Centre at Stephen Street Campus. All members of the College community are invited to attend this very special event to recognise and celebrate the achievements of our students in sport during 2019. Please find attached an invitation with further details of this event.

Parents of students who have been nominated for a major award or who are receiving a Full Blue or Special Achievement award have been notified.

To book your seats at the event, please complete the online booking form: BOOK TICKETS

If you have any questions regarding the event, please contact us at

2019 Presentation Evening

Concordia's 2019 Presentation Evening will formally recognise the efforts and achievements of our students in Years 7 to 12 at the Empire Theatre on Monday 11 November. All members of the College community are warmly invited to attend this significant event on the College calendar. Students are required to wear their formal uniform for the event.

While the focus of the evening is our Middle and Senior College students, families in the Junior College are very welcome to attend this event. Highlights of the evening will include performances by the Concert Band, Big Band and College Choir, Dance performance and Year in Review video.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Mrs Bianca Coleborn
Director of Marketing & Enrolments

Orders now open for Christmas Fundraising Drive

Orders are now open for our Term 4 fundraiser with Homestyle Bake. There is a range of delicious Christmas treats available to order through this fundraising drive.

You can collect your order form from any campus Reception or click here to download the order form and brochure. Order forms and payment can be make to Reception at each campus. Payments can be made by cash or card.

Orders are due by Friday 8 November and can be collected on Wednesday 20 November.

Mrs Suzette Vermeulen 
SSC P&F Secretary

Mango Fundraiser

Project Based Learning at Concordia

Junior College

Year 3 Sea World Excursion

On Friday 1 November, the JC Year 3 students will be participating in an educational Sea World excursion. All students are asked to arrive at the Hume Street Campus by 6.30am and will return to the Hume Street Campus at approximately 5pm. If you haven't already done so, please log in to Parent Lounge to submit your permission which was due back on Thursday 24 October. 

Nominations due for Junior College Inter-House Swimming Carnival

The swimming nomination forms which were sent home with students for the forthcoming Junior College (9-12 years) Inter-House Swimming Carnival were due back on Friday 25 October.

Could you please confirm with your child if their form has been completed and returned to their Campus Reception, as the details will be entered into the Carnival program very soon. Once the program has been finalised, it will be made available to parents before the carnival.

Primary All Schools Touch Carnival

Last weekend, some of our Junior College students competed in the Mixed Division of the South West Qld Primary All Schools Touch Carnival at Dalby. Whilst many of our students were relatively new to the sport of Touch, they put their best foot forward and produced some fantastic efforts over the duration of the carnival in hot and dry conditions against the best Touch schools in the South West Qld region. This is the first time Concordia has entered this competition and our students thoroughly enjoyed the experience with the improvement individually and as a team evident over the day.

These type of experiences are not possible without the assistance of various stakeholders. A special mention must go to “All Stars Touch Club” for assistance with uniforms for the day. Thank you also to the parents who supported our students at the carnival from the sidelines and for giving up their time to make this opportunity happen.

Hopefully, this will become a regular event on the sports calendar for our Junior College students and congratulations goes to these “pioneers” in pathing the way for the future Touch stars, here at Concordia.

Junior College Art Show - Friday 1 November

Junior College Music Showcase - Friday 8 November

Brisbane Roar Coach - opportunity for Year 6 students

Concordia Sport have a Specialist Brisbane Roar Soccer coach attending for four weeks starting this Monday 28 October at the SSC Soccer Oval from 3.30pm-4.30pm. This training is open to all players from Years 6 to 12.

We look forward to seeing plenty of soccer players attending these training sessions to learn more and improve their skills.

The Brisbane Roar have been appointed by The Australian Sports Commission as the only endorsed Football provider in Queensland to deliver these sessions.

Netball Training Update - Years 5-8

Please note that Thursday afternoon Netball training will now take place in the College Gymnasium at Stephen Street Campus.

Christmas for the Bush Drought Relief Service Project

Outside School Hours Care

Hume Street Campus

Years 5 & 6 Friday Inter-School Sport Girls AFL Team

As part of the Sporting Schools Program, we are offering an AFL program to the Years 5 & 6 girls that currently play AFL for Friday Inter-School sport. This session will run for four weeks. The girls will meet on the Resource Centre verandah. An email has been sent home to the parents of these students with further information included.

Monday 10.45am-11.30am - starting Week 4 (Monday 28 October)

Years 1 to 3 Touch Football Sporting Schools Program

This term we are running a four week Touch Football sporting schools program during our 1st break. This program is only open to our students from years 1 to 3. An email has been sent out to parents with further details. Students who are wanting to participate in this program can meet Mr Darryl Fry on the Resource Centre verandah.

Tuesday 10.45am-11.30am - starting Week 4 (Tuesday 29 October)

Please note: There will not be a session on Tuesday 19 November due to the Inter-House Swimming Carnival. This will be held on Tuesday 26 October.

5er for a Farmer Dress Up Day

On Wednesday 23 October our Campus was awash with farmers. We raised a staggering $641.00 for the Christmas for the Bush Drought Relief Service Project. Thank you to all for your generous support for our local farmers.

Christmas for the Bush Chapel Service

On Thursday 31 October, we are holding our Christmas for the Bush Chapel service to present Care Outreach all the donations sent in by our families. Chapel is at our Stephen Street Campus starting at 9.30am and all are welcome to attend. To ensure that our students arrive at SSC on time for the service we will require 2 bus runs. The first bus run will depart at 8.20am and so we will need our students from Years 3 to 6 to be at school by 8.10am.

Year 5 Band Tuesday Rehearsals

If you have a student in the Year 5 Band who rehearse each Tuesday until 3.20pm, please park in an allocated car park instead of moving through/parking in the drive through. This will greatly assist the flow of all of the other year levels. Thank you in anticipation.

A-Mart Allsports and Rebel

If you nominate 'Concordia' when you make your purchases at A-Mart Allsports and Rebel, we get vouchers to spend on sporting goods. This makes us very happy ... so don't forget to let the cashier know where you are from.

Carols by Candlelight Decorations

We are providing the decorations for the Carols by Candlelight this year and are needing empty glass jars. We require at least one jar per student with a neck that is wide enough to put a tea light inside. If you have any empty jars now or in the future or any jars laying around that you don’t need, we would love to take them off your hands. We would love to have these bottles by the end of October.

Years 2-6 Swimming Lessons

Swimming Lessons for Year 2-6 students will begin Week 4 Monday 28 October, at the Concordia Aquatic Centre, operated by TJ’s Swim as part of our Physical Education Program.

They will need to bring to school with them:

  • Togs
  • Goggles
  • Towel
  • House swimming cap (can be purchased via the uniform shop)                           

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher.

Volunteers Thank You Service and Morning Tea

Tuckshop and Meal Deal Dates for Term 4

At HSC, Tuckshop is held on a Thursday. All orders are to be completed online at My Student Account by 3pm each Wednesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Thursday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order.

Please note that Tuckshop will operate from Week 3 (Thursday 24 October) until Week 4 (Thursday 31 October).

Tuckshop will be closed on the following dates, however, we will be organising meal deals for these weeks. Details to be confirmed soon.

  • Thursday 7 November - OSHC Meal Deal on Friday 8 November
  • Thursday 14 November - Guzman Y Gomez on Friday 15 November
  • Thursday 21 November - OSHC Meal Deal on Friday 22 November
  • Thursday 28 November - Pizza Meal Deal on Friday 29 November

You Have Been Spotted Sporting the Concordia Spirit

Here is your chance to get a free coffee voucher from Wayne’s Encouraging Cup. Just be spotted in our car park sporting the Concordia Car Sticker and you could be the week’s winner. If you have been spotted, please see Carolyn or Delmae in Reception and they will give you a free voucher. If you need a sticker, let Reception know and they will get one to you. 948WIY, you are this week’s winner!

HSC P&F Sub-Committee AGM

The HSC P&F Sub-Committee’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Friday 1 November 2019 1.30pm and we are seeking nominations from our community to fill these important positions. 

Members of our P&F meet regularly to chat about the great things happening in the College and to discuss ways in which as a parent body, they can contribute to make it even better. They have a lot of laughs and get to know each other while all working towards a common goal.  

We encourage you to consider nominating for an Executive position for 2020.  Please email Juanetta Priest if you are interested in nominating.  Please also find attached a nomination form.

HSC P&F Sub-Committee AGM Nomination Form

HSC Week 4 Events

Click Here to view HSC Events for Week 4.

Warwick Street Campus

Grandparents' Day

Grandparents' Day is always an opportunity for all of our grandparents to have a glimpse of a day in the life of our students.

This year at WSC our grandparents were treated to a morning of activities in the sun where they wandered between art activities, sport activities and activities that involved technology. Some of our grandparents were put way out of their comfort zones as they coded spheros to do some painting!

The morning ended with a choir performance from both our Senior and Junior Choirs followed by Chapel and then morning tea.

A big thank you to members of our P&F who assisted in setting up and serving our morning tea.

Years 3-6 Swimming Lessons

Swimming Lessons for Year 3-6 students will begin Week 4 (Monday 28 October), at the Concordia Aquatic Centre, operated by TJ’s Swim as part of our Physical Education Program.

They will need to bring to school with them:

  • Togs
  • Goggles
  • Towel
  • House swimming cap (can be purchased via the uniform shop)                           

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher.

Tuckshop & Meal Deal Dates for Term 4

Tuckshop will be closed on the following date:

  • Wednesday 27 November

 We will be having a Meal Deal on the following date (orders have now closed):

  • Wednesday 27 November – WSC Meal Deal

Volunteers' Thank You Breakfast

All volunteers are invited to a ‘Thank You’ Breakfast on Friday 22 November at 8am in the Resource Centre. 

WSC P&F Sub-Committee AGM

The WSC P&F Sub-Committee’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 4 November 2019 2pm – 3pm and we are seeking nominations from our community to fill these important positions. 

Members of our P&F meet regularly to chat about the great things happening in the College and to discuss ways in which as a parent body, they can contribute to make it even better. They have a lot of laughs and get to know each other while all working towards a common goal.  

We encourage you to consider nominating for an Executive position for 2020.  Please email Jackie Minnikin if you would like more information about our Warwick Street Campus P&F.
Please click on the link below for the nomination form.

Wsc P&F AGM Nomination Form

Years 1 to 3 - Term 4 Sporting Schools Touch Football Program

This term we are running a four week Touch Football Sporting Schools Program during our lunch time. This program is only open to our students from Year 1 to Year 3. An email has been sent to these parents with further details. Students who are wanting to participate in this program can meet Mr Darryl Fry on the day.

Wednesdays 12.45pm to 1.30pm – last session, 20 November

Years 5 & 6 Friday Inter-School Sport AFL Girls Team

As part of the Sporting Schools Program, we are offering an AFL program to the Years 5 & 6 girls who currently play AFL for their Friday Inter-School Sports. This session will run for four weeks starting in Week 4. An email has been sent to the parents of these students with further details.

Wednesdays 12.45pm to 1.30pm – last session, 20 November

Nude Food Day

WSC Week 7 Events

Click Here to view WSC events for Week 7

Stephen Street Campus

Spring is in the Air!

I love this time of year. Even in the midst of a very prolonged drought, Spring still finds a way to push through. The bare branches of my fruit trees have well and truly begun the cycle of flowering and setting fruit. The jacarandas are reminding anyone studying that they are at the business end of school or university. And so it is for our community. Our Year 12 students are working through their final assessment push, knowing that the finish line is in sight. I am so incredibly proud of this cohort of Year 12 students. Being the first intake under the new Prep age cut-off the year level only has half the number of students of the other year levels at SSC. This group of young people really personify everything that inspires me about this generation. They are prepared to speak up and advocate when change is required, they seek to understand others before seeking to be understood and they have set a standard of diligence and involvement in their studies and cocurricular activities, whilst encouraging the younger grades to do the same. 

Brisbane Roar Coach at Concordia

Concordia Sport have a Specialist Brisbane  Roar Soccer coach attending for four weeks starting this Monday 28 October at the SSC Soccer Oval from 3.30pm-4.30pm. This training is open to all players from Years 6 to 12.

We look forward to seeing plenty of soccer players attending these training sessions to learn more and improve their skills.

The Brisbane Roar have been appointed by The Australian Sports Commission as the only endorsed Football provider in Queensland to deliver these sessions.

Orders are now open for Christmas Treats!

Orders are now open for our Term 4 fundraiser with Homestyle Bake. There is a range of delicious Christmas treats available to order through this fundraising drive.

You can collect your order form from any campus Reception or click here to download the order form and brochure. Order forms and payment can be make to Reception at each campus. Payments can be made by cash or card.

Orders must be submitted by Wednesday 13 November and can be collected on Wednesday 20 November.

Mrs Suzette Vermeulen  
SSC P&F Secretary

Netball Training Update - Years 5-8

Please note that Thursday afternoon Netball training will now take place in the College Gymnasium at Stephen Street Campus.


The SSC P&F Sub-Committee’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 4 November 2019 from 6.30pm to 7pm. We are seeking nominations from our community to fill these important positions. 

Members of our P&F meet regularly to chat about the great things happening in the College and to discuss ways in which we, as a parent body, can contribute to make it even better. We have a lot of laughs and get to know each other while all working towards a common goal.  

We encourage you to consider nominating for an Executive position for 2020. Please email Mrs Sonya Herndon if you are interested in nominating.  Click here for the nomination form.

Book Tasting on International School Libraries Day

On Tuesday, we celebrated International School Library Day in the Stephen Street Library with a book tasting

No, this isn’t a new dieting craze! A book tasting is where students get to sample books that they may usually not read. The library is transformed into the ‘Café Biblio’, complete with white table clothes and candles, as students tuck into an ‘Entrée’ book, followed by a ‘main course’ book and top off their tasting with a light or funny ‘dessert.’ 

Despite a few ‘disgusting’ courses, most students enjoyed their selection and it was great to see some books go home for further consumption. 


Spring has sprung at Concordia Boarding

Hello to another week of the boarding news : SPRING IS SPRUNG! It is so lovely at boarding now with our garden blossoming in spring.

It is a pleasure to walk past the garden every day, with its variety of plants, all of different sizes, shapes and colours.

The two main people working to make the gardens great are Barrie and Chris. At Concordia Boarding, Barrie and Chris are legends, often wearing a ‘number of hats’ to help make boarding successful.                  

A saying that has stuck in my mind (but not the author) is:

“Whoever sees the beauty in a single flower, can see the beauty in the whole world”.

Mr Ross McKeown, Miss Amy McCabe & Mrs Maureen Taurima
Senior Boarding Team

Welcome from the Leadership Team